path: root/media-gfx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'media-gfx')
14 files changed, 0 insertions, 1264 deletions
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/Manifest b/media-gfx/gimp/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0a354..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gimp/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-DIST gimp-2.99.8.tar.bz2 30799403 BLAKE2B a67863f5e7d40beca80f931973759dc4523718ac2740cac4924dae8e1611491e59c43436ca670643be1878e1d9ff1575174a59c919b33103128a812e7eba6042 SHA512 c603d9a315c21c9da716cc1d8c0c784061e7d0eac4b3d28467aabc3c63c950da0a52649e498049e0b8475933ef93d721a2b8423811b47b00c9490485d316345e
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/files/gimp-2.10_fix_test-appdata.patch b/media-gfx/gimp/files/gimp-2.10_fix_test-appdata.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 77b7b2f..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gimp/files/gimp-2.10_fix_test-appdata.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diff -Nur a/desktop/ b/desktop/
---- a/desktop/ 2019-04-07 14:38:14.000000000 +0300
-+++ b/desktop/ 2019-11-06 23:19:32.000000000 +0300
-@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
- # TODO: use validate-strict when the last errors for a strict validation
- # are fixed.
--appstream-util validate-relax ${GIMP_TESTING_ABS_TOP_BUILDDIR}/desktop/org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml && \
--appstream-util validate-relax ${GIMP_TESTING_ABS_TOP_BUILDDIR}/desktop/gimp-data-extras.metainfo.xml && \
-+appstream-util validate-relax --nonet ${GIMP_TESTING_ABS_TOP_BUILDDIR}/desktop/org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml && \
-+appstream-util validate-relax --nonet ${GIMP_TESTING_ABS_TOP_BUILDDIR}/desktop/gimp-data-extras.metainfo.xml && \
- if [ $(expr @GIMP_MICRO_VERSION@ % 2) = 0 ]; then
- grep TODO ${GIMP_TESTING_ABS_TOP_BUILDDIR}/desktop/org.gimp.GIMP.appdata.xml
- if [ $? = 0 ]; then
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-2.99.8.ebuild b/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-2.99.8.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 93caacb..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-2.99.8.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-LUA_COMPAT=( luajit )
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
-inherit gnome2 lua-single python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs vala virtualx
-DESCRIPTION="GNU Image Manipulation Program"
-IUSE="aalib alsa aqua doc gnome heif javascript jpeg2k jpegxl lua mng openexr postscript python udev unwind vala vector-icons webp wmf xpm cpu_flags_ppc_altivec cpu_flags_x86_mmx cpu_flags_x86_sse"
- lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# media-libs/{babl,gegl} are required to be built with USE="introspection"
-# to fix the compilation checking of /usr/share/gir-1.0/{Babl-0.1gir,Gegl-0.4.gir}
- >=app-text/poppler-0.90.1[cairo]
- >=app-text/poppler-data-0.4.9
- >=dev-libs/atk-2.34.1
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.68.0:2
- >=dev-libs/json-glib-1.4.4
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- dev-libs/libxslt
- >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.21:2
- >=media-gfx/mypaint-brushes-2.0.2:=
- >=media-libs/babl-0.1.86[introspection,lcms,vala?]
- >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.12.6
- >=media-libs/freetype-2.10.2
- >=media-libs/gegl-0.4.32:0.4[cairo,introspection,lcms,vala?]
- >=media-libs/gexiv2-0.10.10
- >=media-libs/harfbuzz-2.6.5:=
- >=media-libs/lcms-2.9:2
- >=media-libs/libmypaint-1.6.1:=
- >=media-libs/libpng-1.6.37:0=
- >=media-libs/tiff-4.1.0:0
- net-libs/glib-networking[ssl]
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/jpeg
- >=x11-libs/cairo-1.16.0
- >=x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.40.0:2[introspection]
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.16:3[introspection]
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- >=x11-libs/pango-1.44.7
- aalib? ( media-libs/aalib )
- alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.0 )
- aqua? ( >=x11-libs/gtk-mac-integration-2.0.0 )
- heif? ( >=media-libs/libheif-1.9.1:= )
- javascript? ( dev-libs/gjs )
- jpeg2k? ( >=media-libs/openjpeg-2.3.1:2= )
- jpegxl? ( media-libs/libjxl:= )
- lua? (
- $(lua_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-lua/lgi[${LUA_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- mng? ( media-libs/libmng:= )
- openexr? ( >=media-libs/openexr-2.3.0:= )
- postscript? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- >=dev-python/pygobject-3.0:3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- udev? ( >=dev-libs/libgudev-167:= )
- unwind? ( >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1.0:= )
- webp? ( >=media-libs/libwebp-0.6.0:= )
- wmf? ( >=media-libs/libwmf-0.2.8 )
- xpm? ( x11-libs/libXpm )
- x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
- gnome? ( gnome-base/gvfs )
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.30.3
- >=dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.7.16
- dev-util/gdbus-codegen
- dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.51.0
- sys-apps/findutils
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.54
- >=sys-devel/automake-1.11
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.21
- >=sys-devel/libtool-2.4.6
- doc? (
- app-text/yelp-tools
- dev-libs/gobject-introspection[doctool]
- >=dev-util/gtk-doc-1.32
- dev-util/gtk-doc-am
- )
- vala? ( $(vala_depend) )
