path: root/unrpyc/renpy/display/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1744 deletions
diff --git a/unrpyc/renpy/display/ b/unrpyc/renpy/display/
deleted file mode 100644
index e07e28d..0000000
--- a/unrpyc/renpy/display/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1744 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2013 Tom Rothamel <>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
-# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
-# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
-# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-# subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-# This file contains classes that handle layout of displayables on
-# the screen.
-from renpy.display.render import render, Render
-import renpy.display
-def scale(num, base):
- """
- If num is a float, multiplies it by base and returns that. Otherwise,
- returns num unchanged.
- """
- if isinstance(num, float):
- return num * base
- else:
- return num
-class Null(renpy.display.core.Displayable):
- """
- :doc: disp_imagelike
- A displayable that creates an empty box on the screen. The size
- of the box is controlled by `width` and `height`. This can be used
- when a displayable requires a child, but no child is suitable, or
- as a spacer inside a box.
- ::
- image logo spaced = HBox("logo.png", Null(width=100), "logo.png")
- """
- def __init__(self, width=0, height=0, **properties):
- super(Null, self).__init__(**properties)
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(self.width, self.height)
- if self.focusable:
- rv.add_focus(self, None, None, None, None, None)
- return rv
-class Container(renpy.display.core.Displayable):
- """
- This is the base class for containers that can have one or more
- children.
- @ivar children: A list giving the children that have been added to
- this container, in the order that they were added in.
- @ivar child: The last child added to this container. This is also
- used to access the sole child in containers that can only hold
- one child.
- @ivar offsets: A list giving offsets for each of our children.
- It's expected that render will set this up each time it is called.
- @ivar sizes: A list giving sizes for each of our children. It's
- also expected that render will set this each time it is called.
- """
- # We indirect all list creation through this, so that we can
- # use RevertableLists if we want.
- _list_type = list
- def __init__(self, *args, **properties):
- self.children = self._list_type()
- self.child = None
- self.offsets = self._list_type()
- for i in args:
- self.add(i)
- super(Container, self).__init__(**properties)
- def set_style_prefix(self, prefix, root):
- super(Container, self).set_style_prefix(prefix, root)
- for i in self.children:
- i.set_style_prefix(prefix, False)
- def add(self, d):
- """
- Adds a child to this container.
- """
- child = renpy.easy.displayable(d)
- self.children.append(child)
- self.child = child
- self.offsets = self._list_type()
- def remove(self, d):
- """
- Removes the first instance of child from this container. May
- not work with all containers.
- """
- for i, c in enumerate(self.children):
- if c is d:
- break
- else:
- return
- self.children.pop(i) # W0631
- self.offsets = self._list_type()
- if self.children:
- self.child = self.children[-1]
- else:
- self.child = None
- def update(self):
- """
- This should be called if a child is added to this
- displayable outside of the render function.
- """
- renpy.display.render.invalidate(self)
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- rv = Render(width, height)
- self.offsets = self._list_type()
- for c in self.children:
- cr = render(c, width, height, st, at)
- offset =, 0, 0, width, height, cr)
- self.offsets.append(offset)
- return rv
- def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
- children = self.children
- offsets = self.offsets
- for i in range(len(offsets) - 1, -1, -1):
- d = children[i]
- xo, yo = offsets[i]
- rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- return None
- def visit(self):
- return self.children
- # These interact with the ui functions to allow use as a context
- # manager.
- def __enter__(self):
- renpy.ui.context_enter(self)
- return self
- def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
- renpy.ui.context_exit(self)
- return False
-def LiveComposite(size, *args, **properties):
- """
- :args: disp_imagelike
- This creates a new displayable of `size`, by compositing other
- displayables. `size` is a (width, height) tuple.
- The remaining positional arguments are used to place images inside
- the LiveComposite. The remaining positional arguments should come
- in groups of two, with the first member of each group an (x, y)
- tuple, and the second member of a group is a displayable that
- is composited at that position.
- Displayables are composited from back to front.
- ::
- image eileen composite = LiveComposite(
- (300, 600),
- (0, 0), "body.png",
- (0, 0), "clothes.png",
- (50, 50), "expression.png")
- """
- properties.setdefault('style', 'image_placement')
- width, height = size
- rv = Fixed(xmaximum=width, ymaximum=height, xminimum=width, yminimum=height, **properties)
- if len(args) % 2 != 0:
- raise Exception("LiveComposite requires an odd number of arguments.")
- for pos, widget in zip(args[0::2], args[1::2]):
- xpos, ypos = pos
- rv.add(Position(renpy.easy.displayable(widget),
- xpos=xpos, xanchor=0, ypos=ypos, yanchor=0))
- return rv
-class Position(Container):
- """
- Controls the placement of a displayable on the screen, using
- supplied position properties. This is the non-curried form of
- Position, which should be used when the user has directly created
- the displayable that will be shown on the screen.
