#!/bin/bash # configure cwebp location if not in PATH CWEBP=cwebp # configure flags CWEBP_FLAGS="-m 6" set -e cd $(dirname $0)/www/dump iencode() { EXT="$1" QUAL="$2" export EXT QUAL CWEBP CWEBP_FLAGS set -x find . -name \*."${EXT}" -print0 | xargs -0 -P ${THREADS} -n 1 bash -c ' IN="$0" OUT="${IN%.${EXT}}.webp" [[ -f ${OUT} ]] || ${CWEBP} -q "${QUAL}" ${CWEBP_FLAGS} ${IN} -o ${OUT} ' } iencode jpg 90 iencode png 99 if hash zopflipng; then find . -name \*.png -print0 | xargs -0 -I '{}' -P ${THREADS} zopflipng -m -y '{}' '{}' else echo >&2 "Install zopfli (https://code.google.com/p/zopfli/) to improve PNG compression." echo >&2 "KS 1.1 .png files reduce by ~2.6M (~1.6%) with -m, taking several hours." fi