-# TODO: there are probably more atoms in DEPEND which should be in BDEPEND now
-# Bugs 685210 (and duplicate 691070)
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10_fix_test-appdata.patch"
-pkg_setup() {
- use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
- if use python; then
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i -e 's/mypaint-brushes-1.0/mypaint-brushes-2.0/' || die #737794
- sed -i -e 's/== "xquartz"/= "xquartz"/' || die #494864
- sed 's:-DGIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:-DGIMP_protect_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:g' -i || die #615144
- gnome2_src_prepare # calls eautoreconf
- use vala && vala_src_prepare
- sed 's:-DGIMP_protect_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:-DGIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:g' -i configure || die #615144
- fgrep -q GIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED configure || die #615144, self-test
- export CC_FOR_BUILD="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
-_adjust_sandbox() {
- # Bugs #569738 and #591214
- local nv
- for nv in /dev/nvidia-uvm /dev/nvidiactl /dev/nvidia{0..9} ; do
- # We do not check for existence as they may show up later
- #
- addwrite "${nv}"
- done
- addwrite /dev/dri/ # bugs #574038 and #684886
- addwrite /dev/ati/ # bug #589198
- addwrite /proc/mtrr # bug #589198
-src_configure() {
- _adjust_sandbox
- local myconf=(
- GEGL="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/gegl-0.4
- GDBUS_CODEGEN="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/gdbus-codegen
- --enable-default-binary
- --disable-check-update
- --enable-mp
- --with-appdata-test
- --with-bug-report-url=
- --with-xmc
- --without-libbacktrace
- --without-webkit
- --without-xvfb-run
- $(use_enable cpu_flags_ppc_altivec altivec)
- $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_mmx mmx)
- $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_sse sse)
- $(use_enable doc gtk_doc)
- $(use_enable doc g-ir-doc)
- $(use_enable vector-icons)
- $(use_with aalib aa)
- $(use_with alsa)
- $(use_with !aqua x)
- $(use_with heif libheif)
- $(use_with javascript)
- $(use_with jpeg2k jpeg2000)
- $(use_with jpegxl)
- $(use_with lua)
- $(use_with mng libmng)
- $(use_with openexr)
- $(use_with postscript gs)
- $(use_with python)
- $(use_with udev gudev)
- $(use_with unwind libunwind)
- $(use_with vala)
- $(use_with webp)
- $(use_with wmf)
- $(use_with xpm libxpm)
- )
- gnome2_src_configure "${myconf[@]}"
-src_compile() {
- export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share # bug 587004
- gnome2_src_compile
-# for
-_rename_plugins() {
- einfo 'Renaming plug-ins to not collide with pre-2.10.6 file layout (bug #664938)...'
- local prepend=gimp-org-
- (
- cd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/gimp/2.99/plug-ins || exit 1
- for plugin_slash in $(ls -d1 */); do
- plugin=${plugin_slash%/}
- if [[ -f ${plugin}/${plugin} ]]; then
- # NOTE: Folder and file name need to match for Gimp to load that plug-in
- # so "file-svg/file-svg" becomes "${prepend}file-svg/${prepend}file-svg"
- mv ${plugin}/{,${prepend}}${plugin} || exit 1
- mv {,${prepend}}${plugin} || exit 1
- fi
- done
- )
-src_test() {
- virtx emake check
-src_install() {
- gnome2_src_install
- if use python; then
- python_optimize
- fi
- # Workaround for bug #321111 to give GIMP the least
- # precedence on PDF documents by default
- mv "${ED}"/usr/share/applications/{,zzz-}gimp.desktop || die
- find "${D}" -name '*.la' -type f -delete || die
- # Prevent dead symlink gimp-console.1 from downstream man page compression (bug #433527)
- mv "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/gimp-console{-*,}.1 || die
- _rename_plugins || die
- if use doc; then
- mkdir "${ED}/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gimp3_g-ir-docs" || die
- cp -r "${S}/devel-docs/g-ir-docs/html/"{gjs,python} "${ED}/usr/share/gtk-doc/html/gimp3_g-ir-docs/" || die
- fi
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_pkg_postinst
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_pkg_postrm
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild b/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index b791c3f..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gimp/gimp-9999.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-LUA_COMPAT=( luajit )
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{8..10} )
-inherit git-r3 gnome2 lua-single python-single-r1 toolchain-funcs vala virtualx
-DESCRIPTION="GNU Image Manipulation Program"
-IUSE="aalib alsa aqua doc gnome heif javascript jpeg2k jpegxl lua mng openexr postscript python udev unwind vala vector-icons webp wmf xpm cpu_flags_ppc_altivec cpu_flags_x86_mmx cpu_flags_x86_sse"
- lua? ( ${LUA_REQUIRED_USE} )
- python? ( ${PYTHON_REQUIRED_USE} )
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
-# media-libs/{babl,gegl} are required to be built with USE="introspection"
-# to fix the compilation checking of /usr/share/gir-1.0/{Babl-0.1gir,Gegl-0.4.gir}
- >=app-text/poppler-0.90.1[cairo]
- >=app-text/poppler-data-0.4.9
- >=dev-libs/atk-2.34.1
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.68.0:2
- >=dev-libs/json-glib-1.4.4
- dev-libs/libxml2:2
- dev-libs/libxslt
- >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.40.21:2
- >=media-gfx/mypaint-brushes-2.0.2:=
- >=media-libs/babl-0.1.86[introspection,lcms,vala?]
- >=media-libs/fontconfig-2.12.6
- >=media-libs/freetype-2.10.2
- >=media-libs/gegl-0.4.32:0.4[cairo,introspection,lcms,vala?]
