path: root/unrpyc/renpy/display/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 639 deletions
diff --git a/unrpyc/renpy/display/ b/unrpyc/renpy/display/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd529b..0000000
--- a/unrpyc/renpy/display/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,639 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2004-2013 Tom Rothamel <>
-# Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-# obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files
-# (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
-# including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
-# publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
-# and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
-# subject to the following conditions:
-# The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-# included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-import renpy.display
-class Screen(renpy.object.Object):
- """
- A screen is a collection of widgets that are displayed together.
- This class stores information about the screen.
- """
- def __init__(self,
- name,
- function,
- modal="False",
- zorder="0",
- tag=None,
- predict=None,
- variant=None,
- parameters=False):
- # The name of this screen.
- if isinstance(name, str):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- = name
- screens[name[0], variant] = self
- # The function that is called to display this screen.
- self.function = function
- # Expression: Are we modal? (A modal screen ignores screens under it.)
- self.modal = modal
- # Expression: Our zorder.
- self.zorder = zorder
- # The tag associated with the screen.
- self.tag = tag or name[0]
- # Can this screen be predicted?
- if predict is None:
- predict = renpy.config.predict_screens
- self.predict = predict
- # True if this screen takes parameters via _args and _kwargs.
- self.parameters = parameters
-class ScreenDisplayable(renpy.display.layout.Container):
- """
- A screen is a collection of widgets that are displayed together. This
- class is responsible for managing the display of a screen.
- """
- nosave = [ 'screen', 'child', 'transforms', 'widgets', 'old_widgets', 'old_transforms' ]
- restarting = False
- def after_setstate(self):
- self.screen = get_screen_variant(self.screen_name[0])
- self.child = None
- self.transforms = { }
- self.widgets = { }
- self.old_widgets = None
- self.old_transforms = None
- def __init__(self, screen, tag, layer, widget_properties={}, scope={}, **properties):
- super(ScreenDisplayable, self).__init__(**properties)
- # Stash the properties, so we can re-create the screen.
- = properties
- # The screen, and it's name. (The name is used to look up the
- # screen on save.)
- self.screen = screen
- self.screen_name =
- # The tag and layer screen was displayed with.
- self.tag = tag
- self.layer = layer
- # The scope associated with this statement. This is passed in
- # as keyword arguments to the displayable.
- self.scope = renpy.python.RevertableDict(scope)
- # The child associated with this screen.
- self.child = None
- # Widget properties given to this screen the last time it was
- # shown.
- self.widget_properties = widget_properties
- # A map from name to the widget with that name.
- self.widgets = { }
- if tag and layer:
- old_screen = get_screen(tag, layer)
- else:
- old_screen = None
- # A map from name to the transform with that name. (This is
- # taken from the old version of the screen, if it exists.
- if old_screen is not None:
- self.transforms = old_screen.transforms
- else:
- self.transforms = { }
- # What widgets and transforms were the last time this screen was
- # updated. Used to communicate with the ui module, and only
- # valid during an update - not used at other times.
- self.old_widgets = None
- self.old_transforms = None
- # Should we transfer data from the old_screen? This becomes
- # true once this screen finishes updating for the first time,
- # and also while we're using something.
- self.old_transfers = (old_screen and old_screen.screen_name == self.screen_name)
- # The current transform event, and the last transform event to
- # be processed.
- self.current_transform_event = None
- # A dict-set of widgets (by id) that have been hidden from us.
- self.hidden_widgets = { }
- # Are we hiding?
- self.hiding = False
- # Are we restarting?
- self.restarting = False
- # Modal and zorder.
- self.modal = renpy.python.py_eval(self.screen.modal, locals=self.scope)
- self.zorder = renpy.python.py_eval(self.screen.zorder, locals=self.scope)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<ScreenDisplayable: %r>" % (self.screen_name,)
- def visit(self):
- return [ self.child ]
- def per_interact(self):
- renpy.display.render.redraw(self, 0)
- self.update()
- def set_transform_event(self, event):
- super(ScreenDisplayable, self).set_transform_event(event)
- self.current_transform_event = event
- def find_focusable(self, callback, focus_name):
- if self.child and not self.hiding:
- self.child.find_focusable(callback, focus_name)
- def _hide(self, st, at, kind):
- if self.hiding:
- hid = self
- else:
- hid = ScreenDisplayable(self.screen, self.tag, self.layer, self.widget_properties, self.scope, **
- hid.transforms = self.transforms.copy()
- hid.widgets = self.widgets.copy()
- hid.old_transfers = True
- hid.hiding = True
- hid.current_transform_event = kind
- hid.update()
- renpy.display.render.redraw(hid, 0)
- rv = None
- # Compute the reverse of transforms and widgets.
- reverse_transforms = dict((id(v), k) for k, v in hid.transforms.items())
- reverse_widgets = dict((id(v), k) for k, v in hid.widgets.items())
- # Assumption: the only displayables that can keep us around
- # are Transforms that handle hide.