- """
- def __init__(self, child, style='image_placement', **properties):
- """
- @param child: The child that is being laid out.
- @param style: The base style of this position.
- @param properties: Position properties that control where the
- child of this widget is placed.
- """
- super(Position, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- self.add(child)
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- surf = render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
- self.offsets = [ (0, 0) ]
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(surf.width, surf.height)
- rv.blit(surf, (0, 0))
- return rv
- def get_placement(self):
- xpos, ypos, xanchor, yanchor, xoffset, yoffset, subpixel = self.child.get_placement()
- v =
- if v is not None:
- xpos = v
- v =
- if v is not None:
- ypos = v
- v =
- if v is not None:
- xanchor = v
- v =
- if v is not None:
- yanchor = v
- v =
- if v is not None:
- xoffset = v
- v =
- if v is not None:
- yoffset = v
- v =
- if v is not None:
- subpixel = v
- return xpos, ypos, xanchor, yanchor, xoffset, yoffset, subpixel
-class Grid(Container):
- """
- A grid is a widget that evenly allocates space to its children.
- The child widgets should not be greedy, but should instead be
- widgets that only use part of the space available to them.
- """
- def __init__(self, cols, rows, padding=None,
- transpose=False,
- style='grid', **properties):
- """
- @param cols: The number of columns in this widget.
- @params rows: The number of rows in this widget.
- @params transpose: True if the grid should be transposed.
- """
- if padding is not None:
- properties.setdefault('spacing', padding)
- super(Grid, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- cols = int(cols)
- rows = int(rows)
- self.cols = cols
- self.rows = rows
- self.transpose = transpose
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- # For convenience and speed.
- padding =
- cols = self.cols
- rows = self.rows
- if len(self.children) != cols * rows:
- if len(self.children) < cols * rows:
- raise Exception("Grid not completely full.")
- else:
- raise Exception("Grid overfull.")
- # If necessary, transpose the grid (kinda hacky, but it works here.)
- if self.transpose:
- self.transpose = False
- old_children = self.children[:]
- for y in range(0, rows):
- for x in range(0, cols):
- self.children[x + y * cols] = old_children[ y + x * rows ]
- # Now, start the actual rendering.
- renwidth = width
- renheight = height
- if
- renwidth = (width - (cols - 1) * padding) / cols
- if
- renheight = (height - (rows - 1) * padding) / rows
- renders = [ render(i, renwidth, renheight, st, at) for i in self.children ]
- sizes = [ i.get_size() for i in renders ]
- cwidth = 0
- cheight = 0
- for w, h in sizes:
- cwidth = max(cwidth, w)
- cheight = max(cheight, h)
- if
- cwidth = renwidth
- if
- cheight = renheight
- width = cwidth * cols + padding * (cols - 1)
- height = cheight * rows + padding * (rows - 1)
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height)
- self.offsets = [ ]
- for y in range(0, rows):
- for x in range(0, cols):
- child = self.children[ x + y * cols ]
- surf = renders[x + y * cols]
- xpos = x * (cwidth + padding)
- ypos = y * (cheight + padding)
- offset =, xpos, ypos, cwidth, cheight, surf)
- self.offsets.append(offset)
- return rv
-class IgnoreLayers(Exception):
- """
- Raise this to have the event ignored by layers, but reach the
- underlay.
- """
- pass
-class MultiBox(Container):
- layer_name = None
- first = True
- order_reverse = False
- def __init__(self, spacing=None, layout=None, style='default', **properties):
- if spacing is not None:
- properties['spacing'] = spacing
- super(MultiBox, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- self.default_layout = layout
- # The start and animation times for children of this
- # box.
- self.start_times = [ ]
- self.anim_times = [ ]
- # A map from layer name to the widget corresponding to
- # that layer.
- self.layers = None
- # The scene list for this widget.
- self.scene_list = None
- def add(self, widget, start_time=None, anim_time=None): # W0221
- super(MultiBox, self).add(widget)
- self.start_times.append(start_time)
- self.anim_times.append(anim_time)
- def append_scene_list(self, l):
- for sle in l:
- self.add(sle.displayable, sle.show_time, sle.animation_time)
- if self.scene_list is None:
- self.scene_list = [ ]
- self.scene_list.extend(l)
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- # Do we need to adjust the child times due to our being a layer?
- if self.layer_name or (self.layers is not None):
- adjust_times = True
- else:
- adjust_times = False
- xminimum =
- if xminimum is not None:
- width = max(width, scale(xminimum, width))
- yminimum =
- if yminimum is not None:
- height = max(height, scale(yminimum, height))
- if self.first:
- self.first = False
- if adjust_times:
- it =
- self.start_times = [ i or it for i in self.start_times ]
- self.anim_times = [ i or it for i in self.anim_times ]
- layout =
- if layout is None:
- layout = self.default_layout
- self.layout = layout # W0201
- else:
- layout = self.layout
- # Handle time adjustment, store the results in csts and cats.