- >=media-libs/gexiv2-0.10.10
- >=media-libs/harfbuzz-2.6.5:=
- >=media-libs/lcms-2.9:2
- >=media-libs/libmypaint-1.6.1:=
- >=media-libs/libpng-1.6.37:0=
- >=media-libs/tiff-4.1.0:0
- net-libs/glib-networking[ssl]
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/jpeg
- >=x11-libs/cairo-1.16.0
- >=x11-libs/gdk-pixbuf-2.40.0:2
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.24.16:3
- x11-libs/libXcursor
- >=x11-libs/pango-1.44.7
- aalib? ( media-libs/aalib )
- alsa? ( >=media-libs/alsa-lib-1.0.0 )
- aqua? ( >=x11-libs/gtk-mac-integration-2.0.0 )
- heif? ( >=media-libs/libheif-1.9.1:= )
- javascript? ( dev-libs/gjs )
- jpeg2k? ( >=media-libs/openjpeg-2.3.1:2= )
- jpegxl? ( media-libs/libjxl:= )
- lua? (
- $(lua_gen_cond_dep '
- dev-lua/lgi[${LUA_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- mng? ( media-libs/libmng:= )
- openexr? ( >=media-libs/openexr-2.3.0:= )
- postscript? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl )
- python? (
- $(python_gen_cond_dep '
- >=dev-python/pygobject-3.0:3[${PYTHON_USEDEP}]
- ')
- )
- udev? ( >=dev-libs/libgudev-167:= )
- unwind? ( >=sys-libs/libunwind-1.1.0:= )
- webp? ( >=media-libs/libwebp-0.6.0:= )
- wmf? ( >=media-libs/libwmf-0.2.8 )
- xpm? ( x11-libs/libXpm )
- x11-themes/hicolor-icon-theme
- gnome? ( gnome-base/gvfs )
- >=dev-lang/perl-5.30.3
- >=dev-libs/appstream-glib-0.7.16
- dev-util/gdbus-codegen
- dev-util/gtk-update-icon-cache
- >=dev-util/intltool-0.51.0
- sys-apps/findutils
- >=sys-devel/autoconf-2.54
- >=sys-devel/automake-1.11
- >=sys-devel/gettext-0.21
- >=sys-devel/libtool-2.4.6
- doc? (
- >=dev-util/gtk-doc-1.32
- dev-util/gtk-doc-am
- )
- vala? ( $(vala_depend) )
-# TODO: there are probably more atoms in DEPEND which should be in BDEPEND now
-# Bugs 685210 (and duplicate 691070)
- "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-2.10_fix_test-appdata.patch"
-pkg_setup() {
- use lua && lua-single_pkg_setup
- if use python; then
- python-single-r1_pkg_setup
- fi
-src_prepare() {
- sed -i -e 's/mypaint-brushes-1.0/mypaint-brushes-2.0/' || die #737794
- sed -i -e 's/== "xquartz"/= "xquartz"/' || die #494864
- sed 's:-DGIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:-DGIMP_protect_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:g' -i || die #615144
- # Fix checking of gtk-doc.make if USE="-doc" like
- # USE="doc" is currently broken for gimp-9999 due to absence of appropriate *.m4 file
- if ! use doc ; then
- echo "EXTRA_DIST = missing-gtk-doc" > gtk-doc.make
- sed -i -e "/CLEANFILES/s/^/#/g" \
- "${S}"/devel-docs/{libgimp,libgimpbase,libgimpcolor,libgimpconfig,libgimpmath,libgimpmodule,libgimpthumb,libgimpwidgets}/ || die
- fi
- gnome2_src_prepare # calls eautoreconf
- use vala && vala_src_prepare
- sed 's:-DGIMP_protect_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:-DGIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED:g' -i configure || die #615144
- fgrep -q GIMP_DISABLE_DEPRECATED configure || die #615144, self-test
- export CC_FOR_BUILD="$(tc-getBUILD_CC)"
-_adjust_sandbox() {
- # Bugs #569738 and #591214
- local nv
- for nv in /dev/nvidia-uvm /dev/nvidiactl /dev/nvidia{0..9} ; do
- # We do not check for existence as they may show up later
- #
- addwrite "${nv}"
- done
- addwrite /dev/dri/ # bugs #574038 and #684886
- addwrite /dev/ati/ # bug #589198
- addwrite /proc/mtrr # bug #589198
-src_configure() {
- _adjust_sandbox
- local myconf=(
- GEGL="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/gegl-0.4
- GDBUS_CODEGEN="${EPREFIX}"/usr/bin/gdbus-codegen
- --enable-default-binary
- --disable-check-update
- --enable-mp
- --with-appdata-test
- --with-bug-report-url=
- --with-xmc
- --without-libbacktrace
- --without-webkit
- --without-xvfb-run
- $(use_enable cpu_flags_ppc_altivec altivec)
- $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_mmx mmx)
- $(use_enable cpu_flags_x86_sse sse)
- $(use_enable doc gtk_doc)
- $(use_enable vector-icons)
- $(use_with aalib aa)
- $(use_with alsa)
- $(use_with !aqua x)
- $(use_with heif libheif)
- $(use_with javascript)
- $(use_with jpeg2k jpeg2000)
- $(use_with jpegxl)
- $(use_with lua)
- $(use_with mng libmng)
- $(use_with openexr)
- $(use_with postscript gs)
- $(use_with python)
- $(use_with udev gudev)
- $(use_with unwind libunwind)
- $(use_with vala)
- $(use_with webp)
- $(use_with wmf)
- $(use_with xpm libxpm)
- )
- gnome2_src_configure "${myconf[@]}"
-src_compile() {
- export XDG_DATA_DIRS="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share # bug 587004
- gnome2_src_compile
-# for
-_rename_plugins() {
- einfo 'Renaming plug-ins to not collide with pre-2.10.6 file layout (bug #664938)...'
