"use strict"; window.html5ks.api = { init: function () { var chrs = html5ks.data.characters; for (var ch in chrs) { var chr = chrs[ch]; if (chr.name) { chr.name = this.tag(chr.name); } } }, _fading: {}, set_volume: function (target, fade, channel) { var audio = html5ks.elements.audio[channel], step = (target - audio.volume) / (fade * 20); var nextVol = function () { // clamp new volume 0-1 audio.volume = Math.min(Math.max(audio.volume + step, 0), 1); switch (audio.volume) { case 0: audio.pause(); /* falls through */ case 1: clearInterval(this._fading[channel]); delete this._fading[channel]; return false; } return true; }; if (nextVol()) this._fading[channel] = setInterval(nextVol, 50); return when.resolve(); }, _loadMedia: function (el, src, types) { var i = 0; var _nextType = function () { for (; i < types.length; i++) { var type = types[i]; if (el.canPlayType(type[0])) { el.src = src + "." + type[1]; el.load(); return true; } } }; html5ks.spin(1); el.oncanplaythrough = function () { el.oncanplaythrough = null; el.play(); html5ks.spin(-1); }; setTimeout(function () { if (el.src && el.oncanplaythrough) { console.warn("video not playing after 3 seconds"); el.oncanplaythrough(); } }, 3000); el.onerror = function (e) { if (e.code === e.MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED) { if (_nextType(++i)) { console.warn("browser claimed support for " + types[i-1][0] + " but failed"); } else { console.error("no media formats supported"); } } else { console.error("unknown audio error"); } }; _nextType(); }, play: function (cmd, args) { var channel = cmd[1]; this.stop(channel); var deferred = when.defer(), audio = html5ks.elements.audio[channel]; if (channel === "music" || channel === "ambient") { audio.loop = true; } html5ks.elements.audio[channel] = audio; html5ks.store[channel] = args.file; var src = "dump/", volume; switch (channel) { case "music": var fname = html5ks.data.music[args.file.replace(/ $/, '')]; src += "bgm/" + fname; volume = html5ks.persistent.musicVolume; document.getElementById("current-music-track").innerHTML = fname.replace(/_/g, " "); break; case "ambient": case "sound": src += "sfx/" + html5ks.data.sfx[name]; volume = html5ks.persistent.sfxVolume; } audio.addEventListener("playing", function playing() { audio.removeEventListener("playing", playing, false); if (args.fadein) { html5ks.api.set_volume(volume, args.fadein, channel); } deferred.resolve(); }, false); audio.volume = args.fadein ? 0 : volume; this._loadMedia(audio, src, [ ['audio/ogg; codecs="opus"', "opus"], ['audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"', "ogg"], ['audio/x-m4a', "m4a"], ['audio/aac', "aac"], ['audio/wav; codecs="1"', "wav"]]); return deferred.promise; }, stop: function (channel, ignore, fade) { if (channel === "all") { return ["music", "sound", "ambient"].forEach(function (channel) { html5ks.api.stop(channel, ignore, fade); }); } var audio = html5ks.elements.audio[channel]; if (this._fading[channel]) { clearInterval(this._fading[channel]); } if (fade) { this.set_volume(0, fade, channel); } else { audio.pause(); } return when.resolve(); }, movie_cutscene: function (vid_src, skippable) { var deferred = when.defer(), video = html5ks.elements.video, src = "dump/video/" + vid_src; this.stop("all"); clearInterval(html5ks._nextTimeout); if (html5ks.api.skip()) { return deferred.resolve(); } this._loadMedia(video, src, [ ['video/webm; codecs="vp9,opus"', "vp9.webm"], ['video/webm; codecs="vp8,vorbis"', "webm"], ['video/ogg; codecs="theora,vorbis"', "ogv"], ['video/mp4; codecs="avc1.42E01E,mp4a.40.2"']]); video.style.display = "block"; video.volume = html5ks.persistent.musicVolume; var done = function () { video.style.display = "none"; video.onerror = null; video.src = ""; deferred.resolve(); }; document.addEventListener("keyup", function keyupListener(e) { document.removeEventListener("keyup", keyupListener, false); if (e.keyCode === 27) { done(); e.preventDefault(); } }, false); video.onclick = function (e) { if (e.button === 0) { if (video.paused) video.play(); else if (skippable) done(); } }; video.onended = done; return deferred.promise; }, act_op: function (this_video) { // strip off extension return this.movie_cutscene(this_video.slice(0,-4)); }, iscene: function (target, is_h, is_end) { html5ks.store.status = "scene"; var deferred = when.defer(), real_target = html5ks.persistent.language + "_" + target.replace(/"/g, ''), i = 0; html5ks.fetch('script', real_target).then(function run(l) { if (l[i++]) { html5ks.api.runInst(l[i]).then(function(){run(l)}, console.error); } else { deferred.resolve(); } }, deferred.reject); return deferred.promise; }, _safeCall: function (n, f, args) { if (f) return f.apply(this, args); else { console.error("no such function " + n); debugger; return when.resolve(); } }, runInst: function (inst) { var cmd = inst[0].replace(/"/g, ''); return this._safeCall(cmd, this[cmd], inst.slice(1)); }, UserStatement: function (line, parsed) { var c = parsed[0][0]; return this._safeCall(c, this[c], parsed); }, With: function () { return when.resolve(); }, window: function (action) { var windw = html5ks.elements.window; switch (action) { case true: case "show": html5ks.store.window = true; windw.style.display = "block"; break; case false: case "hide": html5ks.store.window = false; windw.style.display = "none"; break; } return when.resolve(); }, Scene: function () { html5ks.elements.show.innerHTML = ""; return this.Show.apply(this, arguments); }, _positions: { left: { xpos: 0.0, xanchor: 0.0, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, right: { xpos: 1.0, xanchor: 1.0, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, center: { xpos: 0.5, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, truecenter: { xpos: 0.5, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 0.5, yanchor: 0.5 }, topleft: { xpos: 0.0, xanchor: 0.0, ypos: 0.0, yanchor: 0.0 }, topright: { xpos: 1.0, xanchor: 1.0, ypos: 0.0, yanchor: 0.0 }, top: { xpos: 0.5, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 0.0, yanchor: 0.0 }, twoleft: { xpos: 0.3, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, tworight: { xpos: 0.7, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, closeleft: { xpos: 0.25, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, closeright: { xpos: 0.75, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, twoleftoff: { xpos: 0.32, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, tworightoff: { xpos: 0.68, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, centeroff: { xpos: 0.52, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, bgleft: { xpos: 0.4, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 }, bgright: { xpos: 0.6, xanchor: 0.5, ypos: 1.0, yanchor: 1.0 } }, Show: function (imspec) { var deferred = when.defer(); var name = console.log(imspec); return when.resolve(); var lookup = document.getElementById(name), el = lookup || document.createElement("img"); if (!location && !lookup) location = "center"; el.onload = function () { if (location) { // calculate position // we don't actually know how big the image is till we fetch it var pos = html5ks.api._positions[location]; if (pos) { el.style.left = pos.xpos * 800 + "px"; el.style.top = pos.ypos * 600 + "px"; el.style.marginLeft = "-" + pos.xanchor * el.width + "px"; el.style.marginTop = "-" + pos.yanchor * el.height + "px"; } el.style.display = "block"; } html5ks.spin(-1); deferred.resolve(); }; el.onerror = function () { el.parentNode.removeChild(el); html5ks.spin(-1); deferred.resolve(); }; var nom = name; if (type && type !== "None") { nom = name + "_" + type; } var image = html5ks.data.images[nom]; switch (typeof image) { case "string": if (image.substring(0, 1) === "#") { el = document.createElement("div"); el.style.backgroundColor = image; el.style.height = "100%"; html5ks.elements.show.appendChild(el); deferred.resolve(); return deferred.promise; } break; case "undefined": switch (name) { case "bg": image = "bgs/" + type + ".jpg"; break; case "url": name = type; image = type; break; default: image = "sprites/" + name + "/" + (type && type.indexOf("_close") > -1 ? "close/" : "") + name + "_" + type + ".png"; } } if (typeof image === "string") { image = {image: image}; } var src = ""; if (Modernizr.webp) { src = image.image.replace(/\.[a-z]+$/, ".webp"); } else { src = image.image; } el.id = name; el.src = "dump/" + src; html5ks.spin(1); // prevent FOUIPC (flash of incorrectly placed content) if (!lookup) { el.style.display = "none"; html5ks.elements.show.appendChild(el); } return deferred.promise; }, hide: function (name) { var show = html5ks.elements.show.children; for (var i = show.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (show[i].id === name) { html5ks.elements.show.removeChild(show[i]); } } return when.resolve(); }, tag: function (str) { var tags = [ /&/g, "&", //g, ">", /{b}/g, "", /{\/b}/g, "", /{s}/g, "", /{\/s}/g, "", /{size=(\d*)}/g, "", /{\/size}/g, "", /{color=(\d*)}/g, "", /{\/color}/g, "", /{w(=\d*\.\d*)?}.*/, "", /{nw}/, "", /{fast}/, "", /\n/g, "
