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All About Passport York

'; } else { s.innerHTML = '
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All about Passport York
'; } var avs = xhr .responseXML .evaluate( '//a[contains(text(), "Please click here to see availability.")]', xhr.responseXML.body ); var avsa = []; var av; while ((av = avs.iterateNext())) avsa.push(av); avsa.forEach(function (av) { var newHref = av.href .replace(/(https?:\/\/[^.\/]*\.sis\.yorku\.ca\/Apps\/WebObjects\/cdm\.woa\/wa\/loginppy\?url=).*/, "$1" + encodeURIComponent(location.pathname + location.search + location.hash) ); if (newHref != av.href) av.href = newHref; }); document.body.replaceChild(xhr.responseXML.body.children[0], document.body.children[0]); } else { loadingNotice.innerHTML = " (loading failed)"; } }; xhr.send(null); }());