- local prepend=gimp-org-
- (
- cd "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/gimp/2.99/plug-ins || exit 1
- for plugin_slash in $(ls -d1 */); do
- plugin=${plugin_slash%/}
- if [[ -f ${plugin}/${plugin} ]]; then
- # NOTE: Folder and file name need to match for Gimp to load that plug-in
- # so "file-svg/file-svg" becomes "${prepend}file-svg/${prepend}file-svg"
- mv ${plugin}/{,${prepend}}${plugin} || exit 1
- mv {,${prepend}}${plugin} || exit 1
- fi
- done
- )
-src_test() {
- virtx emake check
-src_install() {
- gnome2_src_install
- if use python; then
- python_optimize
- fi
- # Workaround for bug #321111 to give GIMP the least
- # precedence on PDF documents by default
- mv "${ED}"/usr/share/applications/{,zzz-}gimp.desktop || die
- find "${D}" -name '*.la' -type f -delete || die
- # Prevent dead symlink gimp-console.1 from downstream man page compression (bug #433527)
- mv "${ED}"/usr/share/man/man1/gimp-console{-*,}.1 || die
- _rename_plugins || die
-pkg_postinst() {
- gnome2_pkg_postinst
-pkg_postrm() {
- gnome2_pkg_postrm
diff --git a/media-gfx/gimp/metadata.xml b/media-gfx/gimp/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 24214c6..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gimp/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="person" proxied="yes">
- <email></email>
- <name>Sergey Torokhov</name>
- </maintainer>
- <maintainer type="project" proxied="proxy">
- <email></email>
- <name>Proxy Maintainers</name>
- </maintainer>
- <use>
- <flag name="heif">Enable support for ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF files</flag>
- <flag name="jpegxl">Enable support for JPEG XL files</flag>
- <flag name="vector-icons">Enable support for vector icons (experimental)</flag>
- </use>
diff --git a/media-gfx/gthumb/Manifest b/media-gfx/gthumb/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index eade216..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gthumb/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-DIST gthumb-3.12.0.tar.xz 7578168 BLAKE2B 76976a7b56ad9f6428a7525dc1968f51cc37f8e6fca9b60077d621dd8133d07f1b7d98b8d97144cf51764f1a5121201f3591092ba7231d667aaff75a0e2b7a31 SHA512 065cbf2c209c23da7f44d4fb5e3684770404adabe8b0bcf80e63a674a030bffe425ba68e98adc63d191af4ab58611565d93e7771ea0b4477753856d889da0600
diff --git a/media-gfx/gthumb/gthumb-3.12.0.ebuild b/media-gfx/gthumb/gthumb-3.12.0.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 80f9f5d..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gthumb/gthumb-3.12.0.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-PYTHON_COMPAT=( python3_{7..10} )
-inherit gnome2-utils meson python-any-r1 xdg
-DESCRIPTION="Image viewer and browser for Gnome"
-KEYWORDS="~amd64 ~arm ~ppc64 ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~x86-solaris"
-IUSE="cdr colord exif gnome-keyring gstreamer heif http jpegxl lcms raw slideshow svg tiff test webp"
- >=dev-libs/glib-2.54.0:2
- >=x11-libs/gtk+-3.16.0:3
- exif? ( >=media-gfx/exiv2-0.21:= )
- slideshow? (
- >=media-libs/clutter-1.12.0:1.0
- >=media-libs/clutter-gtk-1:1.0
- )
- gstreamer? (
- media-libs/gstreamer:1.0
- media-libs/gst-plugins-base:1.0
- media-plugins/gst-plugins-gtk:1.0
- )
- raw? ( >=media-libs/libraw-0.14:= )
- http? (
- >=net-libs/libsoup-2.42.0:2.4
- >=dev-libs/json-glib-0.15.0
- >=net-libs/webkit-gtk-1.10.0:4
- )
- gnome-keyring? ( >=app-crypt/libsecret-0.11 )
- cdr? ( >=app-cdr/brasero-3.2.0 )
- jpegxl? ( media-libs/libjxl:= )
- heif? ( media-libs/libheif:= )
- svg? ( >=gnome-base/librsvg-2.34:2 )
- webp? ( >=media-libs/libwebp-0.2.0:= )
- lcms? ( >=media-libs/lcms-2.6:2 )
- colord? (
- >=x11-misc/colord-1.3
- >=media-libs/lcms-2.6:2
- )
- sys-libs/zlib
- virtual/jpeg:0=
- tiff? ( media-libs/tiff:= )
- media-libs/libpng:0=
- >=gnome-base/gsettings-desktop-schemas-0.1.4
- dev-util/glib-utils
- dev-util/itstool
- sys-devel/bison
- sys-devel/flex
- virtual/pkgconfig
-src_configure() {
- local emesonargs=(
- -Drun-in-place=false
- $(meson_use exif exiv2)
- $(meson_use slideshow clutter)
- $(meson_use gstreamer)
- -Dlibchamplain=false # Upstream still doesn't seem to consider this ready
- $(meson_use colord)
- $(meson_use tiff libtiff)
- $(meson_use webp libwebp)
- $(meson_use jpegxl libjxl)
- $(meson_use heif libheif)
- $(meson_use raw libraw)
- $(meson_use svg librsvg)
- $(meson_use gnome-keyring libsecret)
- $(meson_use http webservices)
- $(meson_use cdr libbrasero)
- )
- # colord pulls in lcms2 anyway, so enable lcms with USE="colord -lcms"; some of upstream HAVE_COLORD code depends on HAVE_LCMS2
- if use lcms || use colord; then
- emesonargs+=( -Dlcms2=true )
- else
- emesonargs+=( -Dlcms2=false )
- fi
- meson_src_configure
-pkg_postinst() {
- xdg_pkg_postinst
- gnome2_schemas_update
-pkg_postrm() {
- xdg_pkg_postrm
- gnome2_schemas_update
