path: root/unrpyc/renpy/
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Diffstat (limited to 'unrpyc/renpy/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1544 deletions
diff --git a/unrpyc/renpy/ b/unrpyc/renpy/
deleted file mode 100644
index f314e3e..0000000
--- a/unrpyc/renpy/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1544 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2013 Tom Rothamel <>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
-# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
-# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
-# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-# subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-import renpy.display
-import random
-def compiling(loc):
- file, number = loc #@ReservedAssignment
- = "Compiling ATL code at %s:%d" % (file, number)
-def executing(loc):
- file, number = loc #@ReservedAssignment
- = "Executing ATL code at %s:%d" % (file, number)
-# A map from the name of a time warp function to the function itself.
-warpers = { }
-def atl_warper(f):
- name = f.__name__
- warpers[name] = f
- return f
-# The pause warper is used internally when no other warper is
-# specified.
-def pause(t):
- if t < 1.0:
- return 0.0
- else:
- return 1.0
-position = object()
-# A dictionary giving property names and the corresponding default
-# values.
- "pos" : (position, position),
- "xpos" : position,
- "ypos" : position,
- "anchor" : (position, position),
- "xanchor" : position,
- "yanchor" : position,
- "xaround" : position,
- "yaround" : position,
- "xanchoraround" : float,
- "yanchoraround" : float,
- "align" : (float, float),
- "xalign" : float,
- "yalign" : float,
- "rotate" : float,
- "rotate_pad" : bool,
- "transform_anchor" : bool,
- "xzoom" : float,
- "yzoom" : float,
- "zoom" : float,
- "alpha" : float,
- "around" : (position, position),
- "alignaround" : (float, float),
- "angle" : float,
- "radius" : float,
- "crop" : (float, float, float, float),
- "size" : (int, int),
- "corner1" : (float, float),
- "corner2" : (float, float),
- "subpixel" : bool,
- "delay" : float,
- "xoffset" : float,
- "yoffset" : float,
- "offset" : (int, int),
- "xcenter" : position,
- "ycenter" : position,
- }
-def correct_type(v, b, ty):
- """
- Corrects the type of v to match ty. b is used to inform the match.
- """
- if ty is position:
- if v is None:
- return None
- else:
- return type(b)(v)
- else:
- return ty(v)
-def interpolate(t, a, b, type): #@ReservedAssignment
- """
- Linearly interpolate the arguments.
- """
- if t >= 1.0:
- return b
- # Recurse into tuples.
- if isinstance(b, tuple):
- if a is None:
- a = [ None ] * len(b)
- return tuple(interpolate(t, i, j, ty) for i, j, ty in zip(a, b, type))
- # Deal with booleans, nones, etc.
- elif b is None or isinstance(b, bool):
- if t >= 1.0:
- return b
- else:
- return a
- # Interpolate everything else.
- else:
- if a is None:
- a = 0
- return correct_type(a + t * (b - a), b, type)
-# Interpolate the value of a spline. This code is based on Aenakume's code,
-# from 00splines.rpy.
-def interpolate_spline(t, spline):
- if isinstance(spline[-1], tuple):
- return tuple(interpolate_spline(t, i) for i in zip(*spline))
- if spline[0] is None:
- return spline[-1]
- if len(spline) == 2:
- t_p = 1.0 - t
- rv = t_p * spline[0] + t * spline[-1]
- elif len(spline) == 3:
- t_pp = (1.0 - t)**2
- t_p = 2 * t * (1.0 - t)
- t2 = t**2
- rv = t_pp * spline[0] + t_p * spline[1] + t2 * spline[2]
- elif len(spline) == 4:
- t_ppp = (1.0 - t)**3
- t_pp = 3 * t * (1.0 - t)**2
- t_p = 3 * t**2 * (1.0 - t)
- t3 = t**3
- rv = t_ppp * spline[0] + t_pp * spline[1] + t_p * spline[2] + t3 * spline[3]
- else:
- raise Exception("ATL can't interpolate splines of length %d." % len(spline))
- return correct_type(rv, spline[-1], position)
-# This is the context used when compiling an ATL statement. It stores the
-# scopes that are used to evaluate the various expressions in the statement,
-# and has a method to do the evaluation and return a result.