" ]; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length - 1; i += 2) { str = str.replace(tags[i], tags[i+1]); } return str; }, dlgTag: function (str) { var text = []; for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { switch (str[i]) { case '{': var close = str.indexOf('}', i), tag = str.slice(i, close); i = close; if (tag[1] === '/') { text.push(''); } else { text.push(tag); } break; default: text.push(str[i]); } } var br = document.createElement("br"); var span = document.createElement("span"); span.style.visibility = "hidden"; return text.map(function (txt) { if (txt == '\n') { return br.cloneNode(false); } else { span = span.cloneNode(false); span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(txt)); return span; } }); }, Say: function (who, what, with_, extend) { var deferred = when.defer(), chr = html5ks.data.characters[who], w = /{w=?(\d*\.\d*)?}(.*)/.exec(what); if (!chr) { chr = { name: who }; } chr.what_prefix = chr.what_prefix || "“"; chr.what_suffix = chr.what_suffix || "“"; this._lastchar = chr; if (!extend && chr.what_prefix) { what = chr.what_prefix + what; } if ((!w || !w[1]) && chr.what_suffix) { what += chr.what_suffix; } var text = this.dlgTag(what), say, ctc; if (chr.kind === "nvl") { say = document.createElement("span"); say.className = "nvl-block"; html5ks.elements.nvlsay.appendChild(say); ctc = html5ks.elements.nvlctc; } else { var who = html5ks.elements.who; if (!extend) { who.innerHTML = chr.name; who.style.color = chr.color || "#ffffff"; } say = html5ks.elements.say; if (!extend) say.innerHTML = ""; ctc = html5ks.elements.ctc; } text.forEach(say.appendChild.bind(say)); var tm, done; var ptxt = function (immed) { var txt = text.shift(); if (typeof txt !== 'undefined') { txt.removeAttribute("style"); if (immed) return ptxt(immed); else tm = setTimeout(ptxt, 1000 / html5ks.persistent.textSpeed); } else { done = true; ctc.style.display = "block"; ctc.class = ""; ctc.class = "ctc"; } }; ptxt(); html5ks.next = function () { if (!done) { clearTimeout(tm); ptxt(true); } else { ctc.style.display = "none"; deferred.resolve(); } html5ks.api._setNextTimeout(what, true); }; if (html5ks.persistent.textSpeed == 200) { ptxt(true); } this._setNextTimeout(what, false); return deferred.promise; }, _setNextTimeout: function (str, done) { if (done) { if (this.auto()) { setTimeout(html5ks.next, str.length + 3.5 * html5ks.persistent.autoModeDelay); } } else if (html5ks.api.skip() || str.indexOf("{nw}") > -1) { html5ks.next(); html5ks._nextTimeout = setTimeout(html5ks.next, 50); } }, Pause: function (duration) { var deferred = when.defer(); setTimeout(function () { deferred.resolve(); }, duration * 1000); return deferred.promise; }, nvl: function (action) { var nvl = html5ks.elements.nvl; switch (action) { case true: case "show": html5ks.store.nvl = true; nvl.style.display = "block"; break; case false: case "hide": html5ks.store.nvl = false; nvl.style.display = "none"; break; case "clear": html5ks.elements.nvlsay.innerHTML = ""; break; default: console.error("no such nvl action " + action); } return when.resolve(); }, centered: function (text) { var deferred = when.defer(), centered = document.getElementById("centered"); centered.innerHTML = this.tag(text); html5ks._next = function () { centered.innerHTML = ""; deferred.resolve(); }; this._setNextTimeout(text, false); this._setNextTimeout(text, true); return deferred.promise; }, menu: function (choices) { var deferred = when.defer(); var menu = html5ks.elements.choices, frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), choice = document.createElement("div"); choice.className = "choice button"; for (var i in choices) { choice.innerHTML = i; choice.id = choices[i]; frag.appendChild(choice); choice = choice.cloneNode(false); } menu.addEventListener("click", function (e) { html5ks.elements.choices.innerHTML = ""; deferred.resolve(e.target.id); }, false); html5ks.elements.choices.appendChild(frag); return deferred.promise; }, auto: function (arg) { if (arg) { return this.speed("auto"); } else { return html5ks.store.speed === "auto"; } }, skip: function (arg) { if (arg) { return this.speed("skip"); } else { return html5ks.store.speed === "skip"; } }, speed: function (state) { switch (state) { case "skip": case "auto": this.speed(); html5ks.store.speed = state; document.getElementById(state).style.display = "block"; break; default: html5ks.store.speed = ""; document.getElementById("auto").style.display = "none"; document.getElementById("skip").style.display = "none"; } } };