diff --git a/media-gfx/gthumb/metadata.xml b/media-gfx/gthumb/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 258b716..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/gthumb/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <maintainer type="project">
- <email></email>
- <name>Gentoo GNOME Desktop</name>
- </maintainer>
- <use>
- <flag name="http">Enable webservice integration through <pkg>net-libs/webkit-gtk</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="heif">Enable HEIF support through <pkg>media-libs/libheif</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="jpegxl">Enable JPEG XL support through <pkg>media-libs/libjxl</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="slideshow">Enable slideshow plugin</flag>
- </use>
diff --git a/media-gfx/imagemagick/Manifest b/media-gfx/imagemagick/Manifest
deleted file mode 100644
index a70637e..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/imagemagick/Manifest
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-DIST ImageMagick-7.1.0-13.tar.xz 10311564 BLAKE2B 7cb3e58f548cbe0b9e1239df47ff4f42af2cd0b6ff4c417a62515ff9bd434ecabed2cc7f7cb7cf8880f20af3f6d7de33d7368f146b9ac7668149959966a463d8 SHA512 dac1fc229599a63703fc3aa1378de313dc94dfbfa71913dc408ef65c88ef33820b5ddab4c9a064a86cc35c0abb0136f0adb626bff9e227b52ed0d90993688044
-DIST ImageMagick-7.1.0-19.tar.xz 10317628 BLAKE2B 512d2066b0a7aa177c223659e06736361f91b8bfb979d9de8c6cb8c486014f17974abee012394196a2432c0ab49e4e83bbc0aef2e575b59649cd1833470d2907 SHA512 d401e9b820c14016b66a3d3a6ba5c3c025dbcae270eab0e042e3f4fb4962558902a870c0364e7f06ea824576f6cb348f5b2f2e056ca4df81de94b6ca80528be3
diff --git a/media-gfx/imagemagick/files/policy-hardening.snippet b/media-gfx/imagemagick/files/policy-hardening.snippet
deleted file mode 100644
index c1a91b0..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/imagemagick/files/policy-hardening.snippet
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
- <!-- mitigation / -->
- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS" />
- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS2" />
- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PS3" />
- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="EPS" />
- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="PDF" />
- <policy domain="coder" rights="none" pattern="XPS" />
diff --git a/media-gfx/imagemagick/files/policy.test.xml b/media-gfx/imagemagick/files/policy.test.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 6db44b7..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/imagemagick/files/policy.test.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE policymap [
- <!ELEMENT policymap (policy)+>
- <!ATTLIST policymap xmlns CDATA #FIXED ''>
- <!ELEMENT policy EMPTY>
- <!ATTLIST policy xmlns CDATA #FIXED '' domain NMTOKEN #REQUIRED
- <!-- Policy used for test suite only to allow passing test suite
- in case user has installed a restriction which would prevent
- the execution of some tests -->
- <policy domain="delegate" rights="read|write" pattern="*" />
- <policy domain="filter" rights="read|write" pattern="*" />
- <policy domain="coder" rights="read|write" pattern="*" />
diff --git a/media-gfx/imagemagick/imagemagick- b/media-gfx/imagemagick/imagemagick-
deleted file mode 100644
index f119fbc..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/imagemagick/imagemagick-
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit flag-o-matic libtool perl-functions toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- MY_P="imagemagick-9999"
- MY_PV="$(ver_rs 3 '-')"
- MY_P="ImageMagick-${MY_PV}"
- SRC_URI="mirror://imagemagick/${MY_P}.tar.xz"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-DESCRIPTION="A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats"
-IUSE="bzip2 corefonts +cxx djvu fftw fontconfig fpx graphviz hdri heif jbig jpeg jpeg2k jpegxl lcms lqr lzma opencl openexr openmp pango perl +png postscript q32 q8 raw static-libs svg test tiff truetype webp wmf X xml zip zlib"
-REQUIRED_USE="corefonts? ( truetype )
- svg? ( xml )
- test? ( corefonts )"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- dev-libs/libltdl:0
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- corefonts? ( media-fonts/corefonts )
- djvu? ( app-text/djvu )
- fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 )
- fontconfig? ( media-libs/fontconfig )
- fpx? ( >=media-libs/libfpx-1.3.0-r1 )
- graphviz? ( media-gfx/graphviz )
- heif? ( media-libs/libheif:=[x265] )
- jbig? ( >=media-libs/jbigkit-2:= )
- jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
- jpeg2k? ( >=media-libs/openjpeg-2.1.0:2 )
- jpegxl? ( media-libs/libjxl:= )
- lcms? ( media-libs/lcms:2= )
- lqr? ( media-libs/liblqr )
- opencl? ( virtual/opencl )
- openexr? ( media-libs/openexr:0= )