-class Context(object):
- def __init__(self, context):
- self.context = context
- def eval(self, expr): #@ReservedAssignment
- expr = renpy.python.escape_unicode(expr)
- return eval(expr,, self.context) #@UndefinedVariable
-# This is intended to be subclassed by ATLTransform. It takes care of
-# managing ATL execution, which allows ATLTransform itself to not care
-# much about the contents of this file.
-class ATLTransformBase(renpy.object.Object):
- # Compatibility with older saves.
- parameters = renpy.ast.ParameterInfo([ ], [ ], None, None)
- def __init__(self, atl, context, parameters):
- # The constructor will be called by atltransform.
- if parameters is None:
- parameters = ATLTransformBase.parameters
- # The parameters that we take.
- self.parameters = parameters
- # The raw code that makes up this ATL statement.
- self.atl = atl
- # The context in which execution occurs.
- self.context = Context(context)
- # The code after it has been compiled into a block.
- self.block = None
- # The properties of the block, if it contains only an
- # Interpolation.
- = None
- # The state of the statement we are executing. As this can be
- # shared between more than one object (in the case of a hide),
- # the data must not be altered.
- self.atl_state = None
- # Are we done?
- self.done = False
- # The transform event we are going to process.
- self.transform_event = None
- # The transform event we last processed.
- self.last_transform_event = None
- # The child transform event we last processed.
- self.last_child_transform_event = None
- def take_execution_state(self, t):
- """
- Updates self to begin executing from the same point as t. This
- requires that t.atl is self.atl.
- """
- super(ATLTransformBase, self).take_execution_state(t)
- if t.atl is not self.atl:
- return
- self.done = t.done
- self.block = t.block
- self.atl_state = t.atl_state
- self.transform_event = t.transform_event
- self.last_transform_event = t.last_transform_event
- self.last_child_transform_event = t.last_child_transform_event
- =
- =
- self.st_offset = t.st_offset
- self.at_offset = t.at_offset
- if self.child is renpy.display.motion.null:
- self.child = t.child
- def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- context = self.context.context.copy()
- for k, v in self.parameters.parameters:
- if v is not None:
- context[k] = renpy.python.py_eval(v)
- positional = list(self.parameters.positional)
- args = list(args)
- child = None
- if not positional and args:
- child = args.pop(0)
- # Handle positional arguments.
- while positional and args:
- name = positional.pop(0)
- value = args.pop(0)
- if name in kwargs:
- raise Exception('Parameter %r is used as both a positional and keyword argument to a transition.' % name)
- context[name] = value
- if args:
- raise Exception("Too many arguments passed to ATL transform.")
- # Handle keyword arguments.
- for k, v in kwargs.items():
- if k in positional:
- positional.remove(k)
- context[k] = v
- elif k in context:
- context[k] = v
- elif k == 'child':
- child = v
- else:
- raise Exception('Parameter %r is not known by ATL Transform.' % k)
- if child is None:
- child = self.child
- if child is None:
- child = renpy.display.motion.get_null()
- # Create a new ATL Transform.
- parameters = renpy.ast.ParameterInfo({}, positional, None, None)
- rv = renpy.display.motion.ATLTransform(
- atl=self.atl,
- child=child,
- style=self.style_arg,
- context=context,
- parameters=parameters)
- rv.take_state(self)
- return rv
- def compile(self): #@ReservedAssignment
- """
- Compiles the ATL code into a block. As necessary, updates the
- properties.
- """
- if self.parameters.positional and self.parameters.positional[0][1] is None:
- raise Exception("Cannot compile ATL Transform, as it's missing positional parameter %s." % self.parameters.positional[0])
- old_exception_info =
- self.block = self.atl.compile(self.context)
- if len(self.block.statements) == 1 \
- and isinstance(self.block.statements[0], Interpolation):
- interp = self.block.statements[0]
- if interp.duration == 0 and
- =[:]
- = old_exception_info
- def execute(self, trans, st, at):
- if self.done:
- return None
- if not self.block:
- self.compile()
- # Propagate transform_events from children.