- if adjust_times:
- t =
- csts = [ t - start for start in self.start_times ]
- cats = [ t - anim for anim in self.anim_times ]
- else:
- csts = [ st ] * len(self.children)
- cats = [ at ] * len(self.children)
- offsets = [ ]
- if layout == "fixed":
- rv = None
- if
- iterator = list(zip(reversed(self.children), reversed(csts), reversed(cats)))
- else:
- iterator = list(zip(self.children, csts, cats))
- for child, cst, cat in iterator:
- surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat)
- if rv is None:
- if
- sw, sh = surf.get_size()
- width = min(width, sw)
- height = min(height, sh)
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height, layer_name=self.layer_name)
- if surf:
- offset =, 0, 0, width, height, surf)
- offsets.append(offset)
- else:
- offsets.append((0, 0))
- if rv is None:
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height, layer_name=self.layer_name)
- if
- offsets.reverse()
- self.offsets = offsets
- return rv
- # If we're here, we have a box, either horizontal or vertical. Which is good,
- # as we can share some code between boxes.
- spacing =
- first_spacing =
- if first_spacing is None:
- first_spacing = spacing
- spacings = [ first_spacing ] + [ spacing ] * (len(self.children) - 1)
- box_wrap =
- xfill =
- yfill =
- # The shared height and width of the current line. The line_height must
- # be 0 for a vertical box, and the line_width must be 0 for a horizontal
- # box.
- line_width = 0
- line_height = 0
- # The children to layout.
- children = list(self.children)
- if
- children.reverse()
- spacings.reverse()
- # a list of (child, x, y, w, h, surf) tuples that are turned into
- # calls to
- placements = [ ]
- # The maximum x and y.
- maxx = 0
- maxy = 0
- def layout_line(line, xfill, yfill):
- """
- Lays out a single line.
- `line` a list of (child, x, y, surf) tuples.
- `xfill` the amount of space to add in the x direction.
- `yfill` the amount of space to add in the y direction.
- """
- xfill = max(0, xfill)
- yfill = max(0, yfill)
- if line:
- xperchild = xfill / len(line)
- yperchild = yfill / len(line)
- else:
- xperchild = 0
- yperchild = 0
- maxxout = maxx
- maxyout = maxy
- for i, (child, x, y, surf) in enumerate(line):
- sw, sh = surf.get_size()
- sw = max(line_width, sw)
- sh = max(line_height, sh)
- x += i * xperchild
- y += i * yperchild
- sw += xperchild
- sh += yperchild
- placements.append((child, x, y, sw, sh, surf))
- maxxout = max(maxxout, x + sw)
- maxyout = max(maxyout, y + sh)
- return maxxout, maxyout
- x = 0
- y = 0
- full_width = False
- full_height = False
- if layout == "horizontal":
- full_height = yfill
- line_height = 0
- line = [ ]
- remwidth = width
- for d, padding, cst, cat in zip(children, spacings, csts, cats):
- if box_wrap:
- rw = width
- else:
- rw = remwidth
- surf = render(d, rw, height - y, cst, cat)
- sw, sh = surf.get_size()
- if box_wrap and remwidth - sw - padding <= 0 and line:
- maxx, maxy = layout_line(line, remwidth if xfill else 0, 0)
- y += line_height
- x = 0
- line_height = 0
- remwidth = width
- line = [ ]
- line.append((d, x, y, surf))
- line_height = max(line_height, sh)
- x += sw + padding
- remwidth -= (sw + padding)
- maxx, maxy = layout_line(line, remwidth if xfill else 0, 0)
- elif layout == "vertical":
- full_width = xfill
- line_width = 0
- line = [ ]
- remheight = height
- for d, padding, cst, cat in zip(children, spacings, csts, cats):
- if box_wrap:
- rh = height
- else:
- rh = remheight
- surf = render(d, width - x, rh, cst, cat)
- sw, sh = surf.get_size()
- if box_wrap and remheight - sh - padding <= 0:
- maxx, maxy = layout_line(line, 0, remheight if yfill else 0)
- x += line_width
- y = 0
- line_width = 0
- remheight = height
- line = [ ]
- line.append((d, x, y, surf))
- line_width = max(line_width, sw)
- y += sh + padding
- remheight -= (sh + padding)
- maxx, maxy = layout_line(line, 0, remheight if yfill else 0)
- # Back to the common for vertical and horizontal.