- pango? ( x11-libs/pango )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8:0= )
- png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= )
- postscript? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl )
- raw? ( media-libs/libraw:= )
- svg? (
- gnome-base/librsvg
- media-gfx/potrace
- )
- tiff? ( media-libs/tiff:0= )
- truetype? (
- media-fonts/urw-fonts
- >=media-libs/freetype-2
- )
- webp? ( media-libs/libwebp:0= )
- wmf? ( media-libs/libwmf )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXt
- )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2:= )
- lzma? ( app-arch/xz-utils )
- zip? ( dev-libs/libzip:= )
- zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib:= )"
- !media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick]
- X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Apply hardening #664236
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/policy-hardening.snippet "${S}" || die
- sed -i -e '/^<policymap>$/ {
- r policy-hardening.snippet
- d
- }' \
- config/policy.xml || \
- die "Failed to apply hardening of policy.xml"
- einfo "policy.xml hardened"
- elibtoolize # for Darwin modules
- # For testsuite, see
- local ati_cards mesa_cards nvidia_cards render_cards
- shopt -s nullglob
- ati_cards=$(echo -n /dev/ati/card* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${ati_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${ati_cards}"
- fi
- mesa_cards=$(echo -n /dev/dri/card* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${mesa_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${mesa_cards}"
- fi
- nvidia_cards=$(echo -n /dev/nvidia* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${nvidia_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${nvidia_cards}"
- fi
- render_cards=$(echo -n /dev/dri/renderD128* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${render_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${render_cards}"
- fi
- shopt -u nullglob
- addpredict /dev/nvidiactl
-src_configure() {
- local depth=16
- use q8 && depth=8
- use q32 && depth=32
- local openmp=disable
- use openmp && { tc-has-openmp && openmp=enable; }
- use perl && perl_check_env
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] && append-ldflags -lnsl -lsocket
- local myeconfargs=(
- $(use_enable static-libs static)
- $(use_enable hdri)
- $(use_enable opencl)
- --with-threads
- --with-modules
- --with-quantum-depth=${depth}
- $(use_with cxx magick-plus-plus)
- $(use_with perl)
- --with-perl-options='INSTALLDIRS=vendor'
- --with-gs-font-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts/urw-fonts
- $(use_with bzip2 bzlib)
- $(use_with X x)
- $(use_with zip)
- $(use_with zlib)
- --without-autotrace
- $(use_with postscript dps)
- $(use_with djvu)
- --with-dejavu-font-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts/dejavu
- $(use_with fftw)
- $(use_with fpx)
- $(use_with fontconfig)
- $(use_with truetype freetype)
- $(use_with postscript gslib)
- $(use_with graphviz gvc)
- $(use_with heif heic)
- $(use_with jbig)
- $(use_with jpeg)
- $(use_with jpeg2k openjp2)
- $(use_with jpegxl jxl)
- $(use_with lcms)
- $(use_with lqr)
- $(use_with lzma)
- $(use_with openexr)
- $(use_with pango)
- $(use_with png)
- $(use_with raw)
- $(use_with svg rsvg)
- $(use_with tiff)
- $(use_with webp)
- $(use_with corefonts windows-font-dir "${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts/corefonts)
- $(use_with wmf)
- $(use_with xml)
- --${openmp}-openmp
- --with-gcc-arch=no-automagic
- )
- CONFIG_SHELL=$(type -P bash) econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
-src_test() {
- # Install default (unrestricted) policy in $HOME for test suite #664238
- local _im_local_config_home="${HOME}/.config/ImageMagick"
- mkdir -p "${_im_local_config_home}" || \
- die "Failed to create IM config dir in '${_im_local_config_home}'"
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/policy.test.xml "${_im_local_config_home}/policy.xml" || \
- die "Failed to install default blank policy.xml in '${_im_local_config_home}'"
- local im_command= IM_COMMANDS=()
- if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "magick -version" ) # Show version we are using -- cannot verify because of live ebuild
- else
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "magick -version | grep -q -- \"${MY_PV}\"" ) # Verify that we are using version we just built
- fi
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "magick -list policy" ) # Verify that policy.xml is used
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "emake check" ) # Run tests
- for im_command in "${IM_COMMANDS[@]}"; do
- eval "${S}"/ \
- ${im_command} || \
- die "Failed to run \"${im_command}\""
- done
-src_install() {
- # Ensure documentation installation files and paths with each release!
