# Copyright 2004-2013 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # This file contains code for initializing and managing the display # window. import renpy.display import renpy.audio import renpy.text import pygame #@UnusedImport import sys import os import time import io import threading try: import android #@UnresolvedImport @UnusedImport import android.sound #@UnresolvedImport except: android = None # Is the cpu idle enough to do other things? cpu_idle = threading.Event() cpu_idle.clear() # Need to be +4, so we don't interfere with FFMPEG's events. TIMEEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT + 4 PERIODIC = pygame.USEREVENT + 5 JOYEVENT = pygame.USEREVENT + 6 REDRAW = pygame.USEREVENT + 7 # All events except for TIMEEVENT and REDRAW ALL_EVENTS = [ i for i in range(0, REDRAW + 1) if i != TIMEEVENT and i != REDRAW ] # The number of msec between periodic events. PERIODIC_INTERVAL = 50 # Time management. time_base = None def init_time(): global time_base time_base = time.time() - pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000.0 def get_time(): return time_base + pygame.time.get_ticks() / 1000.0 def displayable_by_tag(layer, tag): """ Get the displayable on the given layer with the given tag. """ return renpy.game.context().scene_lists.get_displayable_by_tag(layer, tag) class IgnoreEvent(Exception): """ Exception that is raised when we want to ignore an event, but also don't want to return anything. """ pass class EndInteraction(Exception): """ Exception that can be raised (for example, during the render method of a displayable) to end the current interaction immediately. """ def __init__(self, value): self.value = value class absolute(float): """ This represents an absolute float coordinate. """ __slots__ = [ ] class Displayable(renpy.object.Object): """ The base class for every object in Ren'Py that can be displayed to the screen. Drawables will be serialized to a savegame file. Therefore, they shouldn't store non-serializable things (like pygame surfaces) in their fields. """ # Some invariants about method call order: # # per_interact is called before render. # render is called before event. # # get_placement can be called at any time, so can't # assume anything. activated = False focusable = False full_focus_name = None role = '' # The event we'll pass on to our parent transform. transform_event = None # Can we change our look in response to transform_events? transform_event_responder = False def __init__(self, focus=None, default=False, style='default', **properties): # W0231 self.style = renpy.style.Style(style, properties, heavy=True) self.focus_name = focus self.default = default def find_focusable(self, callback, focus_name): focus_name = self.focus_name or focus_name if self.focusable: callback(self, focus_name) for i in self.visit(): if i is None: continue i.find_focusable(callback, focus_name) def focus(self, default=False): """ Called to indicate that this widget has the focus. """ if not self.activated: self.set_style_prefix(self.role + "hover_", True) if not default and not self.activated: if self.style.sound: renpy.audio.music.play(self.style.sound, channel="sound") def unfocus(self, default=False): """ Called to indicate that this widget has become unfocused. """ if not self.activated: self.set_style_prefix(self.role + "idle_", True) def is_focused(self): if renpy.display.focus.grab and renpy.display.focus.grab is not self: return return renpy.game.context().scene_lists.focused is self def set_style_prefix(self, prefix, root): """ Called to set the style prefix of this widget and its child widgets, if any. `root` - True if this is the root of a style tree, False if this has been passed on to a child. """ if prefix == self.style.prefix: return self.style.set_prefix(prefix) renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0) def parameterize(self, name, parameters): """ Called to parameterize this. By default, we don't take any parameters. """ if parameters: raise Exception("Image '%s' can't take parameters '%s'. (Perhaps you got the name wrong?)" % (' '.join(name), ' '.join(parameters))) return self def render(self, width, height, st, at): """ Called to display this displayable. This is called with width and height parameters, which give the largest width and height that this drawable can be drawn to without overflowing some bounding box. It's also given two times. It returns a Surface that is the current image of this drawable. @param st: The time since this widget was first shown, in seconds. @param at: The time since a similarly named widget was first shown, in seconds. """ assert False, "Draw not implemented." def event(self, ev, x, y, st): """ Called to report than an event has occured. Ev is the raw pygame event object representing that event. If the event involves the mouse, x and y are the translation of the event into the coordinates of this displayable. st is the time this widget has been shown for. @returns A value that should be returned from Interact, or None if no value is appropriate. """ return None def get_placement(self): """ Returns a style object containing placement information for this Displayable. Children are expected to overload this to return something more sensible. """ return self.style.get_placement() def visit_all(self, callback): """ Calls the callback on this displayable and all children of this displayable. """ for d in self.visit(): if not d: continue d.visit_all(callback) callback(self) def visit(self): """ Called to ask the displayable to return a list of its children (including children taken from styles). For convenience, this list may also include None values. """ return [ ] def per_interact(self): """ Called once per widget per interaction. """ return None def predict_one(self): """ Called to ask this displayable to call the callback with all the images it may want to load. """ return def predict_one_action(self): """ Called to ask this displayable to cause image prediction to occur for images that may be loaded by its actions. """ return def place(self, dest, x, y, width, height, surf, main=True): """ This draws this Displayable onto a destination surface, using the placement style information returned by this object's get_placement() method. @param dest: The surface that this displayable will be drawn on. @param x: The minimum x coordinate on this surface that this Displayable will be drawn to. @param y: The minimum y coordinate on this surface that this displayable will be drawn to. @param width: The width of the area allocated to this Displayable. @param height: The height of the area allocated to this Displayable. @param surf: The surface returned by a previous call to self.render(). """ xpos, ypos, xanchor, yanchor, xoffset, yoffset, subpixel = self.get_placement() if xpos is None: xpos = 0 if ypos is None: ypos = 0 if xanchor is None: xanchor = 0 if yanchor is None: yanchor = 0 if xoffset is None: xoffset = 0 if yoffset is None: yoffset = 0 # We need to use type, since isinstance(absolute(0), float). if xpos.