# Copyright 2004-2013 Tom Rothamel # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person # obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files # (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, # including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, # publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, # and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, # subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # This file mediates access to the _renpy module, which is a C module that # allows us to enhance the feature set of pygame in a renpy specific way. VERSION = (6, 12, 0) import renpy.display import pygame; pygame # prevents pyflakes warning. import sys try: import _renpy version = _renpy.version() if version != VERSION: print("Found Ren'Py module version %s, while expecting %s." % ( ".".join(str(i) for i in version), ".".join(str(i) for i in VERSION), )) print("Trying to run anyway, but you should expect errors.", file=sys.stderr) except: print("The _renpy module was not found. Please read module/README.txt for", file=sys.stderr) print("more information.", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) def convert_and_call(function, src, dst, *args): """ This calls the function with the source and destination surface. The surfaces must have the same alpha. If the surfaces are not 24 or 32 bits per pixel, or don't have the same format, they are converted and then converted back. """ # Now that all surfaces are 32bpp, this function doesn't do much # of anything anymore. if (dst.get_masks()[3] != 0) != (src.get_masks()[3] != 0): raise Exception("Surface alphas do not match.") function(src, dst, *args) def pixellate(src, dst, avgwidth, avgheight, outwidth, outheight): """ This pixellates the source surface. First, every pixel in the source surface is projected onto a virtual surface, such that the average value of every avgwidth x avgheight pixels becomes one virtual pixel. It then gets projected back onto the destination surface at a ratio of one virtual pixel to every outwidth x outheight destination pixels. If either src or dst is not a 24 or 32 bit surface, they are converted... but that may be a significant performance hit. The two surfaces must either have the same alpha or no alpha. """ convert_and_call(_renpy.pixellate, src, dst, avgwidth, avgheight, outwidth, outheight) def scale(s, size): """ Scales down the supplied pygame surface by the given X and Y factors. Always works, but may not be high quality. """ d = renpy.display.pgrender.surface(size, True) bilinear_scale(s, d) return d # What we have here are a pair of tables mapping masks to byte offsets # for 24 and 32 bpp modes. We represent 0xff000000 as positive and negative # numbers so that it doesn't yield a warning, and so that it works on # 32 and 64 bit platforms. if sys.byteorder == 'big': bo32 = { 255 : 3, 65280 : 2, 16711680 : 1, 4278190080 : 0, -16777216 : 0, } else: bo32 = { 255 : 0, 65280 : 1, 16711680 : 2, 4278190080 : 3, -16777216 : 3, } bo_cache = None def byte_offset(src): """ Given the surface src, returns a 4-tuple giving the byte offsets for the red, green, blue, and alpha components of the pixels in the surface. If a component doesn't exist, None is returned. """ global bo_cache if bo_cache is None: bo_cache = [ bo32[i] for i in src.get_masks() ] return bo_cache def endian_order(src, r, g, b, a): if bo_cache is None: byte_offset(src) rv = [ a, a, a, a ] for i, index_i in zip((r, g, b, a), bo_cache): rv[index_i] = i return rv def linmap(src, dst, rmap, gmap, bmap, amap): """ This maps the colors between two surfaces. The various map parameters should be fixed-point integers, with 1.0 == 256. """ convert_and_call(_renpy.linmap, src, dst, *endian_order(dst, rmap, gmap, bmap, amap)) save_png = _renpy.save_png def map(src, dst, rmap, gmap, bmap, amap): #@ReservedAssignment """ This maps the colors between two surfaces. The various map parameters must be 256 character long strings, with the value of a character at a given offset being what a particular pixel component value is mapped to. """ convert_and_call(_renpy.map, src, dst, *endian_order(dst, rmap, gmap, bmap, amap)) def twomap(src, dst, white, black): """ Given colors for white and black, linearly maps things appropriately, taking the alpha channel from white. """ wr = white[0] wg = white[1] wb = white[2] wa = white[3] br = black[0] bg = black[1] bb = black[2] ramp = renpy.display.im.ramp if br == 0 and bg == 0 and bb == 0: linmap(src, dst, wr + 1, wg + 1, wb + 1, wa + 1) else: list(map(src, dst, ramp(br, wr), ramp(bg, wg), ramp(bb, wb), ramp(0, wa))) def alpha_munge(src, dst, amap): """ This samples the red channel from src, maps it through amap, and place it into the alpha channel of amap. """ if src.get_size() != dst.get_size(): return red = byte_offset(src)[0] alpha = byte_offset(dst)[3] if red is not None and alpha is not None: _renpy.alpha_munge(src, dst, red, alpha, amap) def bilinear_scale(src, dst, sx=0, sy=0, sw=None, sh=None, dx=0, dy=0, dw=None, dh=None, precise=0): if sw is None: sw, sh = src.get_size() if dw is None: dw, dh = dst.get_size() while True: if sw <= dw * 2 and sh <= dh * 2: break nsw = max(sw / 2, dw) nsh = max(sh / 2, dh) nsrc = renpy.display.pgrender.surface((nsw, nsh), src.get_masks()[3]) _renpy.bilinear(src, nsrc, sx, sy, sw, sh, precise=precise) sx = 0 sy = 0 sw = nsw sh = nsh src = nsrc _renpy.bilinear(src, dst, sx, sy, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, precise=precise) transform = _renpy.transform # Note: Blend requires all surfaces to be the same size. blend = _renpy.blend def imageblend(a, b, dst, img, amap): alpha = byte_offset(img)[3] _renpy.imageblend(a, b, dst, img, alpha, amap) def colormatrix(src, dst, matrix): c = [ matrix[0:5], matrix[5:10], matrix[10:15], matrix[15:20] ] offs = byte_offset(src) o = [ None ] * 4 for i in range(0, 4): o[offs[i]] = i _renpy.colormatrix(src, dst, c[o[0]][o[0]], c[o[0]][o[1]], c[o[0]][o[2]], c[o[0]][o[3]], c[o[0]][4], c[o[1]][o[0]], c[o[1]][o[1]], c[o[1]][o[2]], c[o[1]][o[3]], c[o[1]][4], c[o[2]][o[0]], c[o[2]][o[1]], c[o[2]][o[2]], c[o[2]][o[3]], c[o[2]][4], c[o[3]][o[0]], c[o[3]][o[1]], c[o[3]][o[2]], c[o[3]][o[3]], c[o[3]][4]) def subpixel(src, dst, x, y): shift = src.get_shifts()[3] _renpy.subpixel(src, dst, x, y, shift)