- emake \
- DESTDIR="${D}" \
- DOCUMENTATION_PATH="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html \
- install
- rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/{ChangeLog,LICENSE,NEWS.txt}
- dodoc {AUTHORS,README}.txt ChangeLog
- if use perl; then
- find "${ED}" -type f -name perllocal.pod -exec rm -f {} +
- find "${ED}" -depth -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -exec rm -rf {} +
- fi
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec sed -i -e "/^dependency_libs/s:=.*:='':" {} +
- # .la files in parent are not needed, keep plugin .la files
- find "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.la" -delete || die
- if use opencl; then
- cat <<-EOF > "${T}"/99${PN}
- SANDBOX_PREDICT="/dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/ati/card:/dev/dri/card:/dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/renderD128"
- insinto /etc/sandbox.d
- doins "${T}"/99${PN} #472766
- fi
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}
- doins config/*icm
-pkg_postinst() {
- local _show_policy_xml_notice=
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- # This is a new installation
- _show_policy_xml_notice=yes
- else
- local v
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- if ! ver_test "${v}" -gt ""; then
- # This is an upgrade
- _show_policy_xml_notice=yes
- # Show this elog only once
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ -n "${_show_policy_xml_notice}" ]]; then
- elog "For security reasons, a policy.xml file was installed in /etc/ImageMagick-7"
- elog "which will prevent the usage of the following coders by default:"
- elog ""
- elog " - PS"
- elog " - PS2"
- elog " - PS3"
- elog " - EPS"
- elog " - PDF"
- elog " - XPS"
- fi
diff --git a/media-gfx/imagemagick/imagemagick-9999.ebuild b/media-gfx/imagemagick/imagemagick-9999.ebuild
deleted file mode 100644
index 703982c..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/imagemagick/imagemagick-9999.ebuild
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 1999-2021 Gentoo Authors
-# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
-inherit flag-o-matic libtool perl-functions toolchain-funcs
-if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- inherit git-r3
- MY_P="imagemagick-9999"
- MY_PV="$(ver_rs 3 '-')"
- MY_P="ImageMagick-${MY_PV}"
- SRC_URI="mirror://imagemagick/${MY_P}.tar.xz"
- KEYWORDS="~alpha ~amd64 ~arm ~arm64 ~hppa ~ia64 ~mips ~ppc ~ppc64 ~riscv ~s390 ~sparc ~x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos ~x64-macos ~sparc-solaris ~x64-solaris ~x86-solaris"
-DESCRIPTION="A collection of tools and libraries for many image formats"
-IUSE="bzip2 corefonts +cxx djvu fftw fontconfig fpx graphviz hdri heif jbig jpeg jpeg2k jpegxl lcms lqr lzma opencl openexr openmp pango perl +png postscript q32 q8 raw static-libs svg test tiff truetype webp wmf X xml zip zlib"
-REQUIRED_USE="corefonts? ( truetype )
- svg? ( xml )
- test? ( corefonts )"
-RESTRICT="!test? ( test )"
- dev-libs/libltdl:0
- bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 )
- corefonts? ( media-fonts/corefonts )
- djvu? ( app-text/djvu )
- fftw? ( sci-libs/fftw:3.0 )
- fontconfig? ( media-libs/fontconfig )
- fpx? ( >=media-libs/libfpx-1.3.0-r1 )
- graphviz? ( media-gfx/graphviz )
- heif? ( media-libs/libheif:=[x265] )
- jbig? ( >=media-libs/jbigkit-2:= )
- jpeg? ( virtual/jpeg:0 )
- jpeg2k? ( >=media-libs/openjpeg-2.1.0:2 )
- jpegxl? ( media-libs/libjxl )
- lcms? ( media-libs/lcms:2= )
- lqr? ( media-libs/liblqr )
- opencl? ( virtual/opencl )
- openexr? ( media-libs/openexr:0= )
- pango? ( x11-libs/pango )
- perl? ( >=dev-lang/perl-5.8.8:0= )
- png? ( media-libs/libpng:0= )
- postscript? ( app-text/ghostscript-gpl )
- raw? ( media-libs/libraw:= )
- svg? (
- gnome-base/librsvg
- media-gfx/potrace
- )
- tiff? ( media-libs/tiff:0= )
- truetype? (
- media-fonts/urw-fonts
- >=media-libs/freetype-2
- )
- webp? ( media-libs/libwebp:0= )
- wmf? ( media-libs/libwmf )
- X? (
- x11-libs/libICE
- x11-libs/libSM
- x11-libs/libXext
- x11-libs/libXt
- )
- xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2:= )
- lzma? ( app-arch/xz-utils )
- zip? ( dev-libs/libzip:= )
- zlib? ( sys-libs/zlib:= )"
- !media-gfx/graphicsmagick[imagemagick]
- X? ( x11-base/xorg-proto )"
-src_prepare() {
- default
- # Apply hardening #664236
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/policy-hardening.snippet "${S}" || die
- sed -i -e '/^<policymap>$/ {
- r policy-hardening.snippet
- d
- }' \
- config/policy.xml || \
- die "Failed to apply hardening of policy.xml"
- einfo "policy.xml hardened"
- elibtoolize # for Darwin modules
- # For testsuite, see
- local ati_cards mesa_cards nvidia_cards render_cards
- shopt -s nullglob
- ati_cards=$(echo -n /dev/ati/card* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${ati_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${ati_cards}"
- fi
- mesa_cards=$(echo -n /dev/dri/card* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${mesa_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${mesa_cards}"
- fi
- nvidia_cards=$(echo -n /dev/nvidia* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${nvidia_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${nvidia_cards}"
- fi
- render_cards=$(echo -n /dev/dri/renderD128* | sed 's/ /:/g')
- if test -n "${render_cards}"; then
- addpredict "${render_cards}"
- fi
- shopt -u nullglob
- addpredict /dev/nvidiactl
-src_configure() {
- local depth=16