- # Iterate over our immediate children, trying to hide them.
- for d in list(hid.child.children):
- id_d = id(d)
- # If we have a transform, call its _hide method. If that comes
- # back non-None, store the new transform, and keep us alive.
- #
- # Otherwise, remove the child.
- name = reverse_transforms.get(id_d, None)
- if name is not None:
- c = d._hide(st, at, kind)
- if c is not None:
- hid.transforms[name] = c
- rv = hid
- else:
- hid.hidden_widgets[name] = True
- hid.child.remove(d)
- continue
- # Remove any non-transform children.
- name = reverse_widgets.get(id_d, None)
- if name is not None:
- hid.hidden_widgets[name] = True
- hid.child.remove(d)
- return rv
- def update(self):
- # If we're restarting, do not update - the update can use variables
- # that are no longer in scope.
- if self.restarting:
- if not self.child:
- self.child = renpy.display.layout.Null()
- return self.widgets
- # Update _current_screen
- global _current_screen
- old_screen = _current_screen
- _current_screen = self
- # Cycle widgets and transforms.
- self.old_widgets = self.widgets
- self.old_transforms = self.transforms
- self.widgets = { }
- self.transforms = { }
- # Render the child.
- old_ui_screen = renpy.ui.screen
- renpy.ui.screen = self
- renpy.ui.detached()
- self.child = renpy.ui.fixed(focus="_screen_" + "_".join(self.screen_name))
- self.children = [ self.child ]
- self.scope["_scope"] = self.scope
- self.scope["_name"] = 0
- self.screen.function(**self.scope)
- renpy.ui.close()
- renpy.ui.screen = old_ui_screen
- _current_screen = old_screen
- # Visit all the children, to get them started.
- self.child.visit_all(lambda c : c.per_interact())
- # Finish up.
- self.old_widgets = None
- self.old_transforms = None
- self.old_transfers = True
- if self.current_transform_event:
- for i in self.child.children:
- i.set_transform_event(self.current_transform_event)
- self.current_transform_event = None
- return self.widgets
- def render(self, w, h, st, at):
- if not self.child:
- self.update()
- child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at)
- rv = renpy.display.render.Render(w, h)
- rv.blit(child, (0, 0), focus=not self.hiding, main=not self.hiding)
- rv.modal = self.modal and not self.hiding
- return rv
- def get_placement(self):
- if not self.child:
- self.update()
- return self.child.get_placement()
- def event(self, ev, x, y, st):
- if self.hiding:
- return
- global _current_screen
- old_screen = _current_screen
- _current_screen = self
- rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
- _current_screen = old_screen
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- if self.modal:
- raise renpy.display.layout.IgnoreLayers()
-# The name of the screen that is currently being displayed, or
-# None if no screen is being currently displayed.
-_current_screen = None
-# A map from (screen_name, variant) tuples to screen.
-screens = { }
-def get_screen_variant(name):
- """
- Get a variant screen object for `name`.
- """
- for i in renpy.config.variants:
- rv = screens.get((name, i), None)
- if rv is not None:
- return rv
- return None
-def define_screen(*args, **kwargs):
- """
- :doc: screens
- :args: (name, function, modal="False", zorder="0", tag=None, variant=None)
- Defines a screen with `name`, which should be a string.
- `function`
- The function that is called to display the screen. The
- function is called with the screen scope as keyword
- arguments. It should ignore additional keyword arguments.
- The function should call the ui functions to add things to the
- screen.
- `modal`
- A string that, when evaluated, determines of the created
- screen should be modal. A modal screen prevents screens
- underneath it from receiving input events.
- `zorder`
- A string that, when evaluated, should be an integer. The integer
- controls the order in which screens are displayed. A screen
- with a greater zorder number is displayed above screens with a
- lesser zorder number.
- `tag`
- The tag associated with this screen. When the screen is shown,
- it replaces any other screen with the same tag. The tag
- defaults to the name of the screen.
- `predict`
- If true, this screen can be loaded for image prediction. If false,
- it can't. Defaults to true.
- `variant`
- String. Gives the variant of the screen to use.
- """
- Screen(*args, **kwargs)
-def get_screen(name, layer="screens"):
- """
- :doc: screens
- Returns the ScreenDisplayable with the given `tag`, on
- `layer`. If no displayable with the tag is not found, it is
- interpreted as screen name. If it's still not found, None is returned.
- """
- if isinstance(name, str):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- tag = name[0]
- sl = renpy.exports.scene_lists()
- sd = sl.get_displayable_by_tag(layer, tag)
- if sd is None:
- sd = sl.get_displayable_by_name(layer, name)
- return sd
-def has_screen(name):
- """
- Returns true if a screen with the given name exists.
- """
- if not isinstance(name, tuple):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- if not name:
- return False
- if get_screen_variant(name[0]):
- return True
- else:
- return False
-def show_screen(_screen_name, *_args, **kwargs):
- """
- :doc: screens
- The programmatic equivalent of the show screen statement.
