null := SPACE := $(null) $(null) FFMPEG ?= ffmpeg FFMPEG += -v warning -y CWEBP ?= cwebp CWEBP += -quiet -alpha_cleanup -m 6 WEBPMUX ?= webpmux CONVERT ?= convert APNGASM ?= apngasm NPM ?= npm --quiet JS_COMPRESSOR ?= uglifyjs LOCAL_UGLIFYJS := node_modules/.bin/uglifyjs UGLIFYJS ?= $(LOCAL_UGLIFYJS) PACKR ?= packr CLOSURE_COMPILER ?= java -jar compiler.jar ifndef MINIMAL ZOPFLIPNG ?= zopflipng #DEFLOPT ?= wine DeflOpt DEFLUFF ?= defluff PNGQUANT ?= pngquant endif DUMP ?= www/dump all: video audio images js # fails miserably, fix pls # cd unrpyc && $(MAKE) install # === VIDEO === VIDEO := $(wildcard $(DUMP)/video/*.mkv) Y4M := $(patsubst %.mkv,%.y4m,$(VIDEO)) MP4 := $(patsubst %.mkv,%.mp4,$(VIDEO)) WEBM := $(patsubst %.mkv,%.webm,$(VIDEO)) VP9 := $(patsubst %.mkv,%.vp9.webm,$(VIDEO)) OGV := $(patsubst %.mkv,%.ogv,$(VIDEO)) CVIDEO := $(MP4) $(WEBM) $(VP9) $(OGV) video: $(CVIDEO) %.y4m: %.mkv $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -c:a copy "$@" ifdef NOTEMP %.mp4: %.mkv else %.mp4: %.y4m endif $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -c:v libx264 -preset slower -tune animation -movflags empty_moov -profile:v baseline -c:a libfdk_aac -b:a 60k "$@" ifdef NOTEMP %.webm: %.mkv else %.webm: %.y4m endif $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -crf 10 -b:v 1M -c:a copy "$@" ifdef NOTEMP %.vp9.webm: %.mkv else %.vp9.webm: %.y4m endif $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -strict -2 -c:v libvpx-vp9 -crf 8 -b:v 1M -c:a libopus -vbr on -b:a 64k "$@" ifdef NOTEMP %.ogv: %.mkv else %.ogv: %.y4m endif $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -c:v libtheora -qscale:v 10 -c:a copy "$@" # === AUDIO === AUDIO := $(wildcard $(DUMP)/bgm/*.ogg) $(wildcard $(DUMP)/sfx/*.ogg) OPUS := $(patsubst %.ogg,%.opus,$(AUDIO)) M4A := $(patsubst %.ogg,%.m4a,$(AUDIO)) WAV := $(patsubst %.ogg,%.wav,$(AUDIO)) CAUDIO := $(OPUS) $(M4A) audio: $(CAUDIO) %.wav: %.ogg $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -c:a pcm_s16le "$@" %.opus: %.wav $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -c:a libopus -vbr on -b:a 64k "$@" %.m4a: %.wav $(FFMPEG) -i "$<" -b:a 60k "$@" # === IMAGES === PNG := $(shell find $(DUMP) -name '*.png' ! -name 'ctc_strip.png') JPG := $(shell find $(DUMP) -name '*.jpg') WEBP := $(patsubst %.png,%.webp,$(PNG)) \ $(patsubst %.jpg,%.webp,$(JPG)) CTC_ANIM_SRC := $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip.png CTC_ANIM_TMP := $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-0.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-1.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-2.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-3.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-4.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-5.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-6.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-7.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-8.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-9.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-10.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-11.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-12.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-13.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-14.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-15.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-16.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-17.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-18.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-19.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-20.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-21.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-22.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-23.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-24.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-25.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-26.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-27.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-28.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-29.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-30.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-31.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-32.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-33.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-34.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-35.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-36.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-37.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-38.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-39.