- if self.child:
- if self.child.transform_event != self.last_child_transform_event:
- self.last_child_transform_event = self.child.transform_event
- self.transform_event = self.child.transform_event
- # Hide request.
- if trans.hide_request:
- self.transform_event = "hide"
- if trans.replaced_request:
- self.transform_event = "replaced"
- # Notice transform events.
- if self.transform_event != self.last_transform_event:
- event = self.transform_event
- self.last_transform_event = self.transform_event
- else:
- event = None
- old_exception_info =
- if self.atl.animation:
- timebase = at
- else:
- timebase = st
- action, arg, pause = self.block.execute(trans, timebase, self.atl_state, event)
- = old_exception_info
- # print "Executing", self, self.state, self.xpos, self.ypos
- if action == "continue":
- self.atl_state = arg
- else:
- self.done = True
- return pause
- def predict_one(self):
- self.atl.predict(self.context)
- def visit(self):
- if not self.block:
- self.compile()
- return self.children + self.block.visit()
-# The base class for raw ATL statements.
-class RawStatement(renpy.object.Object):
- def __init__(self, loc):
- super(RawStatement, self).__init__()
- self.loc = loc
- # Compiles this RawStatement into a Statement, by using ctx to
- # evaluate expressions as necessary.
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- raise Exception("Compile not implemented.")
- # Predicts the images used by this statement.
- def predict(self, ctx):
- return
-# The base class for compiled ATL Statements.
-class Statement(renpy.object.Object):
- def __init__(self, loc):
- super(Statement, self).__init__()
- self.loc = loc
- # trans is the transform we're working on.
- # st is the time since this statement started executing.
- # state is the state stored by this statement, or None if
- # we've just started executing this statement.
- # event is an event we're triggering.
- #
- # "continue", state, pause - Causes this statement to execute
- # again, with the given state passed in the second time around.
- #
- #
- # "next", timeleft, pause - Causes the next statement to execute,
- # with timeleft being the amount of time left after this statement
- # finished.
- #
- # "event", (name, timeleft), pause - Causes an event to be reported,
- # and control to head up to the event handler.
- #
- # "repeat", (count, timeleft), pause - Causes the repeat behavior
- # to occur.
- #
- # As the Repeat statement can only appear in a block, only Block
- # needs to deal with the repeat behavior.
- #
- # Pause is the amount of time until execute should be called again,
- # or None if there's no need to call execute ever again.
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- raise Exception("Not implemented.")
- # Return a list of displayable children.
- def visit(self):
- return [ ]
-# This represents a Raw ATL block.
-class RawBlock(RawStatement):
- # Should we use the animation timebase or the showing timebase?
- animation = False
- def __init__(self, loc, statements, animation):
- super(RawBlock, self).__init__(loc)
- # A list of RawStatements in this block.
- self.statements = statements
- self.animation = animation
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- statements = [ i.compile(ctx) for i in self.statements ]
- return Block(self.loc, statements)
- def predict(self, ctx):
- for i in self.statements:
- i.predict(ctx)
-# A compiled ATL block.
-class Block(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, statements):
- super(Block, self).__init__(loc)
- # A list of statements in the block.
- self.statements = statements
- # The start times of various statements.
- self.times = [ ]
- for i, s in enumerate(statements):
- if isinstance(s, Time):
- self.times.append((s.time, i + 1))
- self.times.sort()
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- executing(self.loc)
- # Unpack the state.
- if state is not None:
- index, start, loop_start, repeats, times, child_state = state
- else:
- index, start, loop_start, repeats, times, child_state = 0, 0, 0, 0, self.times[:], None
- # What we might be returning.
- action = "continue"
- arg = None
- pause = None
- while action == "continue":
- # Target is the time we're willing to execute to.
- # Max_pause is how long we'll wait before executing again.
- # If we have times queued up, then use them to inform target
- # and time.
- if times:
- time, tindex = times[0]
- target = min(time, st)
- max_pause = time - target
- # Otherwise, take the defaults.