- Shows the named screen. This takes the following keyword arguments:
- `_screen_name`
- The name of the screen to show.
- `_layer`
- The layer to show the screen on.
- `_tag`
- The tag to show the screen with. If not specified, defaults to
- the tag associated with the screen. It that's not specified,
- defaults to the name of the screen.,
- `_widget_properties`
- A map from the id of a widget to a property name -> property
- value map. When a widget with that id is shown by the screen,
- the specified properties are added to it.
- `_transient`
- If true, the screen will be automatically hidden at the end of
- the current interaction.
- Keyword arguments not beginning with underscore (_) are used to
- initialize the screen's scope.
- """
- _layer = kwargs.pop("_layer", "screens")
- _tag = kwargs.pop("_tag", None)
- _widget_properties = kwargs.pop("_widget_properties", {})
- _transient = kwargs.pop("_transient", False)
- name = _screen_name
- if not isinstance(name, tuple):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- screen = get_screen_variant(name[0])
- if screen is None:
- raise Exception("Screen %s is not known.\n" % (name[0],))
- if _tag is None:
- _tag = screen.tag
- scope = { }
- if screen.parameters:
- scope["_kwargs" ] = kwargs
- scope["_args"] = _args
- else:
- scope.update(kwargs)
- d = ScreenDisplayable(screen, _tag, _layer, _widget_properties, scope)
-, tag=_tag, what=d, layer=_layer, zorder=d.zorder, transient=_transient, munge_name=False)
-def predict_screen(_screen_name, *_args, **kwargs):
- """
- Predicts the displayables that make up the given screen.
- `_screen_name`
- The name of the screen to show.
- `_widget_properties`
- A map from the id of a widget to a property name -> property
- value map. When a widget with that id is shown by the screen,
- the specified properties are added to it.
- Keyword arguments not beginning with underscore (_) are used to
- initialize the screen's scope.
- """
- _widget_properties = kwargs.pop("_widget_properties", {})
- _scope = kwargs.pop
- kwargs["_kwargs" ] = kwargs.copy()
- kwargs["_args"] = _args
- name = _screen_name
- if renpy.config.debug_image_cache:
- renpy.display.ic_log.write("Predict screen %s", name)
- if not isinstance(name, tuple):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- screen = get_screen_variant(name[0])
- scope = { }
- if screen.parameters:
- scope["_kwargs" ] = kwargs
- scope["_args"] = _args
- else:
- scope.update(kwargs)
- try:
- if screen is None:
- raise Exception("Screen %s is not known.\n" % (name[0],))
- if not screen.predict:
- return
- d = ScreenDisplayable(screen, None, None, _widget_properties, scope)
- d.update()
- renpy.display.predict.displayable(d)
- except:
- if renpy.config.debug_image_cache:
- import traceback
- print("While predicting screen", screen)
- traceback.print_exc()
- renpy.ui.reset()
-def hide_screen(tag, layer='screens'):
- """
- :doc: screens
- The programmatic equivalent of the hide screen statement.
- Hides the screen with `tag` on `layer`.
- """
- screen = get_screen(tag, layer)
- if screen is not None:
- renpy.exports.hide(screen.tag, layer=layer)
-def use_screen(_screen_name, *_args, **kwargs):
- _name = kwargs.pop("_name", ())
- _scope = kwargs.pop("_scope", { })
- name = _screen_name
- if not isinstance(name, tuple):
- name = tuple(name.split())
- screen = get_screen_variant(name[0])
- if screen is None:
- raise Exception("Screen %r is not known." % name)
- old_transfers = _current_screen.old_transfers
- _current_screen.old_transfers = True
- scope = _scope.copy()
- if screen.parameters:
- scope["_kwargs"] = kwargs
- scope["_args"] = _args
- else:
- scope.update(kwargs)
- scope["_scope"] = scope
- scope["_name"] = (_name, name)
- screen.function(**scope)
- _current_screen.old_transfers = old_transfers
-def current_screen():
- return _current_screen
-def get_widget(screen, id, layer='screens'): #@ReservedAssignment
- """
- :doc: screens
- From the `screen` on `layer`, returns the widget with
- `id`. Returns None if the screen doesn't exist, or there is no
- widget with that id on the screen.
- """
- if screen is None:
- screen = current_screen()
- else:
- screen = get_screen(screen, layer)
- if not isinstance(screen, ScreenDisplayable):
- return None
- if screen.child is None:
- screen.update()
- rv = screen.widgets.get(id, None)
- return rv
-def before_restart():
- """
- This is called before Ren'Py restarts to put the screens into restart
- mode, which prevents crashes due to variables being used that are no
- longer defined.
- """
- for k, layer in renpy.display.interface.old_scene.items():
- if k is None:
- continue
- for i in layer.children:
- if isinstance(i, ScreenDisplayable):
- i.restarting = True