__class__ is float: xpos *= width if xanchor.__class__ is float: xanchor *= surf.width xpos += x + xoffset - xanchor # y if ypos.__class__ is float: ypos *= height if yanchor.__class__ is float: yanchor *= surf.height ypos += y + yoffset - yanchor if dest is not None: if subpixel: dest.subpixel_blit(surf, (xpos, ypos), main, main, None) else: dest.blit(surf, (xpos, ypos), main, main, None) return xpos, ypos def set_transform_event(self, event): """ Sets the transform event of this displayable to event. """ if event == self.transform_event: return self.transform_event = event if self.transform_event_responder: renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0) def _hide(self, st, at, kind): """ Returns None if this displayable is ready to be hidden, or a replacement displayable if it doesn't want to be hidden quite yet. Kind is either "hide" or "replaced". """ return None def _show(self): """ Called when the displayable is added to a scene list. """ def _get_parameterized(self): """ If this is a ImageReference to a parameterized image, return the get_parameterized() of the parameterized image. Otherwise, return this displayable. """ return self def _change_transform_child(self, child): """ If this is a transform, makes a copy of the transform and sets the child of the innermost transform to this. Otherwise, simply returns child. """ return child class SceneListEntry(renpy.object.Object): """ Represents a scene list entry. Since this was replacing a tuple, it should be treated as immutable after its initial creation. """ def __init__(self, tag, zorder, show_time, animation_time, displayable, name): self.tag = tag self.zorder = zorder self.show_time = show_time self.animation_time = animation_time self.displayable = displayable self.name = name def __iter__(self): return iter((self.tag, self.zorder, self.show_time, self.animation_time, self.displayable)) def __getitem__(self, index): return (self.tag, self.zorder, self.show_time, self.animation_time, self.displayable)[index] def __repr__(self): return "" % (self.tag, self.name, self.displayable) def copy(self): return SceneListEntry( self.tag, self.zorder, self.show_time, self.animation_time, self.displayable, self.name) def update_time(self, time): rv = self if self.show_time is None or self.animation_time is None: rv = self.copy() rv.show_time = rv.show_time or time rv.animation_time = rv.animation_time or time return rv class SceneLists(renpy.object.Object): """ This stores the current scene lists that are being used to display things to the user. """ __version__ = 6 def after_setstate(self): for i in renpy.config.layers + renpy.config.top_layers: if i not in self.layers: self.layers[i] = [ ] self.at_list[i] = { } self.layer_at_list[i] = (None, [ ]) def after_upgrade(self, version): if version < 1: self.at_list = { } self.layer_at_list = { } for i in renpy.config.layers + renpy.config.top_layers: self.at_list[i] = { } self.layer_at_list[i] = (None, [ ]) if version < 3: self.shown_window = False if version < 4: for k in self.layers: self.layers[k] = [ SceneListEntry(*(i + (None,)) ) for i in self.layers[k] ] self.additional_transient = [ ] if version < 5: self.drag_group = None if version < 6: self.shown = self.image_predict_info def __init__(self, oldsl, shown): super(SceneLists, self).__init__() # Has a window been shown as part of these scene lists? self.shown_window = False # A map from layer name -> list(SceneListEntry) self.layers = { } # A map from layer name -> tag -> at_list associated with that tag. self.at_list = { } # A map from layer to (star time, at_list), where the at list has # been applied to the layer as a whole. self.layer_at_list = { } # The current shown images, self.shown = shown # A list of (layer, tag) pairs that are considered to be # transient. self.additional_transient = [ ] # Either None, or a DragGroup that's used as the default for # drags with names. self.drag_group = None if oldsl: for i in renpy.config.layers + renpy.config.top_layers: try: self.layers[i] = oldsl.layers[i][:] except KeyError: self.layers[i] = [ ] if i in oldsl.at_list: self.at_list[i] = oldsl.at_list[i].copy() self.layer_at_list[i] = oldsl.layer_at_list[i] else: self.at_list[i] = { } self.layer_at_list[i] = (None, [ ]) for i in renpy.config.overlay_layers: self.clear(i) self.replace_transient() self.focused = None self.drag_group = oldsl.drag_group else: for i in renpy.config.layers + renpy.config.top_layers: self.layers[i] = [ ] self.at_list[i] = { } self.layer_at_list[i] = (None, [ ]) self.music = None self.focused = None def replace_transient(self): """ Replaces the contents of the transient display list with a copy of the master display list. This is used after a scene is displayed to get rid of transitions and interface elements. """ for i in renpy.config.transient_layers: self.clear(i, True) for layer, tag in self.additional_transient: self.remove(layer, tag) self.additional_transient = [ ] def transient_is_empty(self): """ This returns True if all transient layers are empty. This is used by the rollback code, as we can't start a new rollback if there is something in a transient layer (as things in the transient layer may contain objects that cannot be pickled, like lambdas.) """ for i in renpy.config.transient_layers: if self.layers[i]: return False return True def transform_state(self, old_thing, new_thing): """ If the old thing is a transform, then move the state of that transform to the new thing. """ if old_thing is None: return new_thing # Don't bother wrapping screens, as they can't be transformed. if isinstance(new_thing, renpy.display.screen.ScreenDisplayable): return new_thing old_transform = old_thing._get_parameterized() if not isinstance(old_transform, renpy.display.motion.Transform): return new_thing new_transform = new_thing._get_parameterized() if not isinstance(new_transform, renpy.display.motion.Transform): new_thing = new_transform = renpy.display.motion.Transform(child=new_thing) new_transform.take_state(old_transform) return new_thing def find_index(self, layer, tag, zorder, behind): """ This finds the spot in the named layer where we should insert the displayable. It returns two things: an index at which the new thing should be added, and an index at which the old thing should be hidden. (Note that the indexes are relative to the current state of the list, which may change on an add or remove.) """ add_index = None remove_index = None for i, sle in enumerate(self.layers[layer]): if add_index is None: if sle.zorder == zorder: if sle.tag and (sle.tag == tag or sle.tag in behind): add_index = i elif sle.zorder > zorder: add_index = i if remove_index is None: if (sle.tag and sle.tag == tag) or sle.displayable == tag: remove_index = i if add_index is None: add_index = len(self.layers[layer]) return add_index, remove_index def add(self, layer, thing, key=None, zorder=0, behind=[ ], at_list=[ ], name=None, atl=None, default_transform=None, transient=False): """ Adds something to this scene list. Some of these names are quite a bit out of date. `thing` - The displayable to add. `key` - A string giving the tag associated with this thing. `zorder` - Where to place this thing in the zorder, an integer A greater value means closer to the user. `behind` - A list of tags to place the thing behind. `at_list` - The at_list associated with this displayable. Counterintunitively, this is not actually applied, but merely stored for future use. `name` - The full name of the image being displayed. This is used for image lookup. `atl` - If not None, an atl block applied to the thing. (This actually is applied here.) `default_transform` - The default transform that is used to initialized the values in the other transforms. """ if not isinstance(thing, Displayable): raise Exception("Attempting to show something that isn't a displayable:" + repr(thing)) if layer not in self.layers: raise Exception("Trying to add something to non-existent layer '%s'." % layer) if key: self.remove_hide_replaced(layer, key) self.at_list[layer][key] = at_list if key and name: self.shown.predict_show(layer, name) if transient: self.additional_transient.append((layer, key)) l = self.layers[layer] if atl: thing = renpy.display.motion.ATLTransform(atl, child=thing) add_index, remove_index = self.find_index(layer, key, zorder, behind) at = None st = None if remove_index is not None: sle = l[remove_index] at = sle.animation_time old = sle.displayable if (not atl and not at_list and renpy.config.keep_running_transform and isinstance(old, renpy.display.motion.Transform)): thing = sle.displayable._change_transform_child(thing) else: thing = self.transform_state(l[remove_index].displayable, thing) thing.set_transform_event("replace") thing._show() else: if not isinstance(thing, renpy.display.motion.Transform): thing = self.transform_state(default_transform, thing) thing.set_transform_event("show") thing._show() sle = SceneListEntry(key, zorder, st, at, thing, name) l.insert(add_index, sle) if remove_index is not None: if add_index <= remove_index: remove_index += 1 self.hide_or_replace(layer, remove_index, "replaced") def hide_or_replace(self, layer, index, prefix): """ Hides or replaces the scene list entry at the given index. `prefix` is a prefix that is used if the entry decides it doesn't want to be hidden quite yet. """ if index is None: return l = self.layers[layer] oldsle = l[index] now = get_time() st = oldsle.show_time or now at = oldsle.animation_time or now if oldsle.tag: d = oldsle.displayable._hide(now - st, now - at, prefix) # _hide can mutate the layers, so we need to recompute # index. index = l.index(oldsle) if d is not None: sle = SceneListEntry( prefix + "$" + oldsle.tag, oldsle.zorder, st, at, d, None) l[index] = sle return l.pop(index) def get_all_displayables(self): """ Gets all displayables reachable from this scene list. """ rv = [ ] for l in self.layers.values(): for sle in l: rv.append(sle.displayable) return rv def remove_above(self, layer, thing): """ Removes everything on the layer that is closer to the user than thing, which may be either a tag or a displayable. Thing must be displayed, or everything will be removed. """ for i in reversed(range(len(self.layers[layer]))): sle = self.layers[layer][i] if thing: if sle.tag == thing or sle.displayable == thing: break if sle.tag and "$" in sle.tag: continue self.hide_or_replace(layer, i, "hide") def remove(self, layer, thing): """ Thing is either a key or a displayable. This iterates through the named layer, searching for entries matching the thing. When they are found, they are removed from the displaylist. It's not an error to remove something that isn't in the layer in the first place. """ if layer not in self.layers: raise Exception("Trying to remove something from non-existent layer '%s'." % layer) _add_index, remove_index = self.find_index(layer, thing, 0, [ ]) if remove_index is not None: tag = self.layers[layer][remove_index].tag if tag: self.shown.predict_hide(layer, (tag,)) self.at_list[layer].pop(tag, None) self.hide_or_replace(layer, remove_index, "hide") def clear(self, layer, hide=False): """ Clears the named layer, making it empty. If hide is True, then objects are hidden. Otherwise, they are totally wiped out. """ if not hide: self.layers[layer] = [ ] else: # Have to iterate in reverse order, since otherwise # the indexes might change. for i in reversed(range(len(self.layers[layer]))): self.hide_or_replace(layer, i, hide) self.at_list[layer].clear() self.shown.predict_scene(layer) self.layer_at_list[layer] = (None, [ ]) def set_layer_at_list(self, layer, at_list): self.layer_at_list[layer] = (None, list(at_list)) def set_times(self, time): """ This finds entries with a time of None, and replaces that time with the given time. """ for l, (t, list) in list(self.layer_at_list.items()): #@ReservedAssignment self.layer_at_list[l] = (t or time, list) for l, ll in self.layers.items(): self.layers[l] = [ i.update_time(time) for i in ll ] def showing(self, layer, name): """ Returns true if something with the prefix of the given name is found in the scene list. """ return self.shown.showing(layer, name) def make_layer(self, layer, properties): """ Creates a Fixed with the given layer name and scene_list. """ rv = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed', focus=layer, **properties) rv.append_scene_list(self.layers[layer]) time, at_list = self.layer_at_list[layer] if at_list: for a in at_list: if isinstance(a, renpy.display.motion.Transform): rv = a(child=rv) else: rv = a(rv) f = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed') f.add(rv, time, time) rv = f rv.layer_name = layer return rv def remove_hide_replaced(self, layer, tag): """ Removes things that are hiding or replaced, that have the given tag. """ hide_tag = "hide$" + tag replaced_tag = "replaced$" + tag l = self.layers[layer] self.layers[layer] = [ i for i in l if i.tag != hide_tag and i.tag != replaced_tag ] def remove_hidden(self): """ Goes through all of the layers, and removes things that are hidden and are no longer being kept alive by their hide methods. """ now = get_time() for l in self.layers: newl = [ ] for sle in self.layers[l]: if sle.tag: if sle.tag.startswith("hide$"): d = sle.displayable._hide(now - sle.show_time, now - sle.animation_time, "hide") if not d: continue elif sle.tag.startswith("replaced$"): d = sle.displayable._hide(now - sle.show_time, now - sle.animation_time, "replaced") if not d: continue newl.append(sle) self.layers[l] = newl def get_displayable_by_tag(self, layer, tag): """ Returns the displayable on the layer with the given tag, or None if no such displayable exists. Note that this