- if not xfill:
- width = maxx
- if not yfill:
- height = maxy
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height)
- if ^
- placements.reverse()
- for child, x, y, w, h, surf in placements:
- if full_width:
- w = width
- if full_height:
- h = height
- offset =, x, y, w, h, surf)
- offsets.append(offset)
- if
- offsets.reverse()
- self.offsets = offsets
- return rv
- def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
- children_offsets = list(zip(self.children, self.offsets, self.start_times))
- if not
- children_offsets.reverse()
- try:
- for i, (xo, yo), t in children_offsets:
- if t is None:
- cst = st
- else:
- cst = - t
- rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- except IgnoreLayers:
- if self.layers:
- return None
- else:
- raise
- return None
-def Fixed(**properties):
- return MultiBox(layout='fixed', **properties)
-class SizeGroup(renpy.object.Object):
- def __init__(self):
- super(SizeGroup, self).__init__()
- self.members = [ ]
- self._width = None
- self.computing_width = False
- def width(self, width, height, st, at):
- if self._width is not None:
- return self._width
- if self.computing_width:
- return 0
- self.computing_width = True
- maxwidth = 0
- for i in self.members:
- rend = renpy.display.render.render(i, width, height, st, at)
- maxwidth = max(rend.width, maxwidth)
- renpy.display.render.invalidate(i)
- self._width = maxwidth
- self.computing_width = False
- return maxwidth
-size_groups = dict()
-class Window(Container):
- """
- A window that has padding and margins, and can place a background
- behind its child. `child` is the child added to this
- displayable. All other properties are as for the :ref:`Window`
- screen language statement.
- """
- def __init__(self, child, style='window', **properties):
- super(Window, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- if child is not None:
- self.add(child)
- def visit(self):
- return [ ] + self.children
- def get_child(self):
- return or self.child
- def per_interact(self):
- size_group =
- if size_group:
- group = size_groups.get(size_group, None)
- if group is None:
- group = size_groups[size_group] = SizeGroup()
- group.members.append(self)
- def predict_one(self):
- # Child will be predicted by visiting.
- pd = renpy.display.predict.displayable
- style =
- pd(style.insensitive_background)
- pd(style.idle_background)
- pd(style.hover_background)
- pd(style.selected_idle_background)
- pd(style.selected_hover_background)
- pd(style.insensitive_child)
- pd(style.idle_child)
- pd(style.hover_child)
- pd(style.selected_idle_child)
- pd(style.selected_hover_child)
- pd(style.insensitive_foreground)
- pd(style.idle_foreground)
- pd(style.hover_foreground)
- pd(style.selected_idle_foreground)
- pd(style.selected_hover_foreground)
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- # save some typing.
- style =
- xminimum = scale(style.xminimum, width)
- yminimum = scale(style.yminimum, height)
- size_group =
- if size_group and size_group in size_groups:
- xminimum = max(xminimum, size_groups[size_group].width(width, height, st, at))
- left_margin = scale(style.left_margin, width)
- left_padding = scale(style.left_padding, width)
- right_margin = scale(style.right_margin, width)
- right_padding = scale(style.right_padding, width)
- top_margin = scale(style.top_margin, height)
- top_padding = scale(style.top_padding, height)
- bottom_margin = scale(style.bottom_margin, height)
- bottom_padding = scale(style.bottom_padding, height)
- # c for combined.
- cxmargin = left_margin + right_margin
- cymargin = top_margin + bottom_margin
- cxpadding = left_padding + right_padding
- cypadding = top_padding + bottom_padding
- child = self.get_child()
- # Render the child.
- surf = render(child,
- width - cxmargin - cxpadding,
- height - cymargin - cypadding,
- st, at)
- sw, sh = surf.get_size()
- # If we don't fill, shrink our size to fit.
- if not style.xfill:
- width = max(cxmargin + cxpadding + sw, xminimum)
- if not style.yfill:
- height = max(cymargin + cypadding + sh, yminimum)
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height)
- # Draw the background. The background should render at exactly the
- # requested size. (That is, be a Frame or a Solid).
- if style.background:
- bw = width - cxmargin
- bh = height - cymargin
- back = render(style.background, bw, bh, st, at)
-, left_margin, top_margin, bw, bh, back, main=False)
- offsets =,
- left_margin + left_padding,
- top_margin + top_padding,
- width - cxmargin - cxpadding,
- height - cymargin - cypadding,
- surf)
- # Draw the foreground. The background should render at exactly the
- # requested size. (That is, be a Frame or a Solid).
- if style.foreground:
- bw = width - cxmargin
- bh = height - cymargin
- back = render(style.foreground, bw, bh, st, at)
-, left_margin, top_margin, bw, bh, back, main=False)
- self.offsets = [ offsets ]
- self.window_size = width, height # W0201
- return rv
-def dynamic_displayable_compat(st, at, expr):
- child = renpy.python.py_eval(expr)
- return child, None
-class DynamicDisplayable(renpy.display.core.Displayable):
- """
- :doc: disp_dynamic
- A displayable that can change its child based on a Python
- function, over the course of an interaction.
- `function`
- A function that is called with the arguments:
- * The amount of time the displayable has been shown for.
- * The amount of time any displayable with the same tag has been shown for.
- * Any positional or keyword arguments supplied to DynamicDisplayable.
- and should return a (d, redraw) tuple, where:
- * `d` is a displayable to show.