- else:
- target = st
- max_pause = 15
- while True:
- # If we've hit the last statement, it's the end of
- # this block.
- if index >= len(self.statements):
- return "next", target - start, None
- # Find the statement and try to run it.
- stmt = self.statements[index]
- action, arg, pause = stmt.execute(trans, target - start, child_state, event)
- # On continue, persist our state.
- if action == "continue":
- if pause is None:
- pause = max_pause
- action, arg, pause = "continue", (index, start, loop_start, repeats, times, arg), min(max_pause, pause)
- break
- elif action == "event":
- return action, arg, pause
- # On next, advance to the next statement in the block.
- elif action == "next":
- index += 1
- start = target - arg
- child_state = None
- # On repeat, either terminate the block, or go to
- # the first statement.
- elif action == "repeat":
- count, arg = arg
- loop_end = target - arg
- duration = loop_end - loop_start
- if duration <= 0:
- raise Exception("ATL appears to be in an infinite loop.")
- # Figure how many durations can occur between the
- # start of the loop and now.
- new_repeats = int((target - loop_start) / duration)
- if count is not None:
- if repeats + new_repeats >= count:
- new_repeats = count - repeats
- loop_start += new_repeats * duration
- return "next", target - loop_start, None
- repeats += new_repeats
- loop_start = loop_start + new_repeats * duration
- start = loop_start
- index = 0
- child_state = None
- if times:
- time, tindex = times[0]
- if time <= target:
- times.pop(0)
- index = tindex
- start = time
- child_state = None
- continue
- return action, arg, pause
- def visit(self):
- return [ j for i in self.statements for j in i.visit() ]
-# This can become one of four things:
-# - A pause.
-# - An interpolation (which optionally can also reference other
-# blocks, as long as they're not time-dependent, and have the same
-# arity as the interpolation).
-# - A call to another block.
-# - A command to change the image, perhaps with a transition.
-# We won't decide which it is until runtime, as we need the
-# values of the variables here.
-class RawMultipurpose(RawStatement):
- warp_function = None
- def __init__(self, loc):
- super(RawMultipurpose, self).__init__(loc)
- self.warper = None
- self.duration = None
- = [ ]
- self.expressions = [ ]
- self.splines = [ ]
- self.revolution = None
- self.circles = "0"
- def add_warper(self, name, duration, warp_function):
- self.warper = name
- self.duration = duration
- self.warp_function = warp_function
- def add_property(self, name, exprs):
-, exprs))
- def add_expression(self, expr, with_clause):
- self.expressions.append((expr, with_clause))
- def add_revolution(self, revolution):
- self.revolution = revolution
- def add_circles(self, circles):
- self.circles = circles
- def add_spline(self, name, exprs):
- self.splines.append((name, exprs))
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- # Figure out what kind of statement we have. If there's no
- # interpolator, and no properties, than we have either a
- # call, or a child statement.
- if (self.warper is None and
- self.warp_function is None and
- not and
- not self.splines and
- len(self.expressions) == 1):
- expr, withexpr = self.expressions[0]
- child = ctx.eval(expr)
- if withexpr:
- transition = ctx.eval(withexpr)
- else:
- transition = None
- if isinstance(child, (int, float)):
- return Interpolation(self.loc, "pause", child, [ ], None, 0, [ ])
- if isinstance(child, ATLTransformBase):
- child.compile()
- return child.block
- else:
- return Child(self.loc, child, transition)
- compiling(self.loc)
- # Otherwise, we probably have an interpolation statement.