will usually return a Transform. """ if layer not in self.layers: raise Exception("Unknown layer %r." % layer) for sle in self.layers[layer]: if sle.tag == tag: return sle.displayable return None def get_displayable_by_name(self, layer, name): """ Returns the displayable on the layer with the given tag, or None if no such displayable exists. Note that this will usually return a Transform. """ if layer not in self.layers: raise Exception("Unknown layer %r." % layer) for sle in self.layers[layer]: if sle.name == name: return sle.displayable return None def scene_lists(index=-1): """ Returns either the current scenelists object, or the one for the context at the given index. """ return renpy.game.context(index).scene_lists class Interface(object): """ This represents the user interface that interacts with the user. It manages the Display objects that display things to the user, and also handles accepting and responding to user input. @ivar display: The display that we used to display the screen. @ivar profile_time: The time of the last profiling. @ivar screenshot: A screenshot, or None if no screenshot has been taken. @ivar old_scene: The last thing that was displayed to the screen. @ivar transition: A map from layer name to the transition that will be applied the next time interact restarts. @ivar transition_time: A map from layer name to the time the transition involving that layer started. @ivar transition_from: A map from layer name to the scene that we're transitioning from on that layer. @ivar suppress_transition: If True, then the next transition will not happen. @ivar force_redraw: If True, a redraw is forced. @ivar restart_interaction: If True, the current interaction will be restarted. @ivar pushed_event: If not None, an event that was pushed back onto the stack. @ivar mouse: The name of the mouse cursor to use during the current interaction. @ivar ticks: The number of 20hz ticks. @ivar frame_time: The time at which we began drawing this frame. @ivar interact_time: The time of the start of the first frame of the current interact_core. @ivar time_event: A singleton ignored event. @ivar event_time: The time of the current event. @ivar timeout_time: The time at which the timeout will occur. """ def __init__(self): self.screenshot = None self.old_scene = { } self.transition = { } self.ongoing_transition = { } self.transition_time = { } self.transition_from = { } self.suppress_transition = False self.quick_quit = False self.force_redraw = False self.restart_interaction = False self.pushed_event = None self.ticks = 0 self.mouse = 'default' self.timeout_time = None self.last_event = None self.current_context = None self.roll_forward = None # Things to be preloaded. self.preloads = [ ] # The time at which this draw occurs. self.frame_time = 0 # The time when this interaction occured. self.interact_time = None # The time we last tried to quit. self.quit_time = 0 self.time_event = pygame.event.Event(TIMEEVENT) self.redraw_event = pygame.event.Event(REDRAW) # Are we focused? self.focused = True # Properties for each layer. self.layer_properties = { } # Have we shown the window this interaction? self.shown_window = False # Are we in fullscren mode? self.fullscreen = False for layer in renpy.config.layers + renpy.config.top_layers: if layer in renpy.config.layer_clipping: x, y, w, h = renpy.config.layer_clipping[layer] self.layer_properties[layer] = dict( xpos = x, xanchor = 0, ypos = y, yanchor = 0, xmaximum = w, ymaximum = h, xminimum = w, yminimum = h, clipping = True, ) else: self.layer_properties[layer] = dict() # A stack giving the values of self.transition and self.transition_time # for contexts outside the current one. This is used to restore those # in the case where nothing has changed in the new context. self.transition_info_stack = [ ] # The time when the event was dispatched. self.event_time = 0 # The time we saw the last mouse event. self.mouse_event_time = None # Should we show the mouse? self.show_mouse = True # Should we reset the display? self.display_reset = False # The last size we were resized to. This lets us debounce the # VIDEORESIZE event. self.last_resize = None # Ensure that we kill off the presplash. renpy.display.presplash.end() # Initialize pygame. if pygame.version.vernum < (1, 8, 1): raise Exception("Ren'Py requires pygame 1.8.1 to run.") try: import pygame.macosx as macosx macosx.init() #@UndefinedVariable except: pass try: macosx.Video_AutoInit() #@UndefinedVariable except: pass pygame.font.init() renpy.audio.audio.init() renpy.display.joystick.init() pygame.display.init() # Init timing. init_time() self.profile_time = get_time() self.mouse_event_time = get_time() # The current window caption. self.window_caption = None renpy.game.interface = self renpy.display.interface = self # Are we in safe mode, from holding down shift at start? self.safe_mode = False if renpy.first_utter_start and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT): self.safe_mode = True # Setup the video mode. self.set_mode() # Load the image fonts. renpy.text.font.load_image_fonts() # Setup the android keymap. if android is not None: android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_BACK, pygame.K_PAGEUP) android.map_key(android.KEYCODE_MENU, pygame.K_ESCAPE) # Double check, since at least on Linux, we can't set safe_mode until # the window maps. if renpy.first_utter_start and (pygame.key.get_mods() & pygame.KMOD_SHIFT): self.safe_mode = True # Setup periodic event. pygame.time.set_timer(PERIODIC, PERIODIC_INTERVAL) # Don't grab the screen. pygame.event.set_grab(False) # Do we need a background screenshot? self.bgscreenshot_needed = False # Event used to signal background screenshot taken. self.bgscreenshot_event = threading.Event() # The background screenshot surface. self.bgscreenshot_surface = None def post_init(self): # Setup. # Needed for Unity. wmclass = renpy.config.save_directory or os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) os.environ['SDL_VIDEO_X11_WMCLASS'] = wmclass self.set_window_caption(force=True) self.set_icon() if renpy.config.key_repeat is not None: delay, repeat_delay = renpy.config.key_repeat pygame.key.set_repeat(int(1000 * delay), int(1000 * repeat_delay)) def set_icon(self): """ This is called to set up the window icon. """ # Window icon. icon = renpy.config.window_icon if renpy.windows and renpy.config.windows_icon: icon = renpy.config.windows_icon if icon: im = renpy.display.scale.image_load_unscaled( renpy.loader.load(icon), icon, convert=False, ) # Convert the aspect ratio to be square. iw, ih = im.get_size() imax = max(iw, ih) square_im = renpy.display.pgrender.surface_unscaled((imax, imax), True) square_im.blit(im, ( (imax-iw)/2, (imax-ih)/2 )) im = square_im if renpy.windows and im.get_size() != (32, 32): im = renpy.display.scale.real_smoothscale(im, (32, 32)) pygame.display.set_icon(im) def