- use q8 && depth=8
- use q32 && depth=32
- local openmp=disable
- use openmp && { tc-has-openmp && openmp=enable; }
- use perl && perl_check_env
- [[ ${CHOST} == *-solaris* ]] && append-ldflags -lnsl -lsocket
- local myeconfargs=(
- $(use_enable static-libs static)
- $(use_enable hdri)
- $(use_enable opencl)
- --with-threads
- --with-modules
- --with-quantum-depth=${depth}
- $(use_with cxx magick-plus-plus)
- $(use_with perl)
- --with-perl-options='INSTALLDIRS=vendor'
- --with-gs-font-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts/urw-fonts
- $(use_with bzip2 bzlib)
- $(use_with X x)
- $(use_with zip)
- $(use_with zlib)
- --without-autotrace
- $(use_with postscript dps)
- $(use_with djvu)
- --with-dejavu-font-dir="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts/dejavu
- $(use_with fftw)
- $(use_with fpx)
- $(use_with fontconfig)
- $(use_with truetype freetype)
- $(use_with postscript gslib)
- $(use_with graphviz gvc)
- $(use_with heif heic)
- $(use_with jbig)
- $(use_with jpeg)
- $(use_with jpeg2k openjp2)
- $(use_with jxl libjxl)
- $(use_with lcms)
- $(use_with lqr)
- $(use_with lzma)
- $(use_with openexr)
- $(use_with pango)
- $(use_with png)
- $(use_with raw)
- $(use_with svg rsvg)
- $(use_with tiff)
- $(use_with webp)
- $(use_with corefonts windows-font-dir "${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/fonts/corefonts)
- $(use_with wmf)
- $(use_with xml)
- --${openmp}-openmp
- --with-gcc-arch=no-automagic
- )
- CONFIG_SHELL=$(type -P bash) econf "${myeconfargs[@]}"
-src_test() {
- # Install default (unrestricted) policy in $HOME for test suite #664238
- local _im_local_config_home="${HOME}/.config/ImageMagick"
- mkdir -p "${_im_local_config_home}" || \
- die "Failed to create IM config dir in '${_im_local_config_home}'"
- cp "${FILESDIR}"/policy.test.xml "${_im_local_config_home}/policy.xml" || \
- die "Failed to install default blank policy.xml in '${_im_local_config_home}'"
- local im_command= IM_COMMANDS=()
- if [[ ${PV} == "9999" ]] ; then
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "magick -version" ) # Show version we are using -- cannot verify because of live ebuild
- else
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "magick -version | grep -q -- \"${MY_PV}\"" ) # Verify that we are using version we just built
- fi
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "magick -list policy" ) # Verify that policy.xml is used
- IM_COMMANDS+=( "emake check" ) # Run tests
- for im_command in "${IM_COMMANDS[@]}"; do
- eval "${S}"/ \
- ${im_command} || \
- die "Failed to run \"${im_command}\""
- done
-src_install() {
- # Ensure documentation installation files and paths with each release!
- emake \
- DESTDIR="${D}" \
- DOCUMENTATION_PATH="${EPREFIX}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html \
- install
- rm -f "${ED}"/usr/share/doc/${PF}/html/{ChangeLog,LICENSE,NEWS.txt}
- dodoc {AUTHORS,README}.txt ChangeLog
- if use perl; then
- find "${ED}" -type f -name perllocal.pod -exec rm -f {} +
- find "${ED}" -depth -mindepth 1 -type d -empty -exec rm -rf {} +
- fi
- find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -exec sed -i -e "/^dependency_libs/s:=.*:='':" {} +
- # .la files in parent are not needed, keep plugin .la files
- find "${ED}"/usr/$(get_libdir)/ -maxdepth 1 -name "*.la" -delete || die
- if use opencl; then
- cat <<-EOF > "${T}"/99${PN}
- SANDBOX_PREDICT="/dev/nvidiactl:/dev/nvidia-uvm:/dev/ati/card:/dev/dri/card:/dev/dri/card0:/dev/dri/renderD128"
- insinto /etc/sandbox.d
- doins "${T}"/99${PN} #472766
- fi
- insinto /usr/share/${PN}
- doins config/*icm
-pkg_postinst() {
- local _show_policy_xml_notice=
- if [[ -z "${REPLACING_VERSIONS}" ]]; then
- # This is a new installation
- _show_policy_xml_notice=yes
- else
- local v
- for v in ${REPLACING_VERSIONS}; do
- if ! ver_test "${v}" -gt ""; then
- # This is an upgrade
- _show_policy_xml_notice=yes
- # Show this elog only once
- break
- fi
- done
- fi
- if [[ -n "${_show_policy_xml_notice}" ]]; then
- elog "For security reasons, a policy.xml file was installed in /etc/ImageMagick-7"
- elog "which will prevent the usage of the following coders by default:"
- elog ""
- elog " - PS"
- elog " - PS2"
- elog " - PS3"
- elog " - EPS"
- elog " - PDF"
- elog " - XPS"
- fi
diff --git a/media-gfx/imagemagick/metadata.xml b/media-gfx/imagemagick/metadata.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 229c87b..0000000
--- a/media-gfx/imagemagick/metadata.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
- <use>
- <flag name="corefonts">Use <pkg>media-fonts/corefonts</pkg> which is required by some commands</flag>
- <flag name="fpx">Enable <pkg>media-libs/libfpx</pkg> support</flag>
- <flag name="heif">Enable support for ISO/IEC 23008-12:2017 HEIF/HEIC image format using <pkg>media-libs/libheif</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="hdri">Enable High Dynamic Range Images formats</flag>
- <flag name="lqr">Enable experimental liquid rescale support using <pkg>media-libs/liblqr</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="jpegxl">Enable JPEG XL support</flag>
- <flag name="opencl">Enable OpenCL support</flag>
- <flag name="pango">Enable Pango support using <pkg>x11-libs/pango</pkg></flag>
- <flag name="q32">Set quantum depth value to 32</flag>
- <flag name="q8">Set quantum depth value to 8</flag>
- </use>
- <upstream>
- <remote-id type="cpe">cpe:/a:imagemagick:imagemagick</remote-id>
- </upstream>