#!/bin/bash cd "$(dirname $0)" # empty file > nginx.gen.conf V="$(nginx -V 2>&1)" check() { if [[ "$V" == *"$1"* ]]; then if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then echo "$2" >> nginx.gen.conf fi else if [[ -n "$3" ]]; then echo "$3" >> nginx.gen.conf fi if [[ -n "$4" ]]; then echo "$4" >&2 fi fi } check --with-http_gzip_static_module "gzip_static on;" "" "The gzip_static module for nginx is highly recommended to reduce server load and utilize zopfli's higher compression ratio." check --without-http_proxy_module "" "proxy_temp_path /dev/null;" check --without-http_fastcgi_module "" "fastcgi_temp_path /dev/null;" check --without-http_scgi_module "" "scgi_temp_path /dev/null;" check --without-http_uwsgi_module "" "uwsgi_temp_path /dev/null;" echo "Ignore any following messages from nginx about the error log." >&2 exec nginx -p "$PWD/" -c nginx.conf