set_window_caption(self, force=False): caption = renpy.config.window_title + renpy.store._window_subtitle if not force and caption == self.window_caption: return self.window_caption = caption pygame.display.set_caption(caption.encode("utf-8")) def iconify(self): pygame.display.iconify() def get_draw_constructors(self): """ Figures out the list of draw constructors to try. """ renderer = renpy.game.preferences.renderer renderer = os.environ.get("RENPY_RENDERER", renderer) if self.safe_mode: renderer = "sw" renpy.config.renderer = renderer if renderer == "auto": if renpy.windows: renderers = [ "gl", "angle", "sw" ] else: renderers = [ "gl", "sw" ] else: renderers = [ renderer, "sw" ] draw_objects = { } def make_draw(name, mod, cls, *args): if name not in renderers: return False try: __import__(mod) module = sys.modules[mod] draw_class = getattr(module, cls) draw_objects[name] = draw_class(*args) return True except: renpy.display.log.write("Couldn't import {0} renderer:".format(name)) renpy.display.log.exception() return False if renpy.windows: has_angle = make_draw("angle", "renpy.angle.gldraw", "GLDraw") else: has_angle = False make_draw("gl", "renpy.gl.gldraw", "GLDraw", not has_angle) make_draw("sw", "renpy.display.swdraw", "SWDraw") rv = [ ] def append_draw(name): if name in draw_objects: rv.append(draw_objects[name]) else: renpy.display.log.write("Unknown renderer: {0}".format(name)) for i in renderers: append_draw(i) return rv def kill_textures(self): renpy.display.render.free_memory() renpy.text.text.layout_cache_clear() def kill_textures_and_surfaces(self): """ Kill all textures and surfaces that are loaded. """ self.kill_textures() renpy.display.im.cache.clear() renpy.display.module.bo_cache = None def set_mode(self, physical_size=None): """ This sets the video mode. It also picks the draw object. """ # Ensure that we kill off the movie when changing screen res. if renpy.display.draw and renpy.display.draw.info["renderer"] == "sw": renpy.display.video.movie_stop(clear=False) if self.display_reset: renpy.display.draw.deinit() if renpy.display.draw.info["renderer"] == "angle": renpy.display.draw.quit() renpy.display.render.free_memory() renpy.display.im.cache.clear() renpy.text.text.layout_cache_clear() renpy.display.module.bo_cache = None self.kill_textures_and_surfaces() self.display_reset = False virtual_size = (renpy.config.screen_width, renpy.config.screen_height) if physical_size is None: if renpy.android or renpy.game.preferences.physical_size is None: #@UndefinedVariable physical_size = (renpy.config.screen_width, renpy.config.screen_height) else: physical_size = renpy.game.preferences.physical_size # Setup screen. fullscreen = renpy.game.preferences.fullscreen # If we're in fullscreen mode, and changing to another mode, go to # windowed mode first. s = pygame.display.get_surface() if s and (s.get_flags() & pygame.FULLSCREEN): fullscreen = False old_fullscreen = self.fullscreen self.fullscreen = fullscreen if os.environ.get('RENPY_DISABLE_FULLSCREEN', False): fullscreen = False self.fullscreen = renpy.game.preferences.fullscreen if renpy.display.draw: draws = [ renpy.display.draw ] else: draws = self.get_draw_constructors() for draw in draws: if draw.set_mode(virtual_size, physical_size, fullscreen): renpy.display.draw = draw break else: pygame.display.quit() else: # Ensure we don't get stuck in fullscreen. renpy.game.preferences.fullscreen = False raise Exception("Could not set video mode.") # Save the video size. if renpy.config.save_physical_size and not fullscreen and not old_fullscreen: renpy.game.preferences.physical_size = renpy.display.draw.get_physical_size() if android: android.init() # We need to redraw the (now blank) screen. self.force_redraw = True # Assume we have focus until told otherwise. self.focused = True # Assume we're not minimized. self.minimized = False # Force an interaction restart. self.restart_interaction = True def draw_screen(self, root_widget, fullscreen_video, draw): surftree = renpy.display.render.render_screen( root_widget, renpy.config.screen_width, renpy.config.screen_height, ) if draw: renpy.display.draw.draw_screen(surftree, fullscreen_video) renpy.display.render.mark_sweep() renpy.display.focus.take_focuses() self.surftree = surftree self.fullscreen_video = fullscreen_video def take_screenshot(self, scale, background=False): """ This takes a screenshot of the current screen, and stores it so that it can gotten using get_screenshot() `background` If true, we're in a background thread. So queue the request until it can be handled by the main thread. """ if background: self.bgscreenshot_event.clear() self.bgscreenshot_needed = True self.bgscreenshot_event.wait() window = self.bgscreenshot_surface self.bgscreenshot_surface = None else: window = renpy.display.draw.screenshot(self.surftree, self.fullscreen_video) surf = renpy.display.pgrender.copy_surface(window, True) surf = renpy.display.scale.smoothscale(surf, scale) surf = surf.convert() sio = io.StringIO() renpy.display.module.save_png(surf, sio, 0) self.screenshot = sio.getvalue() sio.close() def save_screenshot(self, filename): """ Saves a full-size screenshot in the given filename. """ window = renpy.display.draw.screenshot(self.surftree, self.fullscreen_video) if renpy.config.screenshot_crop: window = window.subsurface(renpy.config.screenshot_crop) try: renpy.display.scale.image_save_unscaled(window, filename) except: if renpy.config.debug: raise pass def get_screenshot(self): """ Gets the current screenshot, as a string. Returns None if there isn't a current screenshot. """ rv = self.screenshot if not rv: self.take_screenshot((renpy.config.thumbnail_width, renpy.config.thumbnail_height)) rv = self.screenshot self.lose_screenshot() return rv def lose_screenshot(self): """ This deallocates the saved screenshot. """ self.screenshot = None def show_window(self): if not renpy.store._window: return if renpy.game.context().scene_lists.shown_window: return if renpy.config.empty_window: renpy.config.empty_window() def do_with(self, trans, paired, clear=False): if renpy.config.with_callback: trans = renpy.config.with_callback(trans, paired) if (not trans) or self.suppress_transition: self.with_none() return False else: self.set_transition(trans) return self.interact(trans_pause=True, suppress_overlay=not renpy.config.overlay_during_with, mouse='with', clear=clear) def with_none(self): """ Implements the with None command, which sets the scene we will be transitioning from. """ renpy.exports.say_attributes = None # Show the window, if that's necessary. self.show_window() # Compute the overlay. self.compute_overlay() scene_lists = renpy.game.context().scene_lists # Compute the scene. self.old_scene = self.compute_scene(scene_lists) # Get rid of transient things. for i in renpy.config.overlay_layers: scene_lists.clear(i) scene_lists.replace_transient() scene_lists.shown_window = False def