- if self.warp_function:
- warper = ctx.eval(self.warp_function)
- else:
- warper = self.warper or "pause"
- if warper not in warpers:
- raise Exception("ATL Warper %s is unknown at runtime." % warper)
- properties = [ ]
- for name, expr in
- if name not in PROPERTIES:
- raise Exception("ATL Property %s is unknown at runtime." % property)
- value = ctx.eval(expr)
- properties.append((name, value))
- splines = [ ]
- for name, exprs in self.splines:
- if name not in PROPERTIES:
- raise Exception("ATL Property %s is unknown at runtime." % property)
- values = [ ctx.eval(i) for i in exprs ]
- splines.append((name, values))
- for expr, _with in self.expressions:
- try:
- value = ctx.eval(expr)
- except:
- raise Exception("Could not evaluate expression %r when compiling ATL." % expr)
- if not isinstance(value, ATLTransformBase):
- raise Exception("Expression %r is not an ATL transform, and so cannot be included in an ATL interpolation." % expr)
- value.compile()
- if is None:
- raise Exception("ATL transform %r is too complicated to be included in interpolation." % expr)
- properties.extend(
- duration = ctx.eval(self.duration)
- circles = ctx.eval(self.circles)
- return Interpolation(self.loc, warper, duration, properties, self.revolution, circles, splines)
- def predict(self, ctx):
- for i, _j in self.expressions:
- try:
- i = ctx.eval(i)
- except:
- continue
- if isinstance(i, ATLTransformBase):
- i.atl.predict(ctx)
- return
- try:
- renpy.easy.predict(i)
- except:
- continue
-# This lets us have an ATL transform as our child.
-class RawContainsExpr(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, expr):
- super(RawContainsExpr, self).__init__(loc)
- self.expression = expr
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- child = ctx.eval(self.expression)
- return Child(self.loc, child, None)
-# This allows us to have multiple children, inside a Fixed.
-class RawChild(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, child):
- super(RawChild, self).__init__(loc)
- self.children = [ child ]
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- box = renpy.display.layout.MultiBox(layout='fixed')
- for i in self.children:
- box.add(renpy.display.motion.ATLTransform(i, context=ctx.context))
- return Child(self.loc, box, None)
-# This changes the child of this statement, optionally with a transition.
-class Child(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, child, transition):
- super(Child, self).__init__(loc)
- self.child = renpy.easy.displayable(child)
- self.transition = transition
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- executing(self.loc)
- old_child = trans.raw_child
- if (old_child is not None) and (old_child is not renpy.display.motion.null) and (self.transition is not None):
- child = self.transition(old_widget=old_child,
- new_widget=self.child)
- else:
- child = self.child
- trans.set_child(child)
- trans.raw_child = self.child
- return "next", st, None
- def visit(self):
- return [ self.child ]
-# This causes interpolation to occur.
-class Interpolation(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, warper, duration, properties, revolution, circles, splines):
- super(Interpolation, self).__init__(loc)
- self.warper = warper
- self.duration = duration
- = properties
- self.splines = splines
- # The direction we revolve in: cw, ccw, or None.
- self.revolution = revolution
- # The number of complete circles we make.
- self.circles = circles
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- executing(self.loc)
- warper = warpers.get(self.warper, self.warper)
- if self.duration:
- complete = min(1.0, st / self.duration)
- else:
- complete = 1.0
- complete = warper(complete)
- if state is None:
- # Create a new transform state, and apply the property
- # changes to it.
- newts = renpy.display.motion.TransformState()
- newts.take_state(trans.state)
- for k, v in
- setattr(newts, k, v)
- # Now, the things we change linearly are in the difference
- # between the new and old states.
- linear = trans.state.diff(newts)
- revolution = None
- splines = [ ]
- # Clockwise revolution.
- if self.revolution is not None:
- # Remove various irrelevant motions.
- for i in [ 'xpos', 'ypos',
- 'xanchor', 'yanchor',
- 'xaround', 'yaround',
- 'xanchoraround', 'yanchoraround',
- ]:
- linear.pop(i, None)
- if newts.xaround is not None:
- # Ensure we rotate around the new point.
- trans.state.xaround = newts.xaround
- trans.state.yaround = newts.yaround
- trans.state.xanchoraround = newts.xanchoraround
- trans.state.yanchoraround = newts.yanchoraround
- # Get the start and end angles and radii.
- startangle = trans.state.angle
- endangle = newts.angle
- startradius = trans.state.radius
- endradius = newts.radius
- # Make sure the revolution is in the appropriate direction,
- # and contains an appropriate number of circles.
- if self.revolution == "clockwise":
- if endangle < startangle:
- startangle -= 360
- startangle -= self.circles * 360
- elif self.revolution == "counterclockwise":
- if endangle > startangle:
- startangle += 360
- startangle += self.circles * 360
- # Store the revolution.
- revolution = (startangle, endangle, startradius, endradius)
- # Figure out the splines.
- for name, values in self.splines:
- splines.append((name, [ getattr(trans.state, name) ] + values))
- state = (linear, revolution, splines)
- # Ensure that we set things, even if they don't actually
- # change from the old state.
- for k, v in
- if k not in linear:
- setattr(trans.state, k, v)
- else:
- linear, revolution, splines = state
- # Linearly interpolate between the things in linear.
- for k, (old, new) in linear.items():
- value = interpolate(complete, old, new, PROPERTIES[k])
- setattr(trans.state, k, value)
- # Handle the revolution.
- if revolution is not None:
- startangle, endangle, startradius, endradius = revolution
- trans.state.angle = interpolate(complete, startangle, endangle, float)
- trans.state.radius = interpolate(complete, startradius, endradius, float)
- # Handle any splines we might have.
- for name, values in splines:
- value = interpolate_spline(complete, values)
- setattr(trans.state, name, value)
- if st >= self.duration:
- return "next", st - self.duration, None
- else:
- if not and not self.revolution and not self.splines:
- return "continue", state, self.duration - st
- else:
- return "continue", state, 0
-# Implementation of the repeat statement.
-class RawRepeat(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, repeats):
- super(RawRepeat, self).__init__(loc)
- self.repeats = repeats
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- repeats = self.repeats
- if repeats is not None:
- repeats = ctx.eval(repeats)
- return Repeat(self.loc, repeats)
-class Repeat(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, repeats):
- super(Repeat, self).__init__(loc)
- self.repeats = repeats
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- return "repeat", (self.repeats, st), 0
-# Parallel statement.
-class RawParallel(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, block):
- super(RawParallel, self).__init__(loc)
- self.blocks = [ block ]
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- return Parallel(self.loc, [i.compile(ctx) for i in self.blocks])
- def predict(self, ctx):
- for i in self.blocks:
- i.predict(ctx)
-class Parallel(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, blocks):
- super(Parallel, self).__init__(loc)
- self.blocks = blocks
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- executing(self.loc)
- if state is None:
- state = [ (i, None) for i in self.blocks ]
- # The amount of time left after finishing this block.
- left = [ ]
- # The duration of the pause.
- pauses = [ ]
- # The new state structure.
- newstate = [ ]
- for i, istate in state:
- action, arg, pause = i.execute(trans, st, istate, event)
- if pause is not None:
- pauses.append(pause)
- if action == "continue":
- newstate.append((i, arg))
- elif action == "next":
- left.append(arg)
- elif action == "event":
- return action, arg, pause
- if newstate:
- return "continue", newstate, min(pauses)
- else:
- return "next", min(left), None
- def visit(self):
- return [ j for i in self.blocks for j in i.visit() ]
-# The choice statement.
-class RawChoice(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, chance, block):
- super(RawChoice, self).__init__(loc)
- self.choices = [ (chance, block) ]
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- return Choice(self.loc, [ (ctx.eval(chance), block.compile(ctx)) for chance, block in self.choices])
- def predict(self, ctx):
- for _i, j in self.choices:
- j.predict(ctx)
-class Choice(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, choices):
- super(Choice, self).__init__(loc)
- self.choices = choices
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- executing(self.loc)
- if state is None:
- total = 0
- for chance, choice in self.choices:
- total += chance
- n = random.uniform(0, total)
- for chance, choice in self.choices:
- if n < chance:
- break
- n -= chance
- cstate = None
- else:
- choice, cstate = state
- action, arg, pause = choice.execute(trans, st, cstate, event)
- if action == "continue":
- return "continue", (choice, arg), pause
- else:
- return action, arg, None
- def visit(self):
- return [ j for i in self.choices for j in i[1].visit() ]
-# The Time statement.
-class RawTime(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, time):
- super(RawTime, self).__init__(loc)
- self.time = time
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- return Time(self.loc, ctx.eval(self.time))
-class Time(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, time):
- super(Time, self).__init__(loc)
- self.time = time
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- return "continue", None, None
-# The On statement.
-class RawOn(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, name, block):
- super(RawOn, self).__init__(loc)
- self.handlers = { name : block }
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- handlers = { }
- for k, v in self.handlers.items():
- handlers[k] = v.compile(ctx)
- return On(self.loc, handlers)
- def predict(self, ctx):
- for i in self.handlers.values():
- i.predict(ctx)
-class On(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, handlers):
- super(On, self).__init__(loc)
- self.handlers = handlers
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- executing(self.loc)
- # If it's our first time through, start in the start state.
- if state is None:
- name, start, cstate = ("start", st, None)
- else:
- name, start, cstate = state
- # If we have an external event, and we have a handler for it,
- # handle it.
- if event in self.handlers:
- # Do not allow people to abort the hide handler with another
- # event.
- if name != "hide":
- name = event
- start = st
- cstate = None
- while True:
- # If we don't have a handler, return until we change event.
- if name not in self.handlers:
- return "continue", (name, start, cstate), None
- action, arg, pause = self.handlers[name].execute(trans, st - start, cstate, event)
- # If we get a continue, save our state.
- if action == "continue":
- # If it comes from a hide block, indicate that.
- if name == "hide" or name == "replaced":
- trans.hide_response = False
- trans.replaced_response = False
- return "continue", (name, start, arg), pause
- # If we get a next, then try going to the default
- # event, unless we're already in default, in which case we
- # go to None.
- elif action == "next":
- if name == "default" or name == "hide" or name == "replaced":
- name = None
- else:
- name = "default"
- start = st - arg
- cstate = None
- continue
- # If we get an event, then either handle it if we can, or
- # pass it up the stack if we can't.
- elif action == "event":
- name, arg = arg
- if name in self.handlers:
- start = max(st - arg, st - 30)
- cstate = None
- continue
- return "event", (name, arg), None
- def visit(self):
- return [ j for i in self.handlers.values() for j in i.visit() ]
-# Event statement.
-class RawEvent(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, name):
- super(RawEvent, self).__init__(loc)
- = name
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- return Event(self.loc,
-class Event(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, name):
- super(Event, self).__init__(loc)
- = name
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- return "event", (, st), None
-class RawFunction(RawStatement):
- def __init__(self, loc, expr):
- super(RawFunction, self).__init__(loc)
- self.expr = expr
- def compile(self, ctx): #@ReservedAssignment
- compiling(self.loc)
- return Function(self.loc, ctx.eval(self.expr))
-class Function(Statement):
- def __init__(self, loc, function):
- super(Function, self).__init__(loc)
- self.function = function
- def execute(self, trans, st, state, event):
- fr = self.function(trans, st,
- if fr is not None:
- return "continue", None, fr
- else:
- return "next", 0, None
-# This parses an ATL block.
-def parse_atl(l):
- l.advance()
- block_loc = l.get_location()
- statements = [ ]
- animation = False
- while not l.eob:
- loc = l.get_location()
- if l.keyword('repeat'):
- repeats = l.simple_expression()
- statements.append(RawRepeat(loc, repeats))
- elif l.keyword('block'):
- l.require(':')
- l.expect_eol()
- l.expect_block('block')
- block = parse_atl(l.subblock_lexer())
- statements.append(block)
- elif l.keyword('contains'):
- expr = l.simple_expression()
- if expr:
- l.expect_noblock('contains expression')
- statements.append(RawContainsExpr(loc, expr))
- else:
- l.require(':')
- l.expect_eol()
- l.expect_block('contains')
- block = parse_atl(l.subblock_lexer())
- statements.append(RawChild(loc, block))
- elif l.keyword('parallel'):
- l.require(':')
- l.expect_eol()
- l.expect_block('parallel')
- block = parse_atl(l.subblock_lexer())
- statements.append(RawParallel(loc, block))
- elif l.keyword('choice'):
- chance = l.simple_expression()
- if not chance:
- chance = "1.0"
- l.require(':')
- l.expect_eol()
- l.expect_block('choice')
- block = parse_atl(l.subblock_lexer())
- statements.append(RawChoice(loc, chance, block))
- elif l.keyword('on'):
- name = l.require(l.word)
- l.require(':')
- l.expect_eol()
- l.expect_block('on')
- block = parse_atl(l.subblock_lexer())
- statements.append(RawOn(loc, name, block))
- elif l.keyword('time'):
- time = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- l.expect_noblock('time')
- statements.append(RawTime(loc, time))
- elif l.keyword('function'):
- expr = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- l.expect_noblock('function')
- statements.append(RawFunction(loc, expr))
- elif l.keyword('event'):
- name = l.require(l.word)
- l.expect_noblock('event')
- statements.append(RawEvent(loc, name))
- elif l.keyword('pass'):
- l.expect_noblock('pass')
- statements.append(None)
- elif l.keyword('animation'):
- l.expect_noblock('animation')
- animation = True
- else:
- # If we can't assign it it a statement more specifically,
- # we try to parse it into a RawMultipurpose. That will
- # then be turned into another statement, as appropriate.
- # The RawMultipurpose we add things to.
- rm = renpy.atl.RawMultipurpose(loc)
- # Is the last clause an expression?
- last_expression = False
- # Is this clause an expression?
- this_expression = False
- # First, look for a warper.
- cp = l.checkpoint()
- warper =
- if warper in warpers:
- duration = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- warp_function = None
- elif warper == "warp":
- warper = None
- warp_function = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- duration = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- else:
- l.revert(cp)
- warper = None
- warp_function = None
- duration = "0"
- rm.add_warper(warper, duration, warp_function)
- # Now, look for properties and simple_expressions.
- while True:
- # Update expression status.
- last_expression = this_expression
- this_expression = False
- if l.keyword('pass'):
- continue
- # Parse revolution keywords.
- if l.keyword('clockwise'):
- rm.add_revolution('clockwise')
- continue
- if l.keyword('counterclockwise'):
- rm.add_revolution('counterclockwise')
- continue
- if l.keyword('circles'):
- expr = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- rm.add_circles(expr)
- # Try to parse a property.
- cp = l.checkpoint()
- prop =
- if prop in PROPERTIES:
- expr = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- # We either have a property or a spline. It's the
- # presence of knots that determine which one it is.
- knots = [ ]
- while l.keyword('knot'):
- knots.append(l.require(l.simple_expression))
- if knots:
- knots.append(expr)
- rm.add_spline(prop, knots)
- else:
- rm.add_property(prop, expr)
- continue
- # Otherwise, try to parse it as a simple expressoon,
- # with an optional with clause.
- l.revert(cp)
- expr = l.simple_expression()
- if not expr:
- break
- if last_expression:
- l.error('ATL statement contains two expressions in a row; is one of them a misspelled property? If not, separate them with pass.')
- this_expression = True
- if l.keyword("with"):
- with_expr = l.require(l.simple_expression)
- else:
- with_expr = None
- rm.add_expression(expr, with_expr)
- l.expect_noblock('ATL')
- statements.append(rm)
- if l.eol():
- l.advance()
- continue
- l.require(",", "comma or end of line")
- # Merge together statements that need to be merged together.
- merged = [ ]
- old = None
- for new in statements:
- if isinstance(old, RawParallel) and isinstance(new, RawParallel):
- old.blocks.extend(new.blocks)
- continue
- elif isinstance(old, RawChoice) and isinstance(new, RawChoice):
- old.choices.extend(new.choices)
- continue
- elif isinstance(old, RawChild) and isinstance(new, RawChild):
- old.children.extend(new.children)
- continue
- elif isinstance(old, RawOn) and isinstance(new, RawOn):
- old.handlers.update(new.handlers)
- continue
- # None is a pause statement, which gets skipped, but also
- # prevents things from combining.
- elif new is None:
- old = new
- continue
- merged.append(new)
- old = new
- return RawBlock(block_loc, merged, animation)