- * `redraw` is the amount of time to wait before calling the
- function again, or None to not call the function again
- before the start of the next interaction.
- `function` is called at the start of every interaction.
- As a special case, `function` may also be a python string that evaluates
- to a displayable. In that case, function is run once per interaction.
- ::
- # If tooltip is not empty, shows it in a text. Otherwise,
- # show Null. Checks every tenth of a second to see if the
- # tooltip has been updated.
- init python:
- def show_tooltip(st, at):
- if tooltip:
- return tooltip, .1
- else:
- return Null()
- image tooltipper = DynamicDisplayable(show_tooltip)
- """
- nosave = [ 'child' ]
- def after_setstate(self):
- self.child = None
- def __init__(self, function, *args, **kwargs):
- super(DynamicDisplayable, self).__init__()
- self.child = None
- if isinstance(function, str):
- args = ( function, )
- kwargs = { }
- function = dynamic_displayable_compat
- self.predict_function = kwargs.pop("_predict_function", None)
- self.function = function
- self.args = args
- self.kwargs = kwargs
- = 0
- = 0
- def visit(self):
- return [ ]
- def per_interact(self):
- child, _ = self.function(,, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
- child = renpy.easy.displayable(child)
- child.visit_all(lambda a : a.per_interact())
- if child is not self.child:
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
- self.child = child
- def render(self, w, h, st, at):
- = st
- = at
- child, redraw = self.function(st, at, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
- child = renpy.easy.displayable(child)
- child.visit_all(lambda c : c.per_interact())
- self.child = child
- if redraw is not None:
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, redraw)
- return renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
- def predict_one(self):
- if not self.predict_function:
- return
- for i in self.predict_function(*self.args, **self.kwargs):
- if i is not None:
- renpy.display.predict.displayable(i)
- def get_placement(self):
- if not self.child:
- self.per_interact()
- return self.child.get_placement()
- def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
- if self.child:
- return self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
-# This chooses the first member of switch that's being shown on the
-# given layer.
-def condition_switch_pick(switch):
- for cond, d in switch:
- if cond is None or renpy.python.py_eval(cond):
- return d
- raise Exception("Switch could not choose a displayable.")
-def condition_switch_show(st, at, switch):
- return condition_switch_pick(switch), None
-def condition_switch_predict(switch):
- if
- return [ d for _cond, d in switch ]
- return [ condition_switch_pick(switch) ]
-def ConditionSwitch(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- :doc: disp_dynamic
- This is a displayable that changes what it is showing based on
- python conditions. The positional argument should be given in
- groups of two, where each group consists of:
- * A string containing a python condition.
- * A displayable to use if the condition is true.
- The first true condition has its displayable shown, at least
- one condition should always be true.
- ::
- image jill = ConditionSwitch(
- "jill_beers > 4", "jill_drunk.png",
- "True", "jill_sober.png")
- """
- kwargs.setdefault('style', 'default')
- switch = [ ]
- if len(args) % 2 != 0:
- raise Exception('ConditionSwitch takes an even number of arguments')
- for cond, d in zip(args[0::2], args[1::2]):
- d = renpy.easy.displayable(d)
- switch.append((cond, d))
- rv = DynamicDisplayable(condition_switch_show,
- switch,
- _predict_function=condition_switch_predict)
- return Position(rv, **kwargs)
-def ShowingSwitch(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- :doc: disp_dynamic
- This is a displayable that changes what it is showing based on the
- images are showing on the screen. The positional argument should
- be given in groups of two, where each group consists of:
- * A string giving an image name, or None to indicate the default.
- * A displayable to use if the condition is true.
- A default image should be specified.
- One use of ShowingSwitch is to have side images change depending on
- the current emotion of a character. For example::
- define e = Character("Eileen",
- show_side_image=ShowingSwitch(
- "eileen happy", Image("eileen_happy_side.png", xalign=1.0, yalign=1.0),
- "eileen vhappy", Image("eileen_vhappy_side.png", xalign=1.0, yalign=1.0),
- None, Image("eileen_happy_default.png", xalign=1.0, yalign=1.0),
- )
- )
- """
- layer = kwargs.pop('layer', 'master')
- if len(args) % 2 != 0:
- raise Exception('ShowingSwitch takes an even number of positional arguments')
- condargs = [ ]
- for name, d in zip(args[0::2], args[1::2]):
- if name is not None:
- if not isinstance(name, tuple):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- cond = "renpy.showing(%r, layer=%r)" % (name, layer)
- else:
- cond = None
- condargs.append(cond)
- condargs.append(d)
- return ConditionSwitch(*condargs, **kwargs)
-class IgnoresEvents(Container):
- def __init__(self, child, **properties):
- super(IgnoresEvents, self).__init__(**properties)
- self.add(child)
- def render(self, w, h, st, at):
- cr = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
- cw, ch = cr.get_size()
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(cw, ch)
- rv.blit(cr, (0, 0), focus=False)
- return rv
- def get_placement(self):
- return self.child.get_placement()
- # Ignores events.