set_transition(self, transition, layer=None, force=False): """ Sets the transition that will be performed as part of the next interaction. """ if self.suppress_transition and not force: return if transition is None: self.transition.pop(layer, None) else: self.transition[layer] = transition def event_peek(self): """ This peeks the next event. It returns None if no event exists. """ if self.pushed_event: return self.pushed_event ev = pygame.event.poll() if ev.type == pygame.NOEVENT: # Seems to prevent the CPU from speeding up. renpy.display.draw.event_peek_sleep() return None self.pushed_event = ev return ev def event_poll(self): """ Called to busy-wait for an event while we're waiting to redraw a frame. """ if self.pushed_event: rv = self.pushed_event self.pushed_event = None else: rv = pygame.event.poll() self.last_event = rv return rv def event_wait(self): """ This is in its own function so that we can track in the profiler how much time is spent in interact. """ if self.pushed_event: rv = self.pushed_event self.pushed_event = None self.last_event = rv return rv # Handle a request for a background screenshot. if self.bgscreenshot_needed: self.bgscreenshot_needed = False self.bgscreenshot_surface = renpy.display.draw.screenshot(self.surftree, self.fullscreen_video) self.bgscreenshot_event.set() try: cpu_idle.set() ev = pygame.event.wait() finally: cpu_idle.clear() self.last_event = ev return ev def compute_overlay(self): if renpy.store.suppress_overlay: return # Figure out what the overlay layer should look like. renpy.ui.layer("overlay") for i in renpy.config.overlay_functions: i() if renpy.game.context().scene_lists.shown_window: for i in renpy.config.window_overlay_functions: i() renpy.ui.close() def compute_scene(self, scene_lists): """ This converts scene lists into a dictionary mapping layer name to a Fixed containing that layer. """ rv = { } for layer in renpy.config.layers + renpy.config.top_layers: rv[layer] = scene_lists.make_layer(layer, self.layer_properties[layer]) root = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed') root.layers = { } for layer in renpy.config.layers: root.layers[layer] = rv[layer] root.add(rv[layer]) rv[None] = root return rv def quit_event(self): """ This is called to handle the user invoking a quit. """ if self.quit_time > (time.time() - .75): raise renpy.game.QuitException() if renpy.config.quit_action is not None: self.quit_time = time.time() # Make the screen more suitable for interactions. renpy.exports.movie_stop(only_fullscreen=True) renpy.store.mouse_visible = True renpy.display.behavior.run(renpy.config.quit_action) else: raise renpy.game.QuitException() def get_mouse_info(self): # Figure out if the mouse visibility algorithm is hiding the mouse. if self.mouse_event_time + renpy.config.mouse_hide_time < renpy.display.core.get_time(): visible = False else: visible = renpy.store.mouse_visible and (not renpy.game.less_mouse) visible = visible and self.show_mouse # If not visible, hide the mouse. if not visible: return False, 0, 0, None # Deal with a hardware mouse, the easy way. if not renpy.config.mouse: return True, 0, 0, None # Deal with the mouse going offscreen. if not self.focused: return False, 0, 0, None mouse_kind = renpy.display.focus.get_mouse() or self.mouse # Figure out the mouse animation. if mouse_kind in renpy.config.mouse: anim = renpy.config.mouse[mouse_kind] else: anim = renpy.config.mouse[getattr(renpy.store, 'default_mouse', 'default')] img, x, y = anim[self.ticks % len(anim)] tex = renpy.display.im.load_image(img) return False, x, y, tex def drawn_since(self, seconds_ago): """ Returns true if the screen has been drawn in the last `seconds_ago`, and false otherwise. """ return (get_time() - self.frame_time) <= seconds_ago def android_check_suspend(self): if android.check_pause(): android.sound.pause_all() pygame.time.set_timer(PERIODIC, 0) pygame.time.set_timer(REDRAW, 0) pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEEVENT, 0) # The game has to be saved. renpy.loadsave.save("_reload-1") android.wait_for_resume() # Since we came back to life, we can get rid of the # auto-reload. renpy.loadsave.unlink_save("_reload-1") pygame.time.set_timer(PERIODIC, PERIODIC_INTERVAL) android.sound.unpause_all() def iconified(self): """ Called when we become an icon. """ if self.minimized: return self.minimized = True renpy.display.log.write("The window was minimized.") def restored(self): """ Called when we are restored from being an icon. """ # This is necessary on Windows/DirectX/Angle, as otherwise we get # a blank screen. if not self.minimized: return self.minimized = False renpy.display.log.write("The window was restored.") if renpy.windows: self.display_reset = True self.set_mode(self.last_resize) def enter_context(self): """ Called when we enter a new context. """ # Stop ongoing transitions. self.ongoing_transition.clear() self.transition_from.clear() self.transition_time.clear() def post_time_event(self): """ Posts a time_event object to the queue. """ try: pygame.event.post(self.time_event) except: pass def interact(self, clear=True, suppress_window=False, **kwargs): """ This handles an interaction, restarting it if necessary. All of the keyword arguments are passed off to interact_core. """ # Cancel magic error reporting. renpy.bootstrap.report_error = None context = renpy.game.context() if context.interacting: raise Exception("Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context.") context.interacting = True # Show a missing window. if not suppress_window: self.show_window() # These things can be done once per interaction. preloads = self.preloads self.preloads = [ ] try: renpy.game.after_rollback = False for i in renpy.config.start_interact_callbacks: i() repeat = True while repeat: repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, **kwargs) return rv finally: context.interacting = False # Clean out transient stuff at the end of an interaction. if clear: scene_lists = renpy.game.context().scene_lists scene_lists.replace_transient() self.ongoing_transition = { } self.transition_time = { } self.transition_from = { } self.restart_interaction = True renpy.game.context().scene_lists.shown_window = False def interact_core(self, show_mouse=True, trans_pause=False, suppress_overlay=False, suppress_underlay=False, mouse='default', preloads=[], roll_forward=None, ): """ This handles one cycle of displaying an image to the user, and then responding to user input. @param show_mouse: Should the mouse be shown during this interaction? Only advisory, and usually doesn't work. @param trans_pause: If given, we must have a transition. Should we add a pause behavior during the transition? @param suppress_overlay: This suppresses the display of the overlay. @param suppress_underlay: This suppresses the display of the underlay. """ self.roll_forward = roll_forward self.show_mouse = show_mouse suppress_transition = renpy.config.skipping or renpy.game.less_updates # The global one. self.suppress_transition = False # Figure out transitions. for k in self.transition: if k not in self.old_scene: continue self.ongoing_transition[k] = self.transition[k] self.transition_from[k] = self.old_scene[k] self.transition_time[k] = None self.transition.clear() if suppress_transition: self.ongoing_transition.clear() self.transition_from.clear() self.transition_time.clear() ## Safety condition, prevents deadlocks. if trans_pause: if not self.ongoing_transition: return False, None if None not in self.ongoing_transition: return False, None if suppress_transition: return False, None if not self.old_scene: return False, None # Check to see if the language has changed. renpy.translation.check_language() # We just restarted. self.restart_interaction = False # Setup the mouse. self.mouse = mouse # The start and end times of this interaction. start_time = get_time() end_time = start_time # frames = 0 for i in renpy.config.interact_callbacks: i() # Set the window caption. self.set_window_caption() # Tick time forward. renpy.display.im.cache.tick() renpy.text.text.layout_cache_tick() renpy.display.predict.reset() # Cleare the size groups. renpy.display.layout.size_groups.clear() # Clear some events. pygame.event.clear((pygame.MOUSEMOTION, PERIODIC, TIMEEVENT, REDRAW)) # Add a single TIMEEVENT to the queue. self.post_time_event() # Figure out the scene list we want to show. scene_lists = renpy.game.context().scene_lists # Remove the now-hidden things. scene_lists.remove_hidden() # Compute the overlay. if not suppress_overlay: self.compute_overlay() # The root widget of everything that is displayed on the screen. root_widget = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed') root_widget.layers = { } # A list of widgets that are roots of trees of widgets that are # considered for focusing. focus_roots = [ ] # Add the underlay to the root widget. if not suppress_underlay: for i in renpy.config.underlay: root_widget.add(i) focus_roots.append(i) if roll_forward is not None: rfw = renpy.display.behavior.RollForward(roll_forward) root_widget.add(rfw) focus_roots.append(rfw) # Figure out the scene. (All of the layers, and the root.) scene = self.compute_scene(scene_lists) # If necessary, load all images here. for w in scene.values(): try: renpy.display.predict.displayable(w) except: pass # The root widget of all of the layers. layers_root = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed') layers_root.layers = { } def add_layer(where, layer): scene_layer = scene[layer] focus_roots.append(scene_layer) if (self.ongoing_transition.get(layer, None) and not suppress_transition): trans = self.ongoing_transition[layer]( old_widget=self.transition_from[layer], new_widget=scene_layer) if not isinstance(trans, Displayable): raise Exception("Expected transition to be a displayable, not a %r" % trans) transition_time = self.transition_time.get(layer, None) where.add(trans, transition_time, transition_time) where.layers[layer] = trans else: where.layers[layer] = scene_layer where.add(scene_layer) # Add layers (perhaps with transitions) to the layers root. for layer in renpy.config.layers: add_layer(layers_root, layer) # Add layers_root to root_widget, perhaps through a transition. if (self.ongoing_transition.get(None, None) and not suppress_transition): old_root = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed') old_root.layers = { } for layer in renpy.config.layers: d = self.transition_from[None].layers[layer] old_root.layers[layer] = d old_root.add(d) trans = self.ongoing_transition[None]( old_widget=old_root, new_widget=layers_root) if not isinstance(trans, Displayable): raise Exception("Expected transition to be a displayable, not a %r" % trans) trans._show() transition_time = self.transition_time.get(None, None) root_widget.add(trans, transition_time, transition_time) if trans_pause: sb = renpy.display.behavior.SayBehavior() root_widget.add(sb) focus_roots.append(sb) pb = renpy.display.behavior.PauseBehavior(trans.delay) root_widget.add(pb, transition_time, transition_time) focus_roots.append(pb) else: root_widget.add(layers_root) # Add top_layers to the root_widget. for layer in renpy.config.top_layers: add_layer(root_widget, layer) prediction_coroutine = renpy.display.predict.prediction_coroutine(root_widget) prediction_coroutine.send(None) # Clean out the registered adjustments. renpy.display.behavior.adj_registered.clear() # Clean up some movie-related things. renpy.display.video.early_interact() # Call per-interaction code for all widgets. root_widget.visit_all(lambda i : i.per_interact()) # Now, update various things regarding scenes and transitions, # so we are ready for a new interaction or a restart. self.old_scene = scene # Okay, from here on we now have a single root widget (root_widget), # which we will try to show to the user. # Figure out what should be focused. renpy.display.focus.before_interact(focus_roots) # Redraw the screen. renpy.display.render.process_redraws() needs_redraw = True # First pass through the while loop? first_pass = True # We don't yet know when the interaction began. self.interact_time = None # We only want to do autosave once. did_autosave = False old_timeout_time = None old_redraw_time = None rv = None # Start sound. renpy.audio.audio.interact() # How long until we redraw. redraw_in = 3600 # Have we drawn a frame yet? video_frame_drawn = False # This try block is used to force cleanup even on termination # caused by an exception propagating through this function. try: while rv is None: # Check for a change in fullscreen preference. if self.fullscreen != renpy.game.preferences.fullscreen or self.display_reset: self.set_mode() needs_redraw = True # Check for suspend. if android: self.android_check_suspend() # Redraw the screen. if (self.force_redraw or ((first_pass or not pygame.event.peek(ALL_EVENTS)) and renpy.display.draw.should_redraw(needs_redraw, first_pass))): self.force_redraw = False # If we have a movie, start showing it. fullscreen_video = renpy.display.video.interact() # Clean out the redraws, if we have to. # renpy.display.render.kill_redraws() # Draw the screen. self.frame_time = get_time() if not self.interact_time: self.interact_time = self.frame_time self.draw_screen(root_widget, fullscreen_video, (not fullscreen_video) or video_frame_drawn) if first_pass: scene_lists.set_times(self.interact_time) for k, v in self.transition_time.items(): if v is None: self.transition_time[k] = self.interact_time renpy.config.frames += 1 # If profiling is enabled, report the profile time. if renpy.config.profile : new_time = get_time() if new_time - self.profile_time > .015: print("Profile: Redraw took %f seconds." % (new_time - self.frame_time)) print("Profile: %f seconds to complete event." % (new_time - self.profile_time)) if first_pass and self.last_event: x, y = renpy.display.draw.get_mouse_pos() renpy.display.focus.mouse_handler(self.last_event, x, y, default=False) needs_redraw = False first_pass = False pygame.time.set_timer(REDRAW, 0) pygame.event.clear([REDRAW]) old_redraw_time = None # Draw the mouse, if it needs drawing. renpy.display.draw.update_mouse() # See if we want to restart the interaction entirely. if self.restart_interaction: return True, None # Determine if we need a redraw. (We want to run these # functions, so we put them first to prevent short-circuiting.) if renpy.display.video.frequent(): needs_redraw = True video_frame_drawn = True needs_redraw = renpy.display.video.frequent() or needs_redraw needs_redraw = renpy.display.render.process_redraws() or needs_redraw # How many seconds until we timeout. timeout_in = 3600 # Handle the redraw timer. redraw_time = renpy.display.render.redraw_time() if (redraw_time is not None) and not needs_redraw: if redraw_time != old_redraw_time: time_left = redraw_time - get_time() time_left = min(time_left, 3600) redraw_in = time_left if time_left <= 0: try: pygame.event.post(self.redraw_event) except: pass pygame.time.set_timer(REDRAW, 0) else: pygame.time.set_timer(REDRAW, max(int(time_left * 1000), 1)) old_redraw_time = redraw_time else: redraw_in = 3600 pygame.time.set_timer(REDRAW, 0) # Handle the timeout timer. if not self.timeout_time: pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEEVENT, 0) else: time_left = self.timeout_time - get_time() time_left = min(time_left, 3600) timeout_in = time_left if time_left <= 0: self.timeout_time = None pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEEVENT, 0) self.post_time_event() elif self.timeout_time != old_timeout_time: # Always set to at least 1ms. pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEEVENT, int(time_left * 1000 + 1)) old_timeout_time = self.timeout_time # Predict images, if we haven't done so already. while prediction_coroutine is not None: # Can we do expensive prediction? expensive_predict = not (needs_redraw or self.event_peek() or renpy.audio.music.is_playing("movie")) result = prediction_coroutine.send(expensive_predict) if not result: prediction_coroutine = None break if not expensive_predict: break # If we need to redraw again, do it if we don't have an # event going on. if needs_redraw and not self.event_peek(): if renpy.config.profile: self.profile_time = get_time() continue # Handle autosaving, as necessary. if not did_autosave and not needs_redraw and not self.event_peek() and redraw_in > .25 and timeout_in > .25: renpy.loadsave.autosave() did_autosave = True if needs_redraw or renpy.display.video.playing(): ev = self.event_poll() else: ev = self.event_wait() if ev.type == pygame.NOEVENT: continue if renpy.config.profile: self.profile_time = get_time() # Try to merge an TIMEEVENT with other timeevents. if ev.type == TIMEEVENT: old_timeout_time = None pygame.event.clear([TIMEEVENT]) # On Android, where we have multiple mouse buttons, we can # merge a mouse down and mouse up event with its successor. This # prevents us from getting overwhelmed with too many events on # a multitouch screen. if android and (ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP): pygame.event.clear(ev.type) # Handle redraw timeouts. if ev.type == REDRAW: pygame.event.clear([REDRAW]) old_redraw_time = None continue # Handle periodic events. This includes updating the mouse timers (and through the loop, # the mouse itself), and the audio system periodic calls. if ev.type == PERIODIC: events = 1 + len(pygame.event.get([PERIODIC])) self.ticks += events if renpy.config.periodic_callback: renpy.config.periodic_callback() renpy.audio.audio.periodic() continue # This can set the event to None, to ignore it. ev = renpy.display.joystick.event(ev) if not ev: continue # Handle skipping. renpy.display.behavior.skipping(ev) # Handle quit specially for now. if ev.type == pygame.QUIT: self.quit_event() continue # Handle videoresize. if ev.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: evs = pygame.event.get([pygame.VIDEORESIZE]) if len(evs): ev = evs[-1] if self.last_resize != ev.size: self.last_resize = ev.size self.set_mode((ev.w, ev.h)) continue if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION or \ ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN or \ ev.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP: self.mouse_event_time = renpy.display.core.get_time() # Merge mousemotion events. if ev.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION: evs = pygame.event.get([pygame.MOUSEMOTION]) if len(evs): ev = evs[-1] if renpy.windows: self.focused = True # Handle focus notifications. if ev.type == pygame.ACTIVEEVENT: if ev.state & 1: self.focused = ev.gain if ev.state & 4: if ev.gain: self.restored() else: self.iconified() pygame.key.set_mods(0) # This returns the event location. It also updates the # mouse state as necessary. x, y = renpy.display.draw.mouse_event(ev) if not self.focused: x = -1 y = -1 self.event_time = end_time = get_time() try: # Handle the event normally. rv = renpy.display.focus.mouse_handler(ev, x, y) if rv is None: rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0) if rv is None: rv = renpy.display.focus.key_handler(ev) if rv is not None: break # Handle displayable inspector. if renpy.config.inspector and renpy.display.behavior.inspector(ev): l = self.surftree.main_displayables_at_point(x, y, renpy.config.transient_layers + renpy.config.context_clear_layers + renpy.config.overlay_layers) renpy.game.invoke_in_new_context(renpy.config.inspector, l) except IgnoreEvent: # An ignored event can change the timeout. So we want to # process an TIMEEVENT to ensure that the timeout is # set correctly. self.post_time_event() # Check again after handling the event. needs_redraw |= renpy.display.render.process_redraws() if self.restart_interaction: return True, None # If we were trans-paused and rv is true, suppress # transitions up to the next interaction. if trans_pause and rv: self.suppress_transition = True # But wait, there's more! The finally block runs some cleanup # after this. return False, rv except EndInteraction as e: return False, e.value finally: renpy.exports.say_attributes = None # Clean out the overlay layers. for i in renpy.config.overlay_layers: scene_lists.clear(i) # Stop ongoing preloading. renpy.display.im.cache.end_tick() # We no longer disable periodic between interactions. # pygame.time.set_timer(PERIODIC, 0) pygame.time.set_timer(TIMEEVENT, 0) pygame.time.set_timer(REDRAW, 0) renpy.game.context().runtime += end_time - start_time # Restart the old interaction, which also causes a # redraw if needed. self.restart_interaction = True # print "It took", frames, "frames." def timeout(self, offset): if offset < 0: return if self.timeout_time: self.timeout_time = min(self.event_time + offset, self.timeout_time) else: self.timeout_time = self.event_time + offset