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-40.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-41.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-42.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-43.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-44.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-45.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-46.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-47.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-48.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-49.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-50.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-51.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-52.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-53.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-54.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-55.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-56.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-57.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-58.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-59.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-60.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-61.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-62.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-63.png CTC_ANIM_TMP_WEBP := $(patsubst %.png,%.webp,$(CTC_ANIM_TMP)) CTC_ANIM := $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_anim.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_anim.webp CIMAGE := $(WEBP) $(CTC_ANIM) www/favicon.ico images: $(CIMAGE) $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip.webp: $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip.png define png2webp = $(CWEBP) -q 99 "$<" -o "$@" $(PNGQUANT) --force --speed 1 --ext .png "$<" $(if $(ZOPFLIPNG), $(ZOPFLIPNG) -m -y "$<" "$<") $(if $(DEFLOPT),$(DEFLOPT) "$<") $(if $(DEFLUFF),$(DEFLUFF) < "$<" > "$<".tmp) mv -f "$<".tmp "$<" endef %.webp: %.png $(png2webp) %.webp: %.jpg $(CWEBP) -q 90 "$<" -o "$@" www/favicon.ico: $(DUMP)/ui/icon.png $(CONVERT) "$<" -resize 256x256 -transparent white "$@" $(DUMP)/ui/bt-cf-unchecked.webp $(DUMP)/ui/bt-cf-checked.webp: %.webp: %.png $(CONVERT) -trim "$<" "$<" $(png2webp) $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-0.png: $(CTC_ANIM_SRC) $(CONVERT) "$<" -crop 16x16 $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-%d.png $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-%.png: $(CTC_ANIM_SRC) $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_strip-0.png @ # depend on webp to wait for recompression $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_anim.png: $(CTC_ANIM_TMP_WEBP) $(APNGASM) "$@" $^ 3 100 $(DUMP)/ui/ctc_anim.webp: $(CTC_ANIM_TMP_WEBP) $(WEBPMUX) -frame $(subst $(SPACE), +30 -frame ,$^) +30 -loop 0 -o "$@" # === JS === MYJS := www/js/html5ks.js www/js/menu.js www/js/api.js www/js/characters.js www/js/imachine.js www/js/i18n.js JSLIBS := fastclick/lib/fastclick.js Modernizr/dist/modernizr-build.js when/build/when.js spin.js/spin.js JSDATA := www/js/play.js www/js/images.js JS := $(JSLIBS) $(MYJS) $(JSDATA) JSOUT := www/js/all.min.js Modernizr/dist/modernizr-build.js: Modernizr config-all.json ln -fs ../../config-all.json "$<"/lib/config-all.json cd "$<" && $(NPM) update && node_modules/.bin/grunt build when/build/when.js: when export PYTHON=python2; cd when && $(NPM) update && $(NPM) run browserify-debug js: $(JSOUT) ifeq ($(JS_COMPRESSOR), uglifyjs) $(JSOUT): $(JS) $(UGLIFYJS) $(UGLIFYJS) $(JS) -o "$@" --source-map "$@".map --source-map-url ./ --screw-ie8 -p 2 -m -c unsafe=true,drop_debugger=false else $(JSOUT): $(JS) # note that packr doesn't actually work ifeq ($(JS_COMPRESSOR), packr) $(PACKR) $(JS) -o "$@" else ifeq ($(JS_COMPRESSOR), closure_compiler) $(CLOSURE_COMPILER) --compilation_level SIMPLE_OPTIMIZATIONS --create_source_map "$@".map --js $(subst $(SPACE), --js ,$(JS)) --js_output_file "$@" endif # ($(JS_COMPRESSOR), closure_compiler) endif # ($(JS_COMPRESSOR), packr) endif # ($(JS_COMPRESSOR), uglifyjs) $(LOCAL_UGLIFYJS): package.json $(NPM) update touch "$@" # === MISC === jshint: $(MYJS) jshint --show-non-errors $^ space: $(RM) -r $(DUMP)/font $(RM) $(WAV) $(VIDEO) $(CTC_ANIM_TMP) $(CTC_ANIM_TMP_WEBP) $(JSOUT) $(JSOUT).map watch: $(MAKE) while inotifywait -r -e modify,delete,move --exclude="^\./\.git" --exclude="\.swp.?$$" .; do \ $(MAKE); \ done # disable implicit rules, increases `make` speed by 3 seconds MAKEFLAGS=-r .SUFFIXES: .SECONDARY: $(WAV) .INTERMEDIATE: $(Y4M) $(CTC_ANIM_TMP) $(CTC_ANIM_TMP_WEBP) .PHONY: video audio images js jshint clean space watch