- def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
- return None
-def edgescroll_proportional(n):
- """
- An edgescroll function that causes the move speed to be proportional
- from the edge distance.
- """
- return n
-class Viewport(Container):
- __version__ = 3
- def after_upgrade(self, version):
- if version < 1:
- self.xadjustment = renpy.display.behavior.Adjustment(1, 0)
- self.yadjustment = renpy.display.behavior.Adjustment(1, 0)
- self.set_adjustments = False
- self.mousewheel = False
- self.draggable = False
- self.width = 0
- self.height = 0
- if version < 2:
- self.drag_position = None
- if version < 3:
- self.edge_size = False
- self.edge_speed = False
- self.edge_function = None
- self.edge_xspeed = 0
- self.edge_yspeed = 0
- self.edge_last_st = None
- def __init__(self,
- child=None,
- child_size=(None, None),
- offsets=(None, None),
- xadjustment=None,
- yadjustment=None,
- set_adjustments=True,
- mousewheel=False,
- draggable=False,
- edgescroll=None,
- style='viewport',
- xinitial=None,
- yinitial=None,
- replaces=None,
- **properties):
- super(Viewport, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- if child is not None:
- self.add(child)
- if xadjustment is None:
- self.xadjustment = renpy.display.behavior.Adjustment(1, 0)
- else:
- self.xadjustment = xadjustment
- if yadjustment is None:
- self.yadjustment = renpy.display.behavior.Adjustment(1, 0)
- else:
- self.yadjustment = yadjustment
- if isinstance(replaces, Viewport):
- self.xadjustment.range = replaces.xadjustment.range
- self.yadjustment.range = replaces.yadjustment.range
- self.xadjustment.value = replaces.xadjustment.value
- self.yadjustment.value = replaces.yadjustment.value
- self.xoffset = replaces.xoffset
- self.yoffset = replaces.yoffset
- self.drag_position = replaces.drag_position
- else:
- self.xoffset = offsets[0] if (offsets[0] is not None) else xinitial
- self.yoffset = offsets[1] if (offsets[1] is not None) else yinitial
- self.drag_position = None
- if self.xadjustment.adjustable is None:
- self.xadjustment.adjustable = True
- if self.yadjustment.adjustable is None:
- self.yadjustment.adjustable = True
- self.set_adjustments = set_adjustments
- self.child_width, self.child_height = child_size
- self.mousewheel = mousewheel
- self.draggable = draggable
- self.width = 0
- self.height = 0
- # The speed at which we scroll in the x and y directions, in pixels
- # per second.
- self.edge_xspeed = 0
- self.edge_yspeed = 0
- # The last time we edgescrolled.
- self.edge_last_st = None
- if edgescroll is not None:
- # The size of the edges that trigger scrolling.
- self.edge_size = edgescroll[0]
- # How far from the edge we can scroll.
- self.edge_speed = edgescroll[1]
- if len(edgescroll) >= 3:
- self.edge_function = edgescroll[2]
- else:
- self.edge_function = edgescroll_proportional
- else:
- self.edge_size = 0
- self.edge_speed = 0
- self.edge_function = edgescroll_proportional
- def per_interact(self):
- self.xadjustment.register(self)
- self.yadjustment.register(self)
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- self.width = width
- self.height = height
- child_width = self.child_width or width
- child_height = self.child_height or height
- surf = render(self.child, child_width, child_height, st, at)
- cw, ch = surf.get_size()
- # width = min(cw, width)
- # height = min(ch, height)
- if self.set_adjustments:
- self.xadjustment.range = max(cw - width, 0)
- = width
- self.yadjustment.range = max(ch - height, 0)
- = height
- if self.xoffset is not None:
- if isinstance(self.xoffset, int):
- value = self.xoffset
- else:
- value = max(cw - width, 0) * self.xoffset
- self.xadjustment.value = value
- if self.yoffset is not None:
- if isinstance(self.yoffset, int):
- value = self.yoffset
- else:
- value = max(ch - height, 0) * self.yoffset
- self.yadjustment.value = value
- if self.edge_size and self.edge_last_st and (self.edge_xspeed or self.edge_yspeed):
- duration = max(st - self.edge_last_st, 0)
- self.xadjustment.change(self.xadjustment.value + duration * self.edge_xspeed)
- self.yadjustment.change(self.yadjustment.value + duration * self.edge_yspeed)
- self.check_edge_redraw()
- self.edge_last_st = st
- cxo = -int(self.xadjustment.value)
- cyo = -int(self.yadjustment.value)
- self.offsets = [ (cxo, cyo) ]
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height)
- rv.blit(surf, (cxo, cyo))
- return rv
- def check_edge_redraw(self):
- redraw = False
- if (self.edge_xspeed > 0) and (self.xadjustment.value < self.xadjustment.range):
