# Copyright (c) 2012 Yuri K. Schlesner # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. import ast as python_ast import renpy.ast as ast import renpy.atl as atl import code import json DECOMPILE_SCREENS = False global firstLabel firstLabel = True global warnedATL warnedATL = False def pretty_print_ast(out_file, ast): out_file.write('{') for stmt in ast: print_statement(out_file, stmt, 0) out_file.write(']}') def indent(f, level): # Print indentation f.write(' ' * level) def print_statement(f, statement, indent_level=0): indent(f, indent_level) func = statement_printer_dict.get(type(statement), print_Unknown) func(f, statement, indent_level) def escape_string(s): s = s.replace('"', '\\"') s = s.replace('\n', '\\n') s = s.replace('\t', '\\t') return s # TODO "choice" and "parallel" blocks are greedily combined # so we need a "pass" statement to separate them if # multiple of the same block are immediately after # each other. def print_atl(f, atl_block, indent_level): if not warnedATL: global warnedATL warnedATL = True print("ATL not yet implemented") return if not atl_block.statements: indent(f, indent_level) for stmt in atl_block.statements: indent(f, indent_level) if type(stmt) is atl.RawMultipurpose: # warper if stmt.warp_function: f.write("warp %s" % (stmt.warp_function.strip(), )) f.write(" %s " % (stmt.duration.strip(), )) elif stmt.warper: f.write(stmt.warper) f.write(" %s " % (stmt.duration.strip(), )) elif stmt.duration.strip() != '0': f.write('pause') f.write(" %s" % (stmt.duration.strip(), )) # revolution if stmt.revolution: f.write("%s " % (stmt.revolution, )) # circles if stmt.circles != "0": f.write("circles %s " % (stmt.circles.strip(), )) # splines for (name, exprs) in stmt.splines: f.write("%s " % (name, )) for expr in exprs: f.write("knot %s " % (expr.strip(), )) # properties for (k, v) in stmt.properties: f.write("%s %s " % (k, v.strip())) # with for (expr, with_expr) in stmt.expressions: f.write("%s " % (expr.strip(), )) if with_expr: f.write("with %s " % (with_expr, )) f.write("\n") elif type(stmt) is atl.RawBlock: # what does stmt.animation do? f.write("block:\n") print_atl(f, stmt, indent_level + 1) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawChoice: first = True for (chance, block) in stmt.choices: if first: first = False else: indent(f, indent_level) f.write("choice") if chance != "1.0": f.write(" %s" % (chance, )) f.write(":\n") print_atl(f, block, indent_level + 1) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawContainsExpr: f.write("contains %s\n" % (stmt.expression, )) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawEvent: f.write("event %s\n" % (stmt.name, )) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawFunction: f.write("function %s\n" % (stmt.expr, )) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawOn: first = True for name, block in list(stmt.handlers.items()): if first: first = False else: indent(f, indent_level) f.write("on %s:\n" % (name, )) print_atl(f, block, indent_level + 1) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawParallel: first = True for block in stmt.blocks: if first: first = False else: indent(f, indent_level) f.write("parallel:\n") print_atl(f, block, indent_level + 1) elif type(stmt) is atl.RawRepeat: f.write("repeat") if stmt.repeats: f.write(" %s" % (stmt.repeats, )) # not sure if this is even a string f.write("\n") elif type(stmt) is atl.RawTime: f.write("time %s\n" % (stmt.time, )) else: f.write("TODO atl.%s\n" % type(stmt).__name__) def print_imspec(f, imspec): if imspec[1] is not None: # Expression f.write('expression ') f.write(escape_string(imspec[1])) else: # Image name delim = '' for s in imspec[0]: f.write(delim + escape_string(s)) delim = '", "' # at if len(imspec[3]) > 0: f.write('", "') delim = '' for s in imspec[3]: f.write(delim + escape_string(s)) delim = ', ' # as if imspec[2] is not None: f.write(" as %s" % (escape_string(imspec[2]), )) # behind if len(imspec[6]) > 0: f.write('", "behind", "') delim = '' for s in imspec[6]: f.write(delim + escape_string(s)) delim = ', ' f.write('"],') def print_Label(f, stmt, indent_level): if firstLabel: global firstLabel firstLabel = False else: f.write("],\n") f.write("\"%s\": [\n" % (stmt.name, )) if stmt.parameters is not None: print("Error: label params") for sub_stmt in stmt.block: print_statement(f, sub_stmt, indent_level + 1) def print_Say(f, stmt, indent_level): if stmt.who is not None: f.write('["%s", ' % (escape_string(stmt.who), )) else: f.write("[") f.write("\"%s\"]," % (escape_string(stmt.what), )) if stmt.with_ is not None: pass #f.write(" with %s" % (stmt.with_, )) f.write('\n') def print_Jump(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("jump ") if stmt.expression: # TODO expression f.write("expression TODO") else: f.write(stmt.target) f.write('\n') def print_Scene(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write('["scene", "') print_imspec(f, stmt.imspec) # with isn't handled here, but split in several statements f.write('\n') if stmt.atl is not None: print_atl(f, stmt.atl, indent_level+1) def print_With(f, stmt, indent_level): f.seek(-3, 1) f.write(', "%s"],\n' % (escape_string(stmt.expr), )) def print_Show(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write('["show", "') print_imspec(f, stmt.imspec) # with isn't handled here, but split in several statements if stmt.atl is not None: f.write('\n') print_atl(f, stmt.atl, indent_level+1) else: f.write('\n') def print_Hide(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write('["hide", "') print_imspec(f, stmt.imspec) # with isn't handled here, but split in several statements f.write('\n') class PrintRenPython(python_ast.NodeVisitor): def __init__(self, f): self.f = f def visit_Attribute(self, node): return '"%s"' % node.attr def visit_Call(self, node): self.f.write('[') self.f.write(self.visit(node.func)) self.f.write(', ') self.f.write(', '.join(map(self.visit, node.args))) self.f.write(', ') self.f.write(', '.join(map(self.visit, node.keywords))) self.f.write('],\n') def quote(self, string): return '"%s"' % string def visit_Dict(self, node): return self.quote(python_ast.dump(node)) def visit_Num(self, node): return json.dumps(node.n) def visit_Name(self, node): return json.dumps(node.id) def visit_Str(self, node): return json.dumps(node.s) def visit_keyword(self, node): return self.visit(node.value) def print_Python(f, stmt, indent_level, early=False): code_src = stmt.code.source stripped_code = code_src.strip() if stripped_code.count('\n') == 0: stmt = compile(code_src, '', 'exec', python_ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST).body[0] PrintRenPython(f).visit(stmt) else: f.write("python") if early: f.write(" early") if stmt.hide: f.write(" hide") f.write(":\n") for line in code_src.splitlines(True): indent(f, indent_level + 1) f.write(line) def print_Return(f, stmt, indent_level): if stmt.expression is not None: f.write(' "%s",' % (stmt.expression, )) f.write('\n') def print_UserStatement(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write('["%s"],\n' % (escape_string(stmt.line).replace(' ', '", "'), )) def print_Init(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("init") if stmt.priority != 0: f.write(" %d" % (stmt.priority, )) f.write(":\n") for s in stmt.block: print_statement(f, s, indent_level + 1) def print_Image(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("image %s" % (' '.join(stmt. imgname), )) if stmt.code is not None: f.write(" = %s\n" % (stmt.code.source, )) else: f.write("\n") print_atl(f, stmt.atl, indent_level + 1) def print_Transform(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("transform %s" % (stmt.varname, )) if stmt.parameters is not None: print_params(f, stmt.parameters) f.write("\n") print_atl(f, stmt.atl, indent_level + 1) def print_Menu(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write('["menu", ') first = True for item in stmt.items: indent(f, indent_level + 1) if first and item[2] is not None: first = False f.write(' {\n') # caption f.write("\"%s\"" % (escape_string(item[0]), )) if first and item[2] is None: first = False f.write(', {') if item[2] is not None: f.write(':') for inner_stmt in item[2]: print_statement(f, inner_stmt, indent_level + 2) f.write('}]\n') def print_Pass(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("\n") def print_Call(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("[") if stmt.expression: f.write("expression %s" % (stmt.label, )) else: f.write('"%s"' % stmt.label) if stmt.arguments is not None: print_args(f, stmt.arguments) f.write('],\n') def print_If(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write('["if", "%s", [\n' % (escape_string(stmt.entries[0][0]), )) for inner_stmt in stmt.entries[0][1]: print_statement(f, inner_stmt, indent_level + 1) if len(stmt.entries) >= 2: if stmt.entries[-1][0].strip() == 'True': else_entry = stmt.entries[-1] elif_entries = stmt.entries[1:-1] else: else_entry = None elif_entries = stmt.entries for case in elif_entries: indent(f, indent_level) f.write('], "elif", "%s", [\n' % escape_string(case[0])) for inner_stmt in case[1]: print_statement(f, inner_stmt, indent_level + 1) if else_entry is not None: indent(f, indent_level) f.write('], "else", [\n') for inner_stmt in else_entry[1]: print_statement(f, inner_stmt, indent_level + 1) f.write(']],\n') def print_EarlyPython(f, stmt, indent_level): print_Python(f, stmt, indent_level, early=True) # TODO extrapos, extrakw? def print_args(f, arginfo): if arginfo is None: return for (name, val) in arginfo.arguments: f.write(', ') # if name is not None: # f.write("%s = " % json.dumps(name)) f.write(json.dumps(val)) # TODO positional? def print_params(f, paraminfo): f.write("(") first = True for param in paraminfo.parameters: if first: first = False else: f.write(", ") f.write(param[0]) if (param[1] is not None) and ('None' not in param[1]): f.write(" = %s" % param[1]) if paraminfo.extrapos: f.write(", ") f.write("*%s" % paraminfo.extrapos) if paraminfo.extrakw: f.write(", ") f.write("**%s" % paraminfo.extrakw) f.write(")") # Print while command, from http://forum.cheatengine.org/viewtopic.php?p=5377683 def print_While(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("while %s:\n" % (stmt.condition, )) for inner_stmt in stmt.block: print_statement(f, inner_stmt, indent_level + 1) # Print define command, by iAmGhost def print_Define(f, stmt, indent_level): f.write("define %s = %s\n" % (stmt.varname, stmt.code.source,)) statement_printer_dict = { ast.Label: print_Label, ast.Say: print_Say, ast.Jump: print_Jump, ast.Scene: print_Scene, ast.With: print_With, ast.Show: print_Show, ast.Hide: print_Hide, ast.Python: print_Python, ast.Return: print_Return, ast.UserStatement: print_UserStatement, ast.Init: print_Init, ast.Image: print_Image, ast.Transform: print_Transform, ast.Menu: print_Menu, ast.Pass: print_Pass, ast.Call: print_Call, ast.If: print_If, ast.While: print_While, ast.Define: print_Define, ast.EarlyPython: print_EarlyPython, } def print_Unknown(f, stmt, indent_level): print(("Unknown AST node: %s" % (type(stmt).__name__, ))) f.write("<<>>\n" % (type(stmt).__name__, ))