- redraw = True
- if (self.edge_xspeed < 0) and (self.xadjustment.value > 0):
- redraw = True
- if (self.edge_yspeed > 0) and (self.yadjustment.value < self.yadjustment.range):
- redraw = True
- if (self.edge_yspeed < 0) and (self.yadjustment.value > 0):
- redraw = True
- if redraw:
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
- def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
- self.xoffset = None
- self.yoffset = None
- rv = super(Viewport, self).event(ev, x, y, st)
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- if self.draggable and renpy.display.focus.get_grab() == self:
- oldx, oldy = self.drag_position
- dx = x - oldx
- dy = y - oldy
- self.xadjustment.change(self.xadjustment.value - dx)
- self.yadjustment.change(self.yadjustment.value - dy)
- self.drag_position = (x, y) # W0201
- if renpy.display.behavior.map_event(ev, 'viewport_drag_end'):
- renpy.display.focus.set_grab(None)
- raise renpy.display.core.IgnoreEvent()
- if not ((0 <= x < self.width) and (0 <= y <= self.height)):
- return
- if self.mousewheel:
- if renpy.display.behavior.map_event(ev, 'viewport_up'):
- rv = self.yadjustment.change(self.yadjustment.value - self.yadjustment.step)
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- else:
- raise renpy.display.core.IgnoreEvent()
- if renpy.display.behavior.map_event(ev, 'viewport_down'):
- rv = self.yadjustment.change(self.yadjustment.value + self.yadjustment.step)
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- else:
- raise renpy.display.core.IgnoreEvent()
- if self.draggable:
- if renpy.display.behavior.map_event(ev, 'viewport_drag_start'):
- self.drag_position = (x, y)
- renpy.display.focus.set_grab(self)
- raise renpy.display.core.IgnoreEvent()
- if self.edge_size:
- def speed(n, zero, one):
- """
- Given a position `n`, computes the speed. The speed is 0.0
- when `n` == `zero`, 1.0 when `n` == `one`, and linearly
- interpolated when between.
- Returns 0.0 when outside the bounds - in either direction.
- """
- n = 1.0 * (n - zero) / (one - zero)
- if n < 0.0:
- return 0.0
- if n > 1.0:
- return 0.0
- return n
- xspeed = speed(x, self.width - self.edge_size, self.width)
- xspeed -= speed(x, self.edge_size, 0)
- self.edge_xspeed = self.edge_speed * self.edge_function(xspeed)
- yspeed = speed(y, self.height - self.edge_size, self.height)
- yspeed -= speed(y, self.edge_size, 0)
- self.edge_yspeed = self.edge_speed * self.edge_function(yspeed)
- if xspeed or yspeed:
- self.check_edge_redraw()
- if self.edge_last_st is None:
- self.edge_last_st = st
- else:
- self.edge_last_st = None
- return None
- def set_xoffset(self, offset):
- self.xoffset = offset
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
- def set_yoffset(self, offset):
- self.yoffset = offset
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
-def LiveCrop(rect, child, **properties):
- """
- :doc: disp_imagelike
- This created a displayable by cropping `child` to `rect`, where
- `rect` is an (x, y, width, height) tuple. ::
- image eileen cropped = LiveCrop((0, 0, 300, 300), "eileen happy")
- """
- x, y, w, h = rect
- return Viewport(child, offsets=(x, y), xmaximum=w, ymaximum=h, **properties)
-class Side(Container):
- possible_positions = set([ 'tl', 't', 'tr', 'r', 'br', 'b', 'bl', 'l', 'c'])
- def after_setstate(self):
- self.sized = False
- def __init__(self, positions, style='side', **properties):
- super(Side, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- if isinstance(positions, str):
- positions = positions.split()
- for i in positions:
- if not i in Side.possible_positions:
- raise Exception("Side used with impossible position '%s'." % (i,))
- self.positions = tuple(positions)
- self.sized = False
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- pos_d = { }
- pos_i = { }
- for i, (pos, d) in enumerate(zip(self.positions, self.children)):
- pos_d[pos] = d
- pos_i[pos] = i
- # Figure out the size of each widget (and hence where the
- # widget needs to be placed).
- if not self.sized:
- self.sized = True
- # Deal with various spacings.
- spacing =
- def spacer(a, b, c, axis):
- if (a in pos_d) or (b in pos_d) or (c in pos_d):
- return spacing, axis - spacing
- else:
- return 0, axis
- self.left_space, width = spacer('tl', 'l', 'bl', width) # W0201
- self.right_space, width = spacer('tr', 'r', 'br', width) # W0201
- self.top_space, height = spacer('tl', 't', 'tr', height) # W0201
- self.bottom_space, height = spacer('bl', 'b', 'br', height) # W0201
- # The sizes of the various borders.
- left = 0
- right = 0
- top = 0
- bottom = 0
- cwidth = 0
- cheight = 0
- def sizeit(pos, width, height, owidth, oheight):
- if pos not in pos_d:
- return owidth, oheight
- rend = render(pos_d[pos], width, height, st, at)
- rv = max(owidth, rend.width), max(oheight, rend.height)
- rend.kill()
- return rv
- cwidth, cheight = sizeit('c', width, height, 0, 0)
- cwidth, top = sizeit('t', cwidth, height, cwidth, top)
- cwidth, bottom = sizeit('b', cwidth, height, cwidth, bottom)
- left, cheight = sizeit('l', width, cheight, left, cheight)
- right, cheight = sizeit('r', width, cheight, right, cheight)
- left, top = sizeit('tl', left, top, left, top)
- left, bottom = sizeit('bl', left, bottom, left, bottom)
- right, top = sizeit('tr', right, top, right, top)
- right, bottom = sizeit('br', right, bottom, right, bottom)
- self.cwidth = cwidth # W0201
- self.cheight = cheight # W0201
- = top # W0201
- self.bottom = bottom # W0201
- self.left = left # W0201
- self.right = right # W0201
- else:
- cwidth = self.cwidth
- cheight = self.cheight
- top =
- bottom = self.bottom
- left = self.left
- right = self.right
- # Now, place everything onto the render.
- self.offsets = [ None ] * len(self.children)
- lefts = self.left_space
- rights = self.right_space
- tops = self.top_space
- bottoms = self.bottom_space
- cwidth = min(cwidth, width - left - lefts - right - rights)
- cheight = min(cheight, height - top - tops - bottom - bottoms)
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(left + lefts + cwidth + rights + right,
- top + tops + cheight + bottoms + bottom)
- def place(pos, x, y, w, h):
- if pos not in pos_d:
- return
- d = pos_d[pos]
- i = pos_i[pos]
- rend = render(d, w, h, st, at)
- self.offsets[i] = pos_d[pos].place(rv, x, y, w, h, rend)
- col1 = 0
- col2 = left + lefts
- col3 = left + lefts + cwidth + rights
- row1 = 0
- row2 = top + tops
- row3 = top + tops + cheight + bottoms
- place('c', col2, row2, cwidth, cheight)
- place('t', col2, row1, cwidth, top)
- place('r', col3, row2, right, cheight)
- place('b', col2, row3, cwidth, bottom)
- place('l', col1, row2, left, cheight)
- place('tl', col1, row1, left, top)
- place('tr', col3, row1, right, top)
- place('br', col3, row3, right, bottom)
- place('bl', col1, row3, left, bottom)
- return rv
-class Alpha(renpy.display.core.Displayable):
- def __init__(self, start, end, time, child=None, repeat=False, bounce=False,
- anim_timebase=False, time_warp=None, **properties):
- super(Alpha, self).__init__(**properties)
- self.start = start
- self.end = end
- self.time = time
- self.child = renpy.easy.displayable(child)
- self.repeat = repeat
- self.anim_timebase = anim_timebase
- self.time_warp = time_warp
- def visit(self):
- return [ self.child ]
- def render(self, height, width, st, at):
- if self.anim_timebase:
- t = at
- else:
- t = st
- if self.time:
- done = min(t / self.time, 1.0)
- else:
- done = 1.0
- if
- done = 1.0
- elif self.repeat:
- done = done % 1.0
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
- elif done != 1.0:
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
- if self.time_warp:
- done = self.time_warp(done)
- alpha = self.start + done * (self.end - self.start)
- rend = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, height, width, st, at)
- w, h = rend.get_size()
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(w, h)
- rv.blit(rend, (0, 0))
- rv.alpha = alpha
- return rv
-class AdjustTimes(Container):
- def __init__(self, child, start_time, anim_time, **properties):
- super(AdjustTimes, self).__init__(**properties)
- self.start_time = start_time
- self.anim_time = anim_time
- self.add(child)
- def render(self, w, h, st, at):
- if self.start_time is None:
- self.start_time =
- if self.anim_time is None:
- self.anim_time =
- st = - self.start_time
- at = - self.anim_time
- cr = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
- cw, ch = cr.get_size()
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(cw, ch)
- rv.blit(cr, (0, 0))
- self.offsets = [ (0, 0) ]
- return rv
- def get_placement(self):
- return self.child.get_placement()
-class LiveTile(Container):
- """
- :doc: disp_imagelike
- Tiles `child` until it fills the area allocated to this displayable.
- ::
- image bg tile = LiveTile("bg.png")
- """
- def __init__(self, child, style='tile', **properties):
- super(LiveTile, self).__init__(style=style, **properties)
- self.add(child)
- def render(self, width, height, st, at):
- cr = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, width, height, st, at)
- cw, ch = cr.get_size()
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height)
- width = int(width)
- height = int(height)
- cw = int(cw)
- ch = int(ch)
- for y in range(0, height, ch):
- for x in range(0, width, cw):
- rv.blit(cr, (